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1、9AU3 HEAD TO HEADOctober 28,2014Jerry WangJerry WangA quiz about dogs1.How long does a dog usually live?A.3-4 years B.5-8 years C.9-14 years2.What does a dog do if he is happy?A.He moves his tail .B.He moves his tail from front to back.3.Can dogs see different colours?A.Yes B.No4.What kind of people

2、 may better have a dog?A.with cold B.with heart problems C.with a babyfrom side to sidecute(a.)Do you like dogs?Why or why not?bite(v.)care for(v.)die(v.)dead(a.)death(n.)respect(v.)fur(n.)messEmma and Matt give their opinions about pet dogs.Is it a good idea to keep pet dogs?(n.)EmmaMattMattThe mai

3、n idea of the article is_.A.how to keep a pet dogB.different opinions about keeping pet dogsBMattIn my opinion,it is never a good idea to keep a pet dog.EmmaI think that having a pet dog can change a persons life.OpinionPointsReasonsConclusionKeeping pet dogs is a good idea.Dogs are _ pick up dogs a

4、nd _ them in arms see them _ quickly.learn about _ _,train and play with dogs _ them at night help us become more _ peoplelearn about life and _ learn to _ others _ living thingsDogs are _A dog will _ you faithfully for many years.People should keep pet dogs.cuteholdgrowing uprespon-sibilityfeedtake

5、 care of responsibledeathcare forrespectfaithfulloveOpinionPointsReasonsConclusionKeeping pet dogs is never a good idea.create a lot of _ leave _ and hair everywhere need to be _ regularly not _ messNot all dogs are_ _ peopleDogs feel _ Small _ keep dogs from running free and getting fresh _._You wi

6、ll pay for dog _ and the _.People should not keep pet dogs.messfurwashedfriendlybarkunhappyspacesairexpensivefoodcleaning upfrighten childrenneighborsfrom getting sleepstopbitevetThe structure of an argumentative article 议论文的结构构Keeping pet dogs is a good idea.Dogs are cute.Learn about responsibility

7、Learn about life and deathDogs are faithful.OpinionPointsReasonsConclusionPick dogs and hold themSee dogs growing upFeed,train and play with dogsTake care of dogsBecome responsible peopleCare for othersRespect living thingsLove you faithfullyPeople should keep pet dogs.1.What helps us become more re

8、sponsible people?2.What can frighten young children?3.What stops the neighbours from getting any sleep?We have to feed,train,play with dogs and take care of them at night.Some dogs bark at people they dont know.A few dogs bark all night.4.Why do dogs feel extremely unhappy?Because people keep dogs i

9、n small spaces.Emma Matt In my o_,keeping pet dogs isnt a good idea.First,dogs create a lot of m_.They leave fur and hair everywhere.Second,not all dogs are friendly.Some bark and frighten children.Some even b_ people.Whats more,therere small spaces in cities for dogs to live in.Dogs feel extremely

10、u_.Finally,its e_ to keep a dog.I think keeping pet dogs is a good idea.First,dogs are c_.Its wonderful to see them g_ up quickly.Second,we can learn about r_,life and d_ from dogs.We can learn how to c_ for others and r_ all living things.uterowingesponsibilityeathareespectpinionessitenhappyxpensiv

11、epick upholdin our arms see growing upcare for othersrespect all living thingsfeed,train,play withtake care ofcuteresponsibilitylife and deathmessleave fur and need to be washed not clean up whennot friendlybark at people they ,frightenbark all night,stop sleepingbitelive in small spacesfeel unhappy

12、fresh air,large spacesexpensivefaithfullyFirst,Second,Whats more,Finally You want to keep a pet,but your parents dont agree.Each side tries to give full expressions of its opinion,points and reasons.In my opinion,keeping a _ isnt a good idea.I think keeping a _ is a good idea.For 赞成赞成 Against 反对反对 d

13、ogLove me,love my dog.爱屋及乌爱屋及乌work like a dog 努力工作努力工作Every dog is a lion at home狗狗是百步王,只在门前狠。是百步王,只在门前狠。What can you expect from a dog but a bark.狗嘴里吐狗嘴里吐不出象牙不出象牙catA cat has nine lives.猫的猫的生命力强。生命力强。A cat may look at a king.小人物也有权利小人物也有权利like cat and dog 争斗激烈争斗激烈 A shy cat makes a proud mouse.猫懒鼠狂

14、猫懒鼠狂bird eat like a bird 吃得吃得少少Every bird likes its own nest.鸟爱其巢,人爱其鸟爱其巢,人爱其家。家。birds of a feather 一丘之貉一丘之貉The bird is known by his note.鸟听其声,人闻其鸟听其声,人闻其言。言。My opinion about keeping a _I think/In my opinion,_First,_ _second,_ _Whats more,_ _Finally,_Two heads are better than one.Assignments1.Read the text aloud three times.2.Write an article of at least 60 words on the topic“Is it a good idea to keep a _?”

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