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1、七年级英语上册词汇专练(一).词汇。A. 根据句意及首字母提示填词。1. How do you s_ it?C-A-R, car.2. What is seven and eleven?Its e .3. Whats your t_ number?Its (010)8635-0908.4. Bob is English. He is from E_.5. H_ name is Julia. She is from the USA.6. John is tall and s_. He can help us carry(运送) the big boxes.7. Whose book is thi

2、s?Its m_.8. Do you know the boy in b_?No, I dont.9. Liu Qian is from Taiwan. He is C .10. Mr. Green is 50, but he looks y .11. Excuse me, could you t_ me your name?Sure. My name is Liu Jun.12. I like English very much. What a_ you, Li Ping?I like it a little.13. Tom and Jim are good friends. They of

3、ten help e_ other.14. Do you like oranges?No. I dont like them at a_.15.Bill wants to come to China and v_ Beijing.B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. _(that) are apples. These are oranges.2. Michael and I _(be) good friends.3. They are four _(box).4. Im in Shiyan High _(school).5. Excuse _(I), where are you from?6.

4、 This is Li Ming. He _(have) big hands.7. What are those in the box?They are (knife).8. Does she _(have)a small mouth?Yes, she does.9. Look! Her _ (eye)are big.10. My hair _(be) black (黑色的) and long. 11. Whose dress is this?Its _ (I).12. This bike isnt Marys. _ (she) is over there (在那边).13. Are thos

5、e _ (you) apples?Yes, they are.14. These are our oranges. Those are _ (their).15. Who are they in the photo?They are the womans (baby).16. Many _ (student) in his class like English.17. Mr. Green is from England. So he can _ (speak) English very well.18. That girl is Rose. She is _ (Jane) pen pal.19

6、. They like English. But _ (they) English isnt good.20. Does Mr. Li live in Beijing?No. He _ (live) in Tianjin. 21. _ dont speak English well. Could you help _ with it?No problem. (they/them) 22. Excuse _, are you from Beijing?Yes, _ am. (I/me) 23. Is Mr. Zhang your Chinese teacher?Yes, _ is. We lik

7、e _ very much. (he/him) 24. Whos the woman?Sorry. I dont know _. _ is a new teacher. (she/her). 25. _ are your new classmates. Could you tell _ your name?Sure. (we/us).根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。1.布朗是他的姓氏。Brown is his _ _.2.那是一张地图吗?Is that _ _.3.它们是五辆公共汽车。They are _ _.4.让我帮帮你吧。Let _ _ you.5.给你。_ _ are.6. 史蒂芬霍金来自英国。Stephen Hawking _ _ England.7. 埃米留着棕色的长发。Amy has _ _ hair.8. 紧挨着我的男孩是汤姆。The boy _ _ me is Tom.9. 布莱克先生想给安买一件粉红色的短裙。Mr. Black wants _ _ a pink skirt for Ann.10. 你能帮助我找到我的书包吗?Can you _ me _ my schoolbag?

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