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1、Unit 2 Looking DifferentTopic 1 I have a small nose.Section BSpeak out parts of the body.handearhairheadfaceeyenosemoutharmlegfoot(feet)Parts of the bodyadjectivesheadbig,smallhairlong,shortfacelong,round eyesbig,smallearsbig,smallnosebig,smallmouthbig,wide,smallThe words that we can use to describe

2、 the appearances of different people.small eyesbig eyeslong hairshort hairround face long facewide mouthsmall mouth has:第三人称单数(:第三人称单数(he,she,it,Maria)。have:用于主语为用于主语为I,you和所有人称复数。和所有人称复数。has/have 用法小结用法小结has跟着他(她它)跟着他(她它)remember把下列短语或句子翻译成英语把下列短语或句子翻译成英语.1.大眼睛大眼睛 2.小嘴巴小嘴巴3.短头发短头发 4.长鼻子长鼻子5.我有一张大嘴我

3、有一张大嘴.6.你有一张圆圆的脸。你有一张圆圆的脸。7.她有长长的头发。她有长长的头发。big eyessmall mouthshort hairlong noseI have a wide mouth.You have a round face.She has long hair.Does he have a wide mouth?He has a wide mouth.small eyesbig eyeslong hairshort hairround face long facewide mouthsmall mouthDoes he have a big nose?Yes,he doe

4、s.Does he have a small nose?No,he doesnt.He has a big nose.1.Who is your favorite movie star?谁是你最喜爱的明星?谁是你最喜爱的明星?(1 1)这是一个由)这是一个由Who 引导的特殊疑引导的特殊疑问句。问句。Who是特殊疑问词,全句用降是特殊疑问词,全句用降调朗读,回答时要根据问句的需要作调朗读,回答时要根据问句的需要作出具体的回答,不能用出具体的回答,不能用yes,no。如:如:Who is your favorite movie star?My favorite movie star is Jac

5、kie.(1)充当形容词的)充当形容词的favorite,意为,意为“特特 别喜爱的别喜爱的”,修饰名词。,修饰名词。My favorite color is blue.充当名词的充当名词的favorite,意为,意为“特别特别 喜爱的人或物喜爱的人或物”。2.He is Chinese.他是中国人。他是中国人。Chinese这个单词不论在句首、句中、这个单词不论在句首、句中、句尾,其首字母都要大写。句尾,其首字母都要大写。Chinese作作 可数名词,单数、复数形式相同,意可数名词,单数、复数形式相同,意 思分别为思分别为“中国人中国人”。如:如:Im a Chinese.我是中国人。我是中

6、国人。They are Chinese.他们是中国人。他们是中国人。1.I _ a big nose.You _ small ears.2.He _ a round face.Kangkang _ a wide mouth.用用have或或has填空。填空。havehavehashas3.It _ three eyes.The cat(猫猫)_ four legs.5.Amy and Mike _ big eyes.hashashave火眼金睛 1.I has long hair.2.She have a book.3.They has four apple.4.He has small ea

7、r.5.Jim have a big nose.6.You has a round face.7.Do she has a big head?8.Does you have a small mouth?火眼金睛 1.I have long hair.2.She has a book.3.They has four apples.4.He has small ears.5.Jim has a big nose.6.You have a round face.7.Does she have a big head?8.Do you have a small mouth?Describe a person we all know in group of four,then the other students guess who he/she is.四人一组描述一位大四人一组描述一位大家都认识的人(可以是同学、朋友、老师、明星等),家都认识的人(可以是同学、朋友、老师、明星等),然后其他同学猜猜他然后其他同学猜猜他/她是谁!她是谁!Game:I have a friend.He/She has a _ face,_ eyes,_ ears,a _ nose and a _ mouth.He/She has _ hair.Who is he/she?

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