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1、Welcome to AmericaThe United States1.Geographical name:America2.Official name:the United States3.The United States is made up of 50 states.The largestCalifornia,Alaska The smallestRhode Island(罗得岛州罗得岛州)4.National Flag&Emblem5.National Anthemhttp:/www.RedOAmerican National Emblem American National Em

2、blem is a symbol of America.It contains ahawk.There is an olive branch in one hand of the hawk.The other hand of the hawk is holding an arrow.In mouth of the hawk there is a bar of color ribbon,in which the words“Republic Country”written in Latin.There are thirteen stars on the top.The hawk indicate

3、s independence and freedom,and the olive branch is a symbol of peace,and the arrow symbolizes the battle for the freedom of America.New York is the largest city and harbor(港港口口)in the USA.Also it is the center of economy in the world.And it is honored by World Capital(世界之世界之都)。都)。It has five regions

4、.Maybe the most famous region is Manhattan(曼哈顿曼哈顿).It has two famous universities in the world.One is Columbia University(哥伦比哥伦比亚大学亚大学),the other is The City University of New York(纽约州立大学纽约州立大学).New YorkAboAbout ut:Nickname:The Big Apple(大苹果大苹果)The City That Never Sleeps(不夜城不夜城)The capital of world(

5、世界之都世界之都)People,Nationality,language and religion The White Housetravel to AmericaIntroduction of America123 People,Nationality,language and religion Population is 307 million.They are the Caucasian(8.4%),the black(13%),the Mexican,the Arab,the Puerto Rican(波多黎各人)(波多黎各人),the Indian,the Chinese peopl

6、e and so on.Official language is English.The Mexican spoke Spanish,the Indian speaks the America Indian language,the various countries immigration descendant,besides the useEnglish,still spoke the ancestor language.The inhabitant mainly believes in the Christianity.Protestantism(57%),Catholicism(28%

7、),theJudaism(2%),other religions(4%),Dont believe any religions(9%)the White Housethe White HouseThe White House,designated“the palace”in the original plan,was designed by Janies Hoban on a site chosen by George Washington.The official name of the executive mansion was also given by him,President of

8、 the United States.It is on the south of Pennsylvania Ave,Washington D.C.,facing Lafayette Square.The building,constructed of Virginia freestones(砂岩砂岩),),is of simple and stately design.The porte-cochere(通道)(通道)on the north front,which forms the main entrance,is a portico(柱廊柱廊)of high conic(圆锥)圆锥)co

9、lumns reaching from the ground to the roof pediment(三角)(三角).It is balanced by a semicircular colonnaded baloney(柱廊阳台)(柱廊阳台)on the south with a second-floor porch(门廊)(门廊).The colonnade at the east end links with the public entrance.The executive office is approached by an esplanade.Large receptions a

10、re usually held in the eastern room.sceneryeconomyculturepoliticalEmpire State Building UnitedNations Headquarters The statue of a broken gun.night scene ofManhattan Broad wayThe Statue of Libertytravel to Americatravel to AmericaTextTextTextTextTextText TextPlease insert TitlePlease insert sub-titl

11、enight scene ofManhattan(曼哈顿夜景曼哈顿夜景)TextYour own textYour own textYour own textTextTextPlease insert TitlePlease insert sub-titleEmpire State Building(帝国大厦)(帝国大厦)Built:1930Floor:102Height:443metersProduct CProduct BProduct BProduct CProduct AProduct APlease insert TitlePlease insert sub-titleBroad w

12、ay is the main street of Manhattan。Why it is famous in the world?It is said that there are a lot of famous theatres,and it is the birth place of the drama and music play in America.Your own textAdd TextPlease insert TitlePlease insert sub-titleUnitedNations Headquarters:(联合国总部联合国总部)the United Nations is also located in Manhattan(联合国大楼联合国大楼也矗立在曼哈顿也矗立在曼哈顿)symbols.The Statue of LibertyThe statue of a broken gun.scenery.Thank you!

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