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1、Conversation 1-Good evening,sir.A table for two?-Yes,please.The names Marquez.-Ill show you to your table.This way.Can I take your coats?-Thank you.-Heres the menu and wine list.Can I get something to drink while you are waiting?-Can you bring us three cold beers?-We have Heineken,Tuborg,and Guiness

2、.-Do you have Becks?-No,Im sorry,sir.-Three Tuborgs will be fine.Conversation 2-Would you care for something to drink,Madam?-Yes,Id like a beer.-Would you prefer a local or an imported beer?-An imported beer,please.-We have Heineken,Becks and Schlitz.Which brand of beer would you prefer?-Ill take a

3、Becks.Conversation 3-Shall I bring you an aperitif while you study the menu?-I dont feel like having anything alcoholic.-How about one of our nonalcoholic fruit cocktails?-Fine.Ill take a Caf Astoria.Conversation 4-Would you care for an aperitif before your meal?-No,thanks.-Would you like something

4、else to drink?-Yes,Ill have a glass of grape juice,please.ApritifsApritifs are alcoholic drinks.An apritif is usually served before a meal to stimulate the appetite.Apritifs are commonly served with something small to eat,such as crackers,cheese,pt,or olives.This French word is derived from the Lati

5、n verb“aperire”,which means“to open.”Purposes of aperitifsTo welcome your guests To introduce an air of celebration,relaxation and comfortTo wake up your guests palates,preparing them for the food to come and stimulating their appetite Youd be surprised how a little aperitif can make you hungry and

6、more exited for the large meal to follow.what types of alcoholic beverages are used as apritifs?There is no one particular drink served as an aperitif and they vary by region and cuisine.However,they generally have a few consistent characteristics:they are generally lighter in body,fresh,lively and

7、often served cool.Therefore they are refreshing,not too serious or ponderous and enliven your palate.There are exceptions to this rule.You can serve whatever you like to drink or you think your guests would like.But typically the apritif is an introduction wine,not a drink you will continue to drink

8、 the whole night.Some examples of drinks often served as apritifs Sherry-Sherry is a fortified wine generally made in Jerez,Spain.The lighter styles of Sherry,like Fino,Manzanilla or even Amontillado,are refreshing yet savory and definitely wake up that tired palate!Sparkling wine or Champagne-Champ

9、agne is a classic apritif and it is definitely a way to add a sense of excitement and celebration to your dinner party.Sparkling wines also tend to be a great food and wine pairing with a variety of dishes,especially appetizers.Light-bodied white wines-Lighter,crisp white wines,served cool,make an e

10、xcellent aperitif.Wines like Sauvignon blanc,white Bordeaux,Chablis,Sancerre,Muscadet,or German Riesling are great options.Ros wine-A ros wine is one which has some red color to it,darker than a white and less dark than a red wine.They are generally relatively simple but very refreshing and fruity w

11、hen served slightly chilled.In the south of France,this is a very common aperitif,especially on a hot summer afternoon or evening.It is joyous and fun and a great match to many finger food appetizers.Flavored Liqueurs-Some regions in Europe tend to serve more alcoholic,flavored liqueurs as an apriti

12、f.Examples include Ouzo in Greece and Pastis in southern France,both anise-flavored and often served on ice,diluted with ice water.In Italy,some bitter-tinged drinks like Campari,either on the rocks or with cola or orange juice are favored.Vermouth is a liqueur flavored with botanicals.Light beer-No

13、t all aperitif must be wine or liqueur-based.It is very common to have a nice cold beer in a less formal setting like a barbecue.Flavored liqueurs -Anise (大茴香)aperitif -Bitters(苦藥酒):liqueurs made from plants like gentian(龍膽),hops(蛇麻草),the peel of bitter oranges,etc.-Vermouth(苦艾酒):liqueurs flavored w

14、ith aromatic herbs and spices such as cardamom(荳蔻),cinnamon(肉桂),camomile(甘菊),etc.Anise AperitifsPernod RicardOuzo(Greek anise aperitif)Raki(Turkish anise aperitif)Arak(Lebanese or other Arab anise aperitif)BittersCampariFernet-BrancaVermouthCiazano Bianco(white and sweet)Cinzano RoseMartini Bianco(w

15、hite and sweet)Cinzano Secco(secco=extra dry)Martini Rosso(red and sweet)Noilly Sec(extra dry)-How about you,sir?-Do you have any suggestions?-The Johnnie Walker Gold is quite good.Its has a rich taste,and its quite smooth.-Great!Ill try the Johhnie Walker Gold.-How would you like it?Straight up or

16、on the rocks?-On the rocks,thank you.WhiskyMost whiskey is made in Scotland,Ireland,Canada,and the United States.Whisky from Scotland is called Scotch,whiskey from Ireland is called Irish whiskey,and whiskey from Canada is called Canadian whisky.One of the more common whiskeys made in the United States is called bourbon.Whiskey-What would you like to order?-A whiskey,please.-What kind?-Jack Daniels.-How would you like it?-On the rocks.-Very good,sir.How would you like your whiskey?-Neat.-With soda water.-With water.-With two ice cubes.-On the rocks.-I want a double.

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