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1、Section A 1a-2cUnit 3I used to be afraid of the dark.1.学会学会用用used to来来描述自己和他人在外描述自己和他人在外貌、性格、爱好等方面的变化貌、性格、爱好等方面的变化以及以及过去过去经常而现在已不存在的习惯或状态。经常而现在已不存在的习惯或状态。2.通过听力训练通过听力训练,巩固巩固used to be和和used to do的用法的用法.前置作业反馈前置作业反馈你能猜出他你能猜出他/她是哪位明星小时候她是哪位明星小时候的照片吗?的照片吗?Past Now I had short hair when I was a little g

2、irl,but I have long hair now.I used to have short hair,but now I have long hair.VSMy daughter My daughter waswas quietquiet when she when she was was a a three-month baby,but she is outgoing now.three-month baby,but she is outgoing now.She used to be quiet,but now she is outgoing.VSHe used to be ugl

3、y,but now he wears contact lenses.隐形眼镜隐形眼镜He was ugly when he was a student,but now he is good-looking.VSHe used to be shy,but now he is really cool.He was shy when he was a child,but now he is really cool.VSI went to work by bike last year,but now I go to work by car.I used to go to work by bike,bu

4、t now I go to work by car.Past Now VSI used to go to work by bike,but now I go to work by car.VSA:Did you use to?B:Yes,I did./No,I didnt.My daughter used to like playing balls,but now she likes going out to play.Past NowVSA:Did she?B:Yes,.A:He used to play toys,didnt he?B:Yes,he did.VSA:He used to,_

5、?B:.Pair workA:He used to ,_?B:Yes,/No,Pair workA:He used to ,_?B:Yes,/No,Pair workused to be+adj(形容词形容词)过去曾经过去曾经(现在不这样了现在不这样了)used to do(动词原形动词原形)过去经常过去经常;以前常常以前常常(后接不定式后接不定式.表示过去的习惯表示过去的习惯)用法一用法一用法二用法二没有没有_的变化的变化人称人称各种句型的转换各种句型的转换used to used to 各种句型的转换各种句型的转换Yes,he did./No,he didnt.She didnt use

6、to walk to school.否定句否定句否定形式否定形式:didnt use to do疑问句形式疑问句形式:Diduse to do?一般疑问句一般疑问句She used to walk to school.Did he use to have straight hair?反意疑问句反意疑问句2.They used to get on well with each other.didnt?1.He used to be late for school.He used to be late for school,didnt he?They used to get on well wit

7、h each other,didnt they?你能找出更多的关于你能找出更多的关于use的词组吗?的词组吗?知识拓展知识拓展Can you make your own sentences?学案练习二学案练习二趁热打铁趁热打铁(二)(二)1.I used to be shy and quiet.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)_ you _ to be shy and quiet?2.He used to wear old jeans.(改为否定句改为否定句)He _ _ to wear old jeans.3.Lily used to be funny.(反意疑问句反意疑问句)Lily us

8、ed to be funny,_ _?(三)(三)中考链接中考链接选择填空:选择填空:Do you like playing computer games?No,but I _.(2009山东威海山东威海)A.used to B.didnt C.do D.dontDidusedidntuse didnt sheABobMarioTinaAmy(1b:P17)Listening Listen and fill in the blanks.(1b)1.Mario used to be _.He used to wear _.2.Amy used to be _.She used to have _

9、.3.Tina used to have _ and _ hair.glassestallshort hairredcurlyshortListen and check()the words you hear.(2a)_ shy _ serious _ friendly _ funny _ outgoing _ quiet2aListen again.Fill in the blanks with the words you hear.(2b)Girl:Hey,Steve!Over there!Dont you remember me?Boy:Oh,wow!Youre Paula,arent

10、you?Girl:Thats right.Boy:But you used to be really _,didnt you?quietGirl:Yeah.I wasnt very _.Boy:No,you werent.But you were always _.Wait a minute!Did you use to play the piano?Girl:Yes,I did.But now Im more interested in _.I play soccer and Im on the swim team.Boy:Wow!People sure change.outgoingfri

11、endlysportsLanguage PointsShare your ideasA:What did you use to look like?B:I used to be heavy and quiet.How about you?C:I used to be outgoing,what did you use to like?D:I used to be interested in playing soccer.We made a survey about the changes and we foundchanged most.Zhang Shaoru used to be thin

12、,but now he is a little heavy.And XXX used to Think about your past and now,then write it.“我变了我变了”ElementsPast Now Hair Height Build personalityHobbyEg:People sure change!Ive changed a lot.I used to but now I 1.used to 的各种句型的各种句型 I used to be short.You used to have long hair,didnt you?Did you use to

13、 have straight hair?Yes,I did./No,I didnt.2.学会了用学会了用 used to 谈论自己、他人的外貌、谈论自己、他人的外貌、性格、爱好性格、爱好.41065729138Choose (2 marks)1.Sweety used to _ a good time at school.A.be B.was C.have D.hasCMark 过去怕老师过去怕老师 汉译英汉译英 (4 marks)Mark used to be afraid of the teachers汉译英汉译英 (5 marks)我的朋友们变化很大我的朋友们变化很大My friends

14、 _.have changed a lot Choose(2 marks)I _the bad weather here.A.didusedto B.didusetoC.am used to D.usedtoC习惯于习惯于翻译短语:翻译短语:(4 marks)1.几天几天 _a couple of days/a few daysUse one sentence we have learned in class to describe her in the picture.(5 marks)_She used to have long curly brown hair.The little gi

15、rl usually read books in the sun last year.=The little girl _ _ read books in the sun.used to 句型转换:句型转换:(4 marks)翻译翻译(5 marks)我叔叔过去是个语文老师我叔叔过去是个语文老师 _.My uncle used to be a Chinese teacher英译汉英译汉(3 marks)I havent seen you for four years.我已经四年没见过你了我已经四年没见过你了.wear contact lenses戴隐形眼镜戴隐形眼镜短语英译汉:短语英译汉:(2 marks)Dont judge a person by his appearance永远不要以貌取人永远不要以貌取人Put the following sentences into English:1.Mario过去总是很矮。过去总是很矮。2.Amy过去性格外向。过去性格外向。3.Tina过去有一头直的长头发。过去有一头直的长头发。4.他过去常穿黑鞋。他过去常穿黑鞋。5.你过去常游泳你过去常游泳,是吗是吗?

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