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1、副词副词 AdverbBy Sunny.一、定义一、定义用来说明事情发生的时间、地点、原因、方式等含义或说明其它形容词或副词程度的词叫做副词。.二、分类二、分类.二、分类二、分类.三、构成三、构成(1)一般是在形容词之直接加)一般是在形容词之直接加-ly:real_;sad_;certain_;(2)形形容容词词以以辅辅音音字字母母结结尾尾加加y 结结尾尾的的变变y为为i,再再加加-ly:hungry_ ;angry_;easy_really sadly certainlyhungrily angrily easily.(3)以以e结尾的直接加结尾的直接加-ly:wide_;safe_(tru

2、ly除外除外*)(4)以以e结尾的去结尾的去e加加y:possible_;gentle_;(5)形容词和副词同形的形容词和副词同形的:快的快的/地地_;早的早的/地地_;晚的晚的/地地_widely safelypossibly gentlyfastearlylate.-ly副词的用法副词的用法1.Please listen to me carefully.副词用来修饰副词用来修饰动词动词,形容词形容词或或副词副词。2.She is a very good girl.在这里在这里very是副词,放在形容词是副词,放在形容词good前面,修饰形容前面,修饰形容词词.3.She listens t

3、o me very carefully.这里这里very放在副词放在副词carefully前,起到修饰副词的作用。前,起到修饰副词的作用。.“hardhard”到底是到底是形容词形容词还是还是副词副词?一一.hard是形容词。是形容词。1.困难的困难的(相当于(相当于difficult)That question is very hard/difficult,I dont know how to answer it.(那道题很那道题很难难,我不知道怎么解答,我不知道怎么解答)2.坚硬的。坚硬的。The stone is very hard.这块石头很这块石头很硬硬。二二.hard是副词。修饰动

4、作。(努力地,勤奋地)是副词。修饰动作。(努力地,勤奋地)The students all study hard.(努力地学习努力地学习)My parents both work hard.(努力地工作努力地工作).hardly 与与 hard 有什么关系?有什么关系?hardly 几乎不(表示否定)几乎不(表示否定)Peter is very lazy,he hardly gets up early in the morning.Peter很懒,很懒,他早上他早上几乎从不几乎从不早起。早起。.1.good只能用作形容词只能用作形容词.He is a good student.I am goo

5、d at English.2.well 副词,形容词都可以。副词,形容词都可以。well 副词:副词:He did his homework well.well 形容词形容词:人的人的身体健康状况身体健康状况良好良好good 和和 well 的区别:的区别:.1.The scientist felt _ when he saw so many people cheering his success.A.happy B.happily C.angrily D.angry2.I havent seen her for a long time.I can _ remember her mane.A.

6、nearly B.almost C.hardly D.quite3.The light music sounds very _.I enjoy it very much.A.beautiful B.well C.boring D.wonderfully4.Nowadays,more and more people do enough exercise to keep their _ well.A.healthy C.unhealthy D.healthily5.The children are looking at these lovely dogs.A.happy B.ha

7、ppily C.happiness D.happier6.The old woman cant see the message on the mobile phone_.A.clear enough B.enough clear C.clearly enough D.enough clearly.7.Is there _ to discuss at the class meeting?A.something important B.anything important C.important something D.important anything8.The newly built dor

8、mitory building is about _.A.120 meters high B.120-meter-high C.120-metres-high D.120-metre high9.Last week he promised to do the work at once,But he _ hasnt done it.A.yet B.already C.still D.ever10 Chinese food is quite_American food.A.different from B.the same as C.similar to D.different to.1.Dogs

9、 can help blind people walk across the street _.(safe)2.The girl was so _ that she hid herself behind the door.(frighten)3._,we werent caught in the heavy rain last night.(luck)4.The doctor is used to speaking to his patients _.(gentle)5.With the help of science and technology,we can get some _ prog

10、rams from the Internet.(education)6.The sick man is getting_.Wed better send him to the hospital at once.(ill)7.-What a _ day!Lets go for a picnic,shall we?-Good idea!(please)8.You must read _ so as to learn more.(wide)safelyfrightenedLuckilygentlyeducationalworsewidelypleasant.1.Many experts think

11、pigs are _ to train than dogs or cats.A.easier B.much easy C.more easily D.too easy2.An underground train doesnt run as _ as a maglev(磁悬浮列磁悬浮列车车).A.faster C.fastest D.much faster3.James Watt was one of _ scientists at that time.A.great B.greater C.greatest D.the greatest4.Of the two pairs of

12、jeans,I chose _ one because I hadnt enough money on me.A.expensive B.more expensive C.less expensive D.the most expensive5.The Mars is far _ to us than the Pluto(冥王星冥王星).We wish we could live on it one day.A.close B.closer C.closest D.the closest6.Mr.Smith thought the Century Park was the second _ i

13、n Shanghai.A.large B.larger C.largestD.very large.7.All of us are proud of the great changes in Shanghai.Were sure Shanghai will be even _ tomorrow.A.goodB.betterC.bestD.the best8.Which is _,cotton,wood or iron?A.heavierB.heaviestC.the heaviestD.the most heavily9.In my opinion,Tim doesnt write Engli

14、sh _ his clear as clear as C.more clearly as clearly as10.Remember,_ you work,_ result you will get.A.the better/the harder B.the harder/the better C.the more/the better D.the harder/the more good 11.We are too tired and hungry.So our steps are getting _.A.slow and slowerB.slow

15、er and slowest C.slower and slower D.more and more slowly 12.We must finish cleaning the office soon as possible quickly as soon possible as soon soon as possibly.1.Jane says that music isnt as interesting as art.Jane says that music is _ interesting _rt.2.Sam is taller than an

16、y other student in his class.Sam is _ _ student in his class.3.Robert is so short that he cant yet reach the pears on the table.Robert is _ _ to reach the pears on the table.4.Mr.Black is so strong that he can move this heavy box.Mr.Black is _ _ to move this heavy box.感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络,感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!


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