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1、按句子的结构:按句子的结构:1.简简 单单 句句(Simple Sentences)2.并并 列列 句句(Compound Sentences)3.复复 合合 句句(Complex Sentences)名词性从句定语从句状语从句主语从句表语从句宾语从句同位语从句简单句简单句 (Simple Sentences)n只包含一个主谓结构。只包含一个主谓结构。Mary opened the door.n两个主语和一个谓语,或两个主语和一个谓语,或一个主语和两个谓语 Steve and his friend are coming to dinner.Mary opened the door and gr

2、eeted the guests.并列句并列句(Compound Sentences)n把两个或几个简单句用并列连词连接起来,则成为一个并列句。n常见的并列连词1.并列关系:and,both.and,as well as,not only.but(also),neither.nor,2.转折关系:but,however,while,whereas,still,yet3.因果关系:so,for,therefore4.选择关系:or,either.or,otherwise,whether.or.,not.but.复合句复合句(Complex Sentences)n句子中有一个或更多的成分由从句担任

3、。nSubject ClausesnPredicative ClausesnObject ClausesnAppositive ClausesnAttributive ClausesnAdverbial ClausesTransformation of Sentences in this lecture:n简单句转换为并列句简单句转换为并列句n简单句简单句转换为转换为复合句复合句n复合句复合句转换为转换为简单句简单句简单句到并列句的转换简单句到并列句的转换Simple Sentences Compound SentencesCombine the sentences in each group

4、 with proper coordinating conjunctions.1.He was tired.He went to bed.He was tired,so he went to bed.2.The child hid behind his mothers skirt.He was afraid of the dog.The child hid behind his mothers skirt,for he was afraid of the dog.3.He made a promise.He didnt keep it.He made a promise,but he didn

5、t keep it.4.Mary is opening the door.John is greeting her guests.Mary is opening the door,and John is greeting her guests.5.I play tennis.I practise shooting,too.I not only play tennis,but I also practise shooting.6.I dont smoke.He doesnt smoke.I dont smoke and he doesnt smoke,either.I dont smoke an

6、d nor/neither does he.简单句到复合句的转换简单句到复合句的转换Simple SentencesComplex SentencesCombine each group of sentences with proper words to make complex sentences。1.He has found out.She was late.2.I still remember the day.I first came to Beijing on that day.He has found out why she was late.I still remember the

7、 day when I first came to Beijing.3.Ill give the letter to him.I see him.4.He didnt come yesterday.He was ill.5.It is such a big box.Nobody can move it.Ill give the letter to him when I see him.He didnt come yesterday because he was ill.It is such a big box that nobody can move it.6.Well go to the G

8、reat Wall.Its fine tomorrow.7.We should not go there all the time.The place is quite pleasant.Well go to the Great Wall if its fine tomorrow.Although the place is quite pleasant,we should not go there all the time.8.The boy is my brother.The boy is wearing a blue jacket.The boy who is wearing a blue

9、 jacket is my brother.9.My idea is this.We should help him.My idea is that we should help him.复合句到简单句的转换复合句到简单句的转换Complex SentencesSimple Sentences把复合句变成简单句,也就是将复合句中的从句转化为一个短语,如名词短语,介词短语,分词短语等等。一、用名词或名词短语来代替名词性从句一、用名词或名词短语来代替名词性从句1.I forgot who wrote the long poem.2.He admitted that he had made a mi

10、stake.3.That you will succeed is quite possible.4.The fact that he is silent proves his guilt.I forgot the author of the long poem.He admitted his mistake.Your success is quite possible.His silence proves his guilt.二、用不定式或不定式短语代替从句二、用不定式或不定式短语代替从句1.I hope that I will hear from you soon.2.I wonder ho

11、w I can go there.3.It is nice that you come so early.4.My idea is that we should rent a house.I hope to hear from you soon.I wonder how to go there.It is nice of you to come so early.My idea is to rent a house.4.4.Milk is so cool that you may drink it.5.The girl is so short that she cannot be a mode

12、l.6.My father got up early so that he could catch the first bus.Milk is cool enough for you to drink.The girl is too short to be a model.My father got up early so as to/in order to catch the first bus.7.There are a lot of problems that we should solve.8.It is a question that we should consider caref

13、ully.There are a lot of problems to be solved.It is a question to be considered carefully.三、用动名词的复合结构来代替从句三、用动名词的复合结构来代替从句1.Do you mind if I open the window?2.The fact that he studied hard pleased his parents.Do you mind my opening the window?His studying hard pleased his parents.四、用现在分词或过去分词短语代替从句1

14、.The girl who is dancing on the stage is my sister.2.The task which was given to us by the Party was glorious and hard.The girl dancing on the stage is my sister.The task given to us by the Party was glorious and hard.3.When they heard the news,they all jumped with joy.4.Because we were so poor in t

15、hose days,we couldnt afford to take the boy to hospital.Hearing the news,they all jumped with joy.Being so poor in those days,we couldnt afford to take the boy to hospital.5.If it is seen from the top of the mountain at sunset,the city looks very beautiful.Seen from the top of the mountain at sunset

16、,the city looks very beautiful.五、用独立主格结构代替状语从句五、用独立主格结构代替状语从句1.When there was no bus,we had to take a taxi home.2.We have no classes because it is Sunday today.3.If the weather permits,we shall visit the Heaven Temple.1.There being no bus,we had to take a taxi home.2.It being Sunday today,we have no

17、 classes.3.Weather permitting,we shall visit the Heaven Temple.六、用复合宾语代替宾语从句六、用复合宾语代替宾语从句1.I think that it is important for middle school students to master English.2.I feel that it is dangerous to play with fire.3.Marx found that it was necessary to study the situation in Russia.I think it importan

18、t for middle school students to master English.I feel it dangerous to play with fire.Marx found it necessary to study the situation in Russia.七、用介词或介词短语代替某些状语从句1.After his father died,he left his hometown.After the death of his father,he left his hometown.2.I cant pass the exam if you dont help me.I

19、 cant pass the exam without your help.3.He was late for school because it rained heavily.He was late for school because of the heavy rain.4.He left home very early for fear that he might miss the early bus.He left home very early for fear of missing the early bus.5.They worked with great enthusiasm

20、though the weather was extremely cold.They worked with great enthusiasm in spite of the extremely cold weather.Exercises:nShe went for a walk after she had supper.nI could swim when I was eight years old.nHe was late for school because it rained heavily.She went for a walk after supper.I could swim

21、at the age of eight.He was late for school because of the heavy rain.nThe box is so heavy that we cant carry it.nShe got up early so that she could catch the early bus.nThe question that he asked is easy to answer The box is too heavy for us to carry.She got up early to catch the early bus.The question asked by him is easy to answer.nI dont know how I can answer the question nPlease tell me what I should do first.nHe is so young that he cant join the army I dont know how to answer the question.Please tell me what to do first.He is too young to join the army.Thank you!

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