1、话题阅读话题阅读新课导入新课导入【语语篇篇导导读读】如如何何保保护护青青少少年年上上网网安安全全已已成成为为人人们们普普遍遍关关注注的的问问题题,“网网络络保保姆姆”的的总裁就此提出了自己的看法。总裁就此提出了自己的看法。Most kids have cell phones or tablets(平平板板)and are texting or using social media all the time.Experts say that parents should use apps to watch out for their childrens online activity.Accor
2、ding to a survey,70 percent of US.teens carry cell phones,and Russ Warner,the CEO of Net Nanny,is in the business of protecting kids online.His best advice to parents is to know what is out there and to plan in advance.“Put a plan into place because kids like to feel protected,”Warner said.“They lik
3、e to feel like Mom or Dad is helping.”According to another study,almost 90 percent of children have seen cyber bullying(网网络络欺欺凌凌)in the last year.However,Warner said only 50 percent of parents talk with kids about avoiding these experiences.“That means the other half dont and thats a problem,”he sai
4、d.Warner often speaks to parent groups concerned about keeping their teens safe,“Oftentimes if we cant control or we dont understand something,we avoid it and we cant do that anymore.”He said parents need to talk to their children about online danger,and then they need to use safety software.Parents
5、 should know who is trying to communicate with their children and what they are watching online.Warner added parents also need to understand phonesettings(设设置置)IPhone settings come with restrictions(限限制制)that are easy to set.Parents can enable restrictions with a code that they know,and their child
6、does not.Parents can also set phones to not allow apps to be downloaded without a passcode.思考思考What does the author want to tell parents?_答答案案:Kids are texting or using social media all the time and there is online danger.Parents should use apps to protect their teens or kids online.谢谢观赏勤能补拙,学有成就!2024/4/3 周三8