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1、By Zhong Aihua from Qiaosi middle schoolEnglish writing skills What do you usually do on What do you usually do on weekends?weekends?I usually I usually DISCUSSION:What words or phrases can you think of when you see the word“Internet”?download search for latest newsfast convenientwatchgamesE-mailsen

2、dinformationInternet Steps towards writing a good paragraphStep 1 Make sentences using the words or phrasesdownload search for latest newsfast convenientwatchgamesE-mailsendinformationInternet 1.With the Internet,we can get the latest news.2.The Internet is fast and convenient.3.We can find and down

3、load information that we need.5.We can play games on it.4.We can send some emails to our friends.Sentences we possibly write:Steps towards writing a good paragraphStep 2 How to change it into a well-organized Step 2 How to change it into a well-organized paragraphparagraphThe structure of a composit

4、ionTopic sentenceSupporting detailsReason 1Reason 2 Reason 3ConclusionFind the topic sentence in the paragraph I listen to music while driving to work.I listen to music when Im thinking.I listen to music when Im happy.Even when Im sad,I listen to music,too.I cant live without music.Music plays an im

5、portant part in my life.Music plays an important part in my life.Write a topic sentence for the report.A big problemn n90%of the citys rivers are polluted.n nThe air in the city is getting dirtier.n nNoise is becoming a big headache for people.Pollution is becoming a serious problem in the city.1.Wi

6、th the Internet,we can get the latest news.2.The Internet is fast and convenient.3.We can find and download information that we need.5.We can play games on it.4.We can send some emails to our friends.Write these sentences into a paragraphWrite a topic sentence for the paragraphn nWith the Internet,w

7、e can get the latest news.The Internet is fast and convenient.We can find and download information that we need.We can send emails to friends.We can play games on it.n The Internet plays an important part in our life./The Internet is very useful in our life.Conclusion:We cant live without the Intern

8、et.How to write a good paragraphNowadays the Internet plays an important part in our life.With the Internet,we can get the latest news.It is fast and convenient.We can find and download information that we need.We can send emails to friends.We can play games on it.We cant live without the Internet.C

9、onnect the sentences with link words to introduce supporting points:First(Firstly),First(Firstly),Second(Secondly),Second(Secondly),Third(Thirdly),Third(Thirdly),First of all,First of all,Also(In addition),Also(In addition),Finally,Finally,However,However,Add link words to the following paragraph.1.

10、Of all the ways of traveling,I like traveling by train best._,I neednt worry about traffic crowd._,the trains are fast and comfortable.You can use the time in different ways.You can just sit and read something,or you can enjoy the scenery out of the window._,you can have a meal in the dining car or

11、go to sleep in the sleeping car.FirstFirstSecondSecondThirdThirdFill in the blanks with link words2.School uniform rule has its advantages._,we dont have to spend time thinking about what to wear every day._ ,we dont need to worry about competing with others based on how we look._,it has some disadv

12、antages.Our personality cant be shown if we wear the same clothes every day_,sometimes the uniform style is old-fashioned.First of allFirst of allAlso/In additionAlso/In additionHoweverHoweverWhats moreWhats moreConclusion wordsIn my opinion,In a word,In short,Generally speaking,Add link words or ph

13、rases to make the supporting details better-organized:Nowadays the Internet plays an important part in our life.With the Internet,we can get the latest news.It is fast and convenient.We can find and download information that we need.We can send emails to friends.We can play games on it.We cant live

14、without the Internet.My Opinions about the Internet Nowadays the Internet plays an important part in our life.It is not only fast but convenient as well.We can do many things with the Internet.First of all,we can get the latest news.Secondly,We can find and download information that we need.Whats mo

15、re,we can send emails to friends.We can even play games on it.In a word,we cant live without the Internet.(70words)n nBodyBody n nConclusion/Opinion Topic sentence Supporting details Right Link wordsand sentence patternsA good compositionof “giving opinion”n ntitleSummary中考模拟作文现在很多同学喜欢上网,但是老师对学生上网观点

16、不一,请谈现在很多同学喜欢上网,但是老师对学生上网观点不一,请谈谈你对学生上网的观点。谈你对学生上网的观点。TeachersOpinionReasonssomeagreemake friends,be good for studyothersdisagreewaste time,lose oneself in gamesIRecently Ive had a discussion with my parents about whether it is necessary for middle school students to go to training classes or have t

17、utors on weekends.Recently Ive had a discussion with my parents about whether it is necessary for middle school students to go to training classes or have tutors on weekends.写作注意的几个问题:写作注意的几个问题:尽量使用简单句,要牢记尽量使用简单句,要牢记尽量使用简单句,要牢记尽量使用简单句,要牢记“避繁就简避繁就简避繁就简避繁就简”原则,不原则,不原则,不原则,不要出现单词拼写和语法错误。要出现单词拼写


19、d,so,or,but,and,so,or,but,and,so,or,but,Whats more;Whats worse,not onlybut Whats more;Whats worse,not onlybut Whats more;Whats worse,not onlybut Whats more;Whats worse,not onlybut also,neithernor also,neithernor also,neithernor also,neithernor 等。等。等。等。字体一定要工整漂亮。字体一定要工整漂亮。字体一定要工整漂亮。字体一定要工整漂亮。Homework 假如你叫李明,上周你们班同学就假如你叫李明,上周你们班同学就“毕业前我们应该为学校做些什么?毕业前我们应该为学校做些什么?”为话题进行了热烈的讨论。请你根据下表提示,将同学们的建议用英语为话题进行了热烈的讨论。请你根据下表提示,将同学们的建议用英语写一封信,告诉你的笔友写一封信,告诉你的笔友DavidDavid,并谈谈你自己的想法及理由。,并谈谈你自己的想法及理由。StudentsOpinionReasonssomeBuy make friends,be good for studyotherswaste time,lose oneself in gamesI

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