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本文(上海市徐汇区第一中心小学小学六年级小升初期末英语试卷(含答案).doc)为本站上传会员【a199****6536】主动上传,咨信网仅是提供信息存储空间和展示预览,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知咨信网(发送邮件至、拔打电话4008-655-100或【 微信客服】、【 QQ客服】),核实后会尽快下架及时删除,并可随时和客服了解处理情况,尊重保护知识产权我们共同努力。
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1、上海市徐汇区第一中心小学小学六年级小升初期末英语试卷(含答案)一、单项选择1My brother is 1.58m. I am 1.55m. I am _ than him. ()AyoungerBshorterCtaller2There were no _ in her time. ()AcomputersBcomputerChotel3My aunt is _ than my uncle. ()AyoungBso youngCyounger4Look! The sun is getting up. ()Oh, yes! The weather reporter also says it i

2、s _ today.AwindyBsnowyCsunny5Hed like _Hong Kong. ()AtravellingBtravelsCto travel6Youll find the Grand Canyon in _.Athe UKBthe USCAustralia7Donthurtthelittleanimals.Theyarevery . ()AstrongBweakClarge8Jackie Chan is my _ film star. ()AlikeBbestCfavouriteDgood9John _ kites in the park last night. He o

3、ften _ kites at weekends. ()Aflying; fliesBflew; fliesCfly; flew10You can find many _ in Aesops Fables. ()AChinese storiesBtoy storiesCanimal stories11Do you want _ juice? ()Yes, please.AanyBsomeCa12在句子“Please look at the blackboard.”中,哪两个单词可以进行连读?()APlease lookBlook atCthe blackboard13One day, a mo

4、use _ by and _ the lion up. ()Awalk; wokeBwalked; wokeCwalked; wake14I want _ a teacher. ()AbeBto beCam15Does Tom learn English _?()Yes, he often _ English books after dinner.Agood; readsBwell; readsCwell; looks二、用单词的适当形式填空16John _ (fall) off his bike and hurt his foot last Monday.17Did you _ (buy)

5、gifts last night?18Jane is _ than me. (thin)19My mother is _ (learn) Chinese now.20Peter likes swimming and _ (read) stories.21The boy fell off the bike and _ (hurt) his foot.22Which season do you like _ (well), spring or summer?23I like the _ (one) bird. Its beautiful.24Jane _ (get) up at 7: 30 a.m

6、. every day, so she is always late for school.25My mother _ (cook) many delicious food yesterday.26My brother is _ (thin) than me.27Many children dont care about their _ (tooth).28Please speak _ (quiet) in the library.29Look! The girls _ (have) a rest under a tree now. 30Helen _ (catch) a big fish l

7、ast Sunday morning.三、完成句子3ustralia is a beautiful c_. You can find many interesting things there.32People in Australia _ (欢迎游客).3obby will go to _ (烹饪) school next year.34To _ _ (保持安全) on the road, you mustnt run the red light.35Students can learn how to c_ nice food in the cooking food.36Sarah ofte

8、n _ (watch) TV with her family on the weekend.37Chen Jie _ (打扫) her room last night.38Yesterday was an exciting day. I _ with Mike in the nature park. (拍照片)39A cheetah can run faster t_ a rabbit.40Last Saturday, Sarah v_ her grandparents.四、完形填空 “Where is the university?” This is a question that many

9、 visitors to Cambri-dge(剑桥)ask. But no one can give them a _41_ answer, for there is no wall to be found _42_ the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, _43_, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and_44_

10、of the thirty-one colleges(学院).Cambridge was already a_45_ town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once _46_ the Cam. A _47_ was built over the river as early as 875, so the town got its name Cambridge.In the fourteent

11、h and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much _48_ in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 145、Cambridge became a _49_in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,浩瀚000、 Many young students in other countries_50_to study at C

12、ambridge. 41、AtrueBclearCrightDwrong42、AaroundBinCnearDabout43、AcinemasBlibrariesCzoosDparks44、AparentsBfarmersCteachersDdoctors45、AinterestingBoldCnewDusual46、AsaidBcalledCspokenDtalked47、AbridgeBbuildingCstationDhouse48、AsmallerBslowerCslowlyDfaster49、AcityBcollegeCcountryDvillage50、AstopBhateChop

13、eDdislike五、阅读判断阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。 George is a little monkey. He lives in a forest(森林). He likes jumping and climbing trees. He is happy every day. But he has a shortcoming. He is too curious. One day an old man goes by the forest. He carries a lot of straw hats(草帽). George sees the man, and the man se

14、es George, too. The man says to himself, “What a lovely monkey! I will catch him. I will take him home. The man sits down and thinks over(考虑). George sees and also sits down. The man has an idea. He puts a hat on his head, and puts other hats on the ground. Then he pretends (假装)to sleep. George is c

15、urious and looks at the hats. “I will be nice if I put a hat on my head,” George thinks. Then he climbs down from the tree, picks up a hat and puts it on. The hat is too big, and covers Georges eyes.George cant see. And the man gets up at once, runs out and catches him quickly. Poor George!51、George

16、 is a happy monkey in a forest.( )52、An old man goes by the forest with many strawberries.( )53、The old man likes George, so he wants to catch him.( )54、Poor George is caught because he is too old.( )55、The word “shortcoming” means “缺点”.( )六、阅读理解Once(从前)a man stole one of Washingtons horses. Washing

17、ton went with a policeman to get back the horse. But the man didnt give the horse to Washington. He said it was his horse. Washington put his hands on the eyes of the horse and said to the man, “If(如果)this is your horse, you must tell us in which eye he is blind(瞎的).” “In the right eye!” the man sai

18、d. Washington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the policeman that the horse was not blind. “Oh, I made a mistake(弄错了),” said the man. “He is blind in the left eye.” Washington then took his hand from the left eye of the horse. It was not blind in the left eye, either. “I made

19、 another mistake,” said the man. “Yes,” said the policeman, “ and you know the horse is not yours. You must give it back to Washington.”56、Washington went to get back the horse with _. ()Aa policemanBa womanChis sonDhis father57、Washington put his _ on the horses eyes. ()Aone handBtwo handsCone foot

20、Dtwo feet58、The horse was _. ()Ablind in left eyeBblind in right eyeCblind in two eyesDnot blind59、The horse was _. ()Athe othersBWashingtonsCthe policemansDthe thiefs60、What do you think of the man? ()AKind.BWarm-hearted.CFoolish.DClever.【参考答案】一、单项选择解析:B【详解】句意:我哥哥1.58米。我1.55米。我比他_。本题考查形容词的辨析。A较年轻的,

21、B较矮的,C较高的,根据句意可知B选项符合。故选B。解析:A【详解】句意:在她的时代没有_。A电脑,可数名词复数。B电脑,可数名词单数。C旅馆,可数名词单数。根据句意可知,该句是there be句型,be动词用were,名词要用复数形式,故选A。解析:C【详解】句意:我的姑姑比我的叔叔_。A年轻的,形容词原级;B如此年轻;C较年轻的,形容词的比较级。根据句子中的“than”可知此处用形容词的比较级,故选C。解析:C【详解】句意:看!太阳正在升起。哦,是的!天气预报说今天是晴朗的。A有风的;B下雪的;C晴朗的;根据句意可知C符合语境,故选C。解析:C【详解】略解析:B【详解】略7B解析:B【详解

22、】句意:不要伤害小动物,它们是如此的虚弱。8C解析:C【详解】略9B解析:B【详解】句意:约翰昨晚在公园里放风筝。他经常在周末放风筝。flying现在分词或者动名词,flies第三人称单数形式,flew动词过去式,fly动词原形。第一句中根据last night可知句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式;第二句根据often可知句子是一般现在时,主语He是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,所以B选项符合题意,故选B。10C解析:C【详解】句意:你可以在伊索寓言中找到许多_。A中国故事,B玩具故事,C动物故事。伊索寓言中有不少动物故事,故选C。1解析:B【详解】句意:你想要果汁吗?是的,请。

23、juice是不可数名词,故C选项排除,some用于肯定句中,any用于疑问句或否定句中,若用于疑问句,表示期待肯定回答、请求或建议用some代any。故选B。1解析:B【详解】英语连读规则为:相邻的词中,前一个词的末尾是辅音,后一个词的开头是元音时,辅音和元音可以连读;词末辅音可以和词首元音连读。B选项中look是以辅音结尾,at是以原因开头,可以连读,故选B。【点睛】1解析:B【详解】句意:有一天,一只老鼠走过,惊醒了狮子。该句时态为一般过去时,walk的过去式为walked,walk by意为路过。wake的过去式为woke,wake up意为醒来。故选B。1解析:B【详解】句意:我想要成

24、为一名老师。根据题意,可知want to do sth想要做某事,want to be a teacher想要成为一名老师,B选项符合,故选B。【点睛】1解析:B【详解】句意:汤姆英语学得_吗?是的,他经常在晚饭后_英语书。第一空修饰实意动词learn用副词well,第二空句子是一般现在时态,主语三单,故谓语动词也用单数第三人称reads,故选B。【点睛】二、用单词的适当形式填空16fell【详解】句意:上周一约翰从自行车上掉下来并且伤到他的脚。此题考查动词过去式,last Monday是一般过去时的标志词,fall的过去式是fell,故答案为fell。17D解析:buy【详解】句意:昨晚你买


26、read也用第三人称单数形式,故答案为reads。21hurt【详解】句意:那男孩从自行车上摔下来,伤了脚。and连接两个动词,时态一致,fell是过去式,hurt也用过去式,hurt的过去式还是hurt,故答案为hurt。2etter【详解】句意:哪一个季节你更喜欢,春天还是夏天?根据句意可知该空填well的比较级better,故答案为better。23first【详解】句意:我喜欢_鸟。它是漂亮的。根据句意可知该空用序数词表示顺序,one的序数词是first,故答案为first。24gets【详解】句意:珍每天上午7: 30起床,所以她上学总迟到。get up起床,根据时间every da


28、解】句意:请在图书馆里轻声说话。修饰动词用副词,quiet的副词是quietly,故答案为quietly。29are having【详解】句意:看!女孩们现在在树下休息。Look!和now是现在进行时be doing的标志词,主语The girls是复数,be动词用are,have的现在分词是having,故答案为are having。30caught【详解】句意:上个周日上午海伦钓了一条大鱼。动词应该用过去式钓caught。故答案为caught。三、完成句子3ountry#ountry【详解】句意:澳大利亚是一个美丽的_。你可以在那里找到许多有趣的东西。根据常识可知澳大利亚是一个国家,故答案

29、为country/ountry。32welcome visitors【详解】句意:澳大利亚人欢迎游客。欢迎游客welcome visitor,句子是一般现在时,主语People是第三人称复数,后面的动词用原形,故答案为welcome visitors。3ooking【详解】句意:鲍比明年将去烹饪学校。该空考查名词词组cooking school烹饪学校,该空应填cooking。故答案为cooking。34 keep safe【详解】句意:为了在路上保持安全,你不能闯红灯。保持安全keep safe,本题考查动词不定式表目的,故答案为keep,safe。3ook#ook【详解】句意:学生可以在烹

30、饪食物中学习如何烹饪美味的食物。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词cook烹饪,how to+动词原形,故答案为cook。36watches【详解】句意:莎拉在周末经常和她的家人看电视。本题考查动词的第三人称单数形式。句子是一般现在时态,句子主语Sarah是第三人称单数,动词watch要用第三人称单数形式watches,故答案为watches。37cleaned【详解】句意:昨天晚上陈洁打扫了她的房间。打扫clean,根据时间last night可知该句是一般过去时,故谓语动词用过去式,clean的过去式为cleaned,故答案为cleaned。38took pictures【详解】句意:昨天是令

31、人兴奋的一天。我和迈克在自然公园拍照片。拍照片用动词短语take pictures表示,根据Yesterday,可知句子为一般过去时态,动词用过去式took。故答案为took pictures。【点睛】39than#han【详解】句意:猎豹比兔子跑得快。此题考查连词than比,故答案为than。40visited#isited【详解】句意:上星期天,萨拉拜访她的祖父母了。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词visit拜访,根据Last Sunday,可知句子是一般过去时,visit用过去式visited,故答案为visited。四、完形填空解析:41、B42、A43、B44、C45、D46、B47、

32、A48、D49、A50、C【解析】41、略42、略43、略44、略45、略46、略47、略48、略49、略50、略五、阅读判断42F解析:51、T52、F53、T54、F55、T六、阅读理解解析:56、A57、B58、D59、B60、C【解析】56、句意:华盛顿和_去把马牵回来了。根据文中句子Washington went with a policeman to get back the horse.可知华盛顿和一个警察去把马牵回来了,故选A。57、句意:华盛顿把他的_放在马的眼睛上。根据文中句子Washington put his hands on the eyes of the horse

33、 and said to the man可知华盛顿把他的两只手放在马的眼睛上,故选B。58、句意:那匹马是_。根据文中句子Washington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the policeman that the horse was not blind. 和It was not blind in the left eye, either. 华盛顿把他的手从马的右眼移开,向警察表明马没有瞎。左眼也没有失明。可知马的左眼和右眼都不是瞎的,故选D。59、句意:那匹马是_。根据文中句子and you know the horse is not yours. You must give it back to Washington.“这匹马不是你的。你必须把它还给华盛顿。”可知那匹马是华盛顿的,故选B。60、句意:你觉得那个人怎么样?A. Kind.善良;B. Warm-hearted.热心;C. Foolish.愚蠢;D. Clever.聪明。阅读短文可知那个人是愚蠢的,故选C。


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