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1、The very hungry snakeIm a little snake.It is sunny today.Im hungry.What is it?Its a red apple.Open the mouth and eat the apple.Goodoo.Its yummy.Now Im an apple snake.Its sunny today.Im a little snake.The apple snakeIm hungry.What is it?Its a red apple.Open the mouth and eat the apple.Goodoo.Its yumm

2、y.Now Im an apple snake.Its today.Im a little snake.The _ snakeIm hungry.What is it?Its a/an.Open the mouth and eat the.Goodoo.Its yummy.Now Im a/an snake.Im a little snake.It is cloudy today.Im hungry.What is it?Its a yellow banana.I like eating bananas.Open the mouth and eat the banana.Goodoo.Its

3、yummy.Now Im a banana snake.Im a little snake.Im hungry.It is windy today.What is it?Its a brown pineapple.Its hard and rough.Open the mouth and eat the pineapple.Goodoo.Its yummy.Now Im a pineapple snake.What are they?They are elephants.They are.I dont like eating elephants.Goodbye,elephants.Im a l

4、ittle snake.It is rainy today.Im hungry.What are they?They are giraffes.They are.Do you like giraffes?Im a little snake.It is today.Open the mouthand eat the.Goodbye,giraffes.Im hungry.I dont like Im a little snake.It is cool today.Im hungry.What are they?They are animals.They are black and white.Th

5、ey have four legs.They like eating grass.They are zebras.The very hungry snakeWhat are they?They are.?Open the mouth and eat them.Goodoo.Theyre yummy.Now Im a snake.Its today.Im a little snake.The _ snakeIm hungry.What are they?Theyre _s.Open the mouth and eat.?TheyreI dont like eating Homework:1.Retell part of the story and make a new one.复述故事并进行创编。2.Make your own story book.做一本故事连环画。The _ snakeIm a little snake.I like.What is it?What are they?Theyre _s.TheyreandIts a/an _.Its andOpen the big mouth and eat them.Goodoo Theyre.Now Im asnake.

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