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1、Prada was founded by two brothers,Mario Prada and Martino Prada,in the year 1913 in Milan,Italy.At first,it was primarily a leather goods shop.It sold leather products like steamer trunks and handbags.The history of PRADAThe first successor was Marios daughter Luisia Prada who did not believe that w

2、omen should have a role in business,and so he prevented female family members from entering into his company.Ironically,Marios son harbored no interest in the business,so it was his daughter Luisa Prada who took the helm of Prada as his successor,and ran it for almost twenty years.Her own daughter,M

3、iuccia Prada,joined the company in 1970,eventually taking over for her mother in 1978.It was then that Prada began manufacturing waterproof backpacks.On the advice of her business manager,Miuccia started implementing creativity onto the design.In 1979,her first set of backpacks and tote design was r

4、eleased.This design line became Pradas first commercial hit.This success was followed by the opening of a boutique in Milan in 1983,which resembled the original shop,but was very modern.In 1984,the nylon tote was released.Also in the same year,Prada started expanding across continental Europe by ope

5、ning boutiques in Florence,Paris,Madrid,and New York.1984 was also the year in which Prada released its shoe line.In 1985,Prada released a handbag that became a classic and established its signature style.No wonder,the Prada handbag became an overnight sensation.Prada is credited with introducing dr

6、opped waistlines and narrow belts in fashion.This they introduced in their womens ready-to-wear collection in 1989.Their styles clean lines,opulent fabrics,and basic colors became their signature.It is said that the designs from the House of Prada reflected the feminine worker aesthetic that disting

7、uished it from other high fashion brands.Thus,the brand Prada came into being.During the nineties,the originality of the designs made Prada the most influential fashion houses.It became a symbol of status.The styles were provocative yet simple.Its fabrics were mostly blacks,browns,and creams.This wa

8、s accompanied by high-heeled shoes,thin leather belts and the classic handbag.To cater to the younger generation,Prada launched the clothing brand Miu Miu in 1992.Prada also holds a 10%stake at Gucci and as such,it is Guccis largest shareholder.The numerous accolades that Prada received include the

9、Council of Fashion Designers of America award in 1993 and 1995.How to Spot a Fake Prada PurseBecause of the popularity and costliness of a Prada purse,cheap and fake versions have come into the markets.Close examination reveals a fake one and I tells you how.1.Look at the stitching.Prada stitching i

10、s neatly aligned.Its stitches are of small size and there will be no loose ends.2.Check the hardware.All Prada hardware is antique brass.If you find hardware that is rusted,old,or worn,then it probably is not a Prada.Check the coloration,the size,and the condition3.Look at the lining.The lining of a

11、 Prada bag is black.If there is a pattern,then it is a fake one.The lining material should be of high quality.It will also have the word Prada running horizontally across it.All Prada handbags have the unique Prada logo embroidered repeatedly into the lining no matter the material.4.Find the metal t

12、ag.An original Prada bag will have a metal tag that says Prada Made in Italy.If the tag if made of plastic or fabric,then the purse is not original.All Prada handbags have a serial number and tag of authenticity located on them.Misspelled words may also indicate the same.5.See if there is a dustbag.

13、Absence of a dustbag may reveal the purse is fake.An original Prada purse will have the Prada logo printed in black on a white dustbag.There should be a label stitched in the dustbag that says Prada and Cotton Made in Italy.6.Find the Authenticity Card.These cards come in a black envelope.Each card

14、has information of the style of the purse and its serial number.7.Look closely at the R.The R of the Prada logo has a notch taken out of its right leg.This is an easy identification missed out by manufacturers of fake Prada bags.8.Know your stores.This is a quite obvious sign as genuine bags are usually purchased from high-end departmental stores.9.Look for other indications.The buttons and zipper should be matching on colour and should have coordination with the bag and its lining.High quality zippers will have smooth zipping.

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