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1、东台市富东镇小学王恒进牛津小学英语牛津小学英语 5AUNIT 9 ShapesA Read and sayA Read and sayB Look,read and learnB Look,read and learnC Ask and answerC Ask and answerD Look and sayD Look and sayF Draw and sayF Draw and sayE Read and actE Read and actG Listen and repeatG Listen and repeatH Say a rhymeH Say a rhymeThis is an

2、Art lesson.Miss Li is teaching her students about shapes.The students are learning how to draw them.Miss Li:Look at the blackboard,please.A boy is flying a kite.What shape is the kite,Mike?Mike:Its a square.Miss Li:Thats right.The boy has a bag.What shape is it?Is it a square,too,Nancy?Nancy:No.Its

3、a rectangle.Miss Li:Good.Miss Li:How many circles can you see?Liu Tao:I can see five circles.Miss Li:Yes.Its a kite,too!Can you draw a circle,Liu Tao?Liu Tao:Yes,I can.Miss Li:Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it.Liu Tao:This is the sun.Miss Li:Good.The sun is a circle.What shape is the m

4、oon,Mike?Mike:Its a circle,too.a circlea squarea diamonda rectanglea trianglea starWhat shape is it?Its aanPlay a gametriangleWhat is missing?rectanglecirclestarWhat is missing?What shape is the sun?Its a circle.What shape is the What shape is the?Its a Its a .biscuit biscuit rectanglerectangleIts a

5、 Its a .triangletriangleWhat shape is theWhat shape is the?sandwichsandwich What shape is theWhat shape is the?Its a Its a .ball ball circlecircleWhat shape is theWhat shape is the?Its a Its a .toweltowel squaresquareWhat shape is theWhat shape is the?Its a Its a .pencil sharpenerpencil sharpener st

6、arstarWhat shape is the What shape is the?Its a Its a .picturepicture diamonddiamond123546Show us how to make a cake.BACKNEXTShow us how to do the puzzle.BACKNEXTShow us how to cook rice.BACKNEXTShow us how to open the pin.BACKNEXTShow us how to make a model plane.BACKNEXTShow us how to play the gui

7、tar.BACKNEXTA:Lets buy a New Year card for our grandparents.A:Lets buy a New Year card for our grandparents.B:Why dont we make one?B:Why dont we make one?A:Good idea.But I dont know how to make a card.A:Good idea.But I dont know how to make a card.B:Let me show you how to do it.Draw some trees and s

8、tars B:Let me show you how to do it.Draw some trees and stars on the paper first.on the paper first.A:And then write Happy New Year!on it.A:And then write Happy New Year!on it.B:Dont forget to write Dear Grandma and Grandpa.B:Dont forget to write Dear Grandma and Grandpa.A:All right.A:All right.Draw a house.Use only rectangles,squares,triangles and circles.Twinkle,twinkle,little starTwinkle,twinkle,little star,How I wonder what you are,Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky,Twinkle,twinkle,little star,How I wonder what you are.THANKS!

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