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1、2023 10 月刊/以教促考初中英语话题作文是初中英语教学中的重要组成部分,也是学生综合运用语言能力的重要训练。通过写作,学生可以提高自己的语言表达能力、思维逻辑能力和文化素养,培养学生的创造力和批判性思维能力。然而,目前初中英语话题作文的教学存在一些问题,如学生写作能力不足、写作思路单一、写作内容缺乏深度等。因此,对初中英语话题作文的写作方法进行探究,对于提高学生的写作能力和写作水平具有重要意义。1.“总分总”写作法在“健康与急救”话题写作中的运用人教版英语八年级下册第一单元的写作话题是“健康与急救”,需要学生针对安全、健康等问题提出简单的建议。写作任务:请你根据自己对健康知识的了解,以“

2、TheWays to Keep Healthy”为题写一篇英语作文,要求 80 词左右,文章语言通顺,表达精准,结构完整。对于“健康与急救”话题写作中“总分总”法的运用:总,说出健康的重要性;分,有层次、有目的地说出拥有健康的方法与建议;总,对介绍的方法与建议进行概括总结,并说出自己的愿望。在撰写提纲之前,我们先总结与“健康与急救”话题有关的词汇与句型:相关词汇:healthy,important,necessary,doctor,keep,fruit,strong,exercise,sleep,stay up,feel sick,lie down,havea(good)rest,go to

3、hospital,take breaks,give up,be incontrol of相关句型:开 头 句:1.Health is very important to us.2.It isnecessary for us to keep healthy.3.It is true that health isthe first step to success.4.All the people hope to keep ingood health.5.Everyone hopes to be in good health.中间句:1.We should have a balanced diet.

4、2.A lot ofvegetables help you keep fit.3.Remember to have mealsregularly and eat more vegetables and fruit.4.We should eatlots of fruit and vegetables.5.At the same time,you shouldsay no to junk food.结尾句:1.Keeping healthy is the most important thingin the world.2.It蒺s easy to have a healthy lifestyl

5、e,and it蒺simportant to keep a balanced diet.3.In a word,if we paymore attention to our health,we can avoid getting sick.山东省博兴县曹王镇中学 郑燕红KAOSHI YU PINGJIA根据“总分总”写作法,制定本次作文的提纲,具体为:总(引出话题)分(具体建议)总(总结观点)Importance:Health is very important tous.So it is necessary to.Eating:have a balanced diet/eat lots of

6、fruitandvegetables.Exercise:playsports a lot every day.Sleeping:neverwork too hard/never stay up too late.Do as these.I am sure.优秀作文赏析:The Ways to Keep HealthyHealth is very important to us.So it is necessary toknow the ways to keep healthy.We should have a balanced diet.We should eat lots offruit a

7、nd vegetables.They are good for health.Don蒺t eat toomuch.And we should exercise a lot every day to keepstrong.Also,we should sleep for about 8 hours at night,andnever work too hard.Remember,it蒺s not good to stay uptoo late.Do as these.I am sure we can keep healthy.本文运用“总一分总”写作法,客观、翔实地介绍了如何保持健康。首先,作者

8、从“健康对于我们大家很重要”入题,从饮食、锻炼和休息三个方面提出了切实可行的建议,最后提出愿望,首尾照应。本文多次合理使用情态动词,增加了建议的中肯性。句型 It is necessary to.,短语have a balanced diet,be good for,stay up 等,以及祈使句的正确使用给文章增加了亮点。2.“AWH”写作法在“文学艺术”话题写作中的运用“AWH”写作法在“文学艺术”话题写作中的运用具体为:A(author),介绍文学作品作息的信息;W(what),介绍文学作品的主要内容;H(how),介绍自己对文学作品欣赏阅读后的感受,表达自己的观点。写作任务:假如你最喜

9、欢的英文文学作品是马克 吐温的 哈克贝利 费恩历险记,请你根据所给出信息介绍一下这本书,要求 80 词左右。书名:哈克贝利费恩历险记(The Adventures ofHuckleberry Finn);作者:马克 吐温(Mark Twain);内容简介:哈克贝利 费恩是一名少年,他一直独自一个人生活,他心地善良、乐于助人。一次偶然之中,他遇到了逃亡的黑奴(escaping slave)Jim,并帮助其寻找自由(freedom),一路上虽然遭遇了许多艰难险阻,但最终取得了胜利。在撰写提纲之前,我们先总结关于“文学艺术”话题有关的词汇与句型:相 关 词 汇:have read,classic,b

10、e interested in,thebeauty of nature相关句型:开头句:1.Robinson Crusoe is a novel that I enjoyreading most.2.It is about a boy who goes out to sea andfinds an island full of treasure.3.Little Women is about foursisters growing up.4.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finnby Mark Twain is a fantastic story.中间句:1.I

11、think Tom Sawyer is an interesting book.2.I蒺ve already read Harry Potter and it is really exciting.3.She is interested in books about science and technology.4.I can蒺t wait to read those books.5.He hasn蒺t decidedwhich book to write in English class.结尾句:1.In a word,I enjoy reading best.2.It isreally g

12、ood,so I can蒺t put it down.根据“AWH”写作法,制定本次作文的提纲,具体为:A 引出故事W 介绍情节H 观后感The Adventures of Huckleberry Finnby Mark Twain is.It is about a kindand warm-hearted boy who.Once Huckleberry met.Soon they.met adventures,dangerandanytingelse.It is really good,so I can蒺t put it down.I especially like.优秀作文赏析:The

13、Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twainis a fantastic story.It is about a kind and warm-hearted boywho lives alone.Once Huckleberry met an escaping slavenamed Jim.Soon they were on their journey of looking forfreedom.Of course,they met adventures,danger and2023 10 月刊/以教促考something else.But they

14、 succeeded at last.The story is about two boys growing up.I especiallylike the brave and smart boy Huckleberry Finn in the book.It is really good,so I can蒺t put it down.本文运用了“AWH”三步法的写作方法:第一步介绍了书名、作者(第一段第 1 句);然后讲述作品的内容(第一段第 2-6 句);最后对作品进行评价(第二段)。本文的亮点为:1援 能够运用本单元所学的词汇对文学作品进行描述;2援 作者能准确运用不同时态以及各种复合句

15、式,体现了作者较高的英语写作功底。3.“Discussing 驭 Solution”写作法在“自然与野生动物”话题写作中的运用“Discussing 驭 Solution”写作法在“自然与野生动物”话题写作中的运用具体为:Discussing,介绍自然或者野生动物的特点与现状,分析原因与产生问题的原因;Solution,提出解决问题的对策,阐述自己的观点。写作任务:你认识濒临灭绝的动物吗?请以“Protectwild animals”为题写一篇英语作文,为读者介绍保护野生动物的重要性,词数 80 左右。在撰写提纲之前,我们先总结关于“自然与野生动物”话题有关的词汇与句型:相关词汇:mounta

16、in,river,nature,population,protect,achievement,challenge,in the face of,force,research,meter,deep,square kilometers,the importance of,endangeredanimals相关句型:开头句:1.One of the most endangered animals in theworld is the panda.2.There are many endangered animalsin the world,such as tigers and pandas.3.As

17、 we know,animals are our friends.4.Today,more and more sharks arebeing killed.中间句:1.They cut down trees so that animals havelost their homes.2.As far as I know,the Chinesegovernment is helping to save the pandas.3.The highestmountain in the world is Qomolangma.结尾句:1.As a student,I will take an activ

18、e part inprotecting the animals in danger.2.I hope we can try ourbest to protect the environment and animals.3.Let蒺s dosomething to save the endangered animals.根据“Discussing 驭 Solution”写作法,制定本次作文的提纲,具体为:引入话题DiscussingSolutionThere are many endangered animals inthe world,such as tigers and pandas.Whe

19、n farmers cut down trees,tigers canno longer.Humans kill them to.We must take action to stop animalsfrom.优秀作文赏析:Protect wild animalsThere are many endangered animals in the world,suchas tigers and pandas.When farmers cut down trees,tigerscan no longer hide and hunt.Humans kill them to sell theirfur

20、for money.We are not alone in the world.We couldnot live without the plants and animals around us.Soprotecting wild animals is very important.We must takeaction to stop animals from being killed.We all hope thatthere will be more forests and wild animals in the future.本文运用了“Discussing&Solution”两步法谈论

21、了保护野生动物的重要性。首先,指出了世界上有很多濒危的动物,然后分析了造成这种现状的原因是人类对动物的杀戮以及对它们生存环境的破坏,最后提出建议和愿望,紧扣主题。本文的亮点在于 such as,no longer,could notlive without 等语言的巧妙运用,使得语言流畅、表达丰富。综上,通过研究初中英语话题作文的写作方法,可以帮助学生掌握写作的基本技巧和方法,提高他们的写作能力。学生可以学会如何组织语言、表达观点、展开论述等,从而能够更好地完成作文任务。写作是思维的表达,通过研究初中英语话题作文的写作方法,可以培养学生的思维逻辑能力。学生需要思考如何合理地组织自己的思路、如何展开论述、如何给出有力的论据等,这些都需要对学生进行思维的训练和锻炼。初中英语话题作文通常涉及到各种社会、文化、科技等方面的话题,通过研究写作方法,可以帮助学生深入了解这些话题,增强他们的文化素养。学生可以通过写作了解不同文化的差异、了解社会问题的背景和原因等,从而提高自己的综合素养。

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