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1、用词的适当形式填空。用词的适当形式填空。1.The old lady always _(walk)in the park in the afternoon.2.My brother is going to_(paint)this dressing table for me.3.Look!They are _(run)across the street.4.To tell you the truth,I cant _(cook).5.Jimmy must _(go)to see the doctor.Lets have a review主语主语+系动词系动词+表语表语在主系表结构中,系动词可以是


3、mps3)被认为是不可数的疾病被认为是不可数的疾病haveflu1.Whats the matter with.?2.What must do?NewWordsbetterbetadj.形容词well的比较级certainlys:tnliadv.副词getup起床起床yetjetadv.还,仍还,仍richritadj.油腻的油腻的foodfu:dn.食物食物remainrimeinv.保持,继续保持,继续=Ofcourse./Sure.Itstimetogetup.用于否定句和疑问句rich adj.富裕的富裕的 the rich poor adj.贫穷的贫穷的 the poorDont e

4、at rich food.betterbetadj.更好1.主语+系动词(be动词)+表语(形容词)TheKingdomofDiscoveryisgood,andtheDisneyWorldisbetter.PKbetter adj.好些了(病后身体渐渐恢复)好些了(病后身体渐渐恢复)well的比较级的比较级well 身体好的身体好的get well soon 很快会好起来的很快会好起来的e.g.You look very well,Jimmy.You are better now.yet adv.仍,还(多用于否定和疑问句)仍,还(多用于否定和疑问句)e.g.You mustnt get u

5、p yet.-Is everything ready?-Not yet.1.remain v.留下,停留留下,停留 e.g.You must remain in bed.He must remain in bed for two days.2.保持不变保持不变e.g.It will remain cold for a few days.They remain silent at the meeting.Listen to the tape then answer the following question:Who else is in bed today?Why?Mr.Williams is

6、 in bed today.Because he has a bad cold.1.Is Jimmy better now?Yes,he is.2.How long can he get up?Two hours each day.3.Can he go to school today?No,he cant.4.What mustnt he eat?He mustnt eat rich food.5.What must Mrs.Williams do?She must keep the room warm.DR:HowisJimmytoday?Mrs.W:Better.Thankyou,doc



9、d,too!grammar情态动词情态动词can 能,会能,会(表示有能力做某事)(表示有能力做某事)e.g.She can swim.Can she swim?Yes,she can./No,she cant.must 必须必须 (表示应该做某事)(表示应该做某事)e.g.She must swim.Must she swim?Yes,she must./No,she neednt.must用法很简单,用法很简单,没有人称没有数,没有人称没有数,动词原形跟在后,动词原形跟在后,肯定变否定,肯定变否定,must+not,一般疑问句,一般疑问句,must 要提前,要提前,肯定回答肯定回答 mus

10、t,否定回答否定回答 neednt。mustFill in the blanksuse must or mustntI _ get up.我必须起床。mustThe boy _ go to school.这个男孩不可以去上学。这个男孩不可以去上学。mustntThey _eat rich food.他们不应该吃油腻食品。他们不应该吃油腻食品。mustnt_ he remain in bed?他必须待在床上吗?他必须待在床上吗?Must1.He is better now.2.He must remain in bed for another two days.3.He looks ill.4.

11、My brother has a temperature.5.You can see him now.将下列句子改为一般疑问句和否定句:Dont!不要不要.!You mustnt!你不应该你不应该.!Lesson64playpleiv.玩玩matchmtn.火柴;火柴;比赛比赛talkt:kv.谈话谈话librarylabrrn.图书馆图书馆drivedravv.开车开车sosadv.如此地如此地quicklykwkliadv.快地快地leanoutof身体探出身体探出breakbreikv.打破打破noisenzn.喧闹声喧闹声playwithmatchesNewWordsmakeanois

12、eHomework1.常规常规3+1+1+12.背诵背诵63课课文课课文3.Lesson63-64课课练课课练Fill in the blanks_s Jimmy today?_,thank you,doctor._ I _ him please,Mrs.Williams?_,doctor.Come _.HowBetterCan seeCertainly upstairsYou _ very well,Jimmy.You are _ now,but you _ get up _.You _ stay in bed for another two days.look better mustnt

13、yet mustThe boy mustnt _ to school yet,Mrs.Williams.And he mustnt eat _.Does he _ a temperature,doctor?No,he _.go rich food have doesnt_ he stay in bed?Yes.He must _ in bed for another _ _.He can _ _ for about two hours _ day,but you _ keep the room warm.Must remain two days get up each must_s Mr.Williams this evening?Hes _ _,doctor._ you see him please?He _ a bad cold,too!Where in bed Can has

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