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1、2023 年 08 月 30 日 第 16 期 总第 544 期43回想起来,当展览经理的头几年,我除了填表格什么都没做。当时,我说服自己,随着时间的推移和实践,处理活动文件会变得更容易。我一点也不知道这只是一厢情愿的想法,因为在文书工作方面,没有两个活动是完全相同的。这些必要的表格(以及随附的小字说明)通过参展商服务手册(有时称为参展商工具包)分发给参展商。这些工具包通常可以在线获得,或者作为可下载的pdf文件,大小不一,从小型桌面活动的几十页资料到多场地大型活动的五百页资料。每种形式都来自展会上提供产品和服务的多个组织中的一个。请继续阅读参展商工具包中最常见的订单表单的概述,包括描述和内部


3、可以做任何他们认为对展会最有利的事情。这可能包括把你选择和分配的展位移走,这样他们就可以把它转卖给一个出价更高的参展商,改变展会的日期,更换场地,甚至取消展会。在我的职业生涯中,我经历过所有这些“为了活动更好”的噱头。我也确保不会再与那些认为他们的贪婪比他们的参展商关系更重要的展会经理合作。Form and Function表格及其功能 文:Candy Adams 编译:付晓 Claudia2translatorF为了帮助您处理活动过程中,不可避免的文件记录,这里解释了与活动相关的常见文件的应用。域外OVERSEAS44中国会展 CHINA CONFERENCE&EXHIBITION域外OVE




7、提单上的件数相符。2023 年 08 月 30 日 第 16 期 总第 544 期45在您完成UMHA并提交之前,您的运输承运人将不会从编组场被召唤来装载您的货物。如果您不打算在整个拆卸和重新装填过程中都在您的展位上,请确保您的拆卸主管知道UMHA必须完成并交给GSC,以确保您的负载被委托给您选择的承运人。否则,GSC可能会强迫您的展览交到到其选择的承运人,通常是该展览的官方公共承运人或其内部货运部门。然后,它将被转移到GSC的仓库进行存储,等待您通知您想要与您的运费做什么,或者以更高的费率运送给您。请注意,当您填写UMHA时,您将有机会选择最适合您的选项。安装和拆卸劳动表根据您订购的GSC安


9、样你才能充分了解和准备好参加展会。就像我喜欢说的,“大字给人好处,小字给人坏处。”46中国会展 CHINA CONFERENCE&EXHIBITION域外OVERSEAS域外OVERSEASLooking back,it seems like I spent the first few years as an exhibit manager doing nothing but filling out forms.At the time,I convinced myself that processing show orders would get easier over time and wi

10、th practice.Little did I know that this was just wishful thinking,since no two shows are exactly the same when it comes to paperwork.These necessary forms and accompanying fine print explaining them are distributed to exhibitors via the exhibitor services manual,sometimes called the exhibitor kit.Th

11、ese kits are generally available online or as downloadable PDFs and vary in size from a few dozen pages for small tabletop shows to 500-page books for multivenue mega-shows.Each form comes from one of the multiple organizations providing products and services at a given show.Read on for an overview

12、of the most common order forms typically found in an exhibitor kit,complete with descriptions and insider information.Block-Housing RequestThe first form you have to complete after you sign up for a show is the one to reserve hotel rooms for your staff.Generally,the housing bureau doesnt require gue

13、st names on the rooms when initially blocked,rather just total number of rooms required per night.At a predetermined future date,names will need to be assigned to the rooms along with credit-card information to guarantee the first nights deposit.When you receive the confirmation of your block reques

14、t,the number assigned to each reservation is not a valid hotel confirmation number its only the housing bureaus internal identifier.The housing bureau releases the block-housing information to the hotels about five to seven days before show move in begins,at which point hotels assign actual confirma

15、tion numbers to each reservation.Its your responsibility to contact the hotel to get those numbers and then pass them along to your staff.Booth-Space Rental AgreementThis form is typically provided in conjunction with two other forms:the shows floor plan and its basic terms and conditions.One of tho

16、se conditions is boilerplate for most shows and states,i.e.,that the show managers or organizers can do anything they deem to be in the best interest of the trade show.This could include moving you out of the booth space youve selected and been assigned so that they can resell it to a more financial

17、ly lucrative exhibitor,moving the trade shows date,switching venues,or even canceling By:Candy Adams Editor&Translator:Aura Claudia2translatorFForm and FunctionTo help you navigate the inevitable trade show paper trail,heres an explanation of common show-related paperwork.2023 年 08 月 30 日 第 16 期 总第

18、544 期47the show.Ive experienced all of these for the betterment of the show stunts during my career.Ive also made sure that I didnt work again with these show managers who believed their greed was more important than their exhibitor relationships.Variance FormA variance form allows exhibitors to req

19、uest a variance,or waiver,to a rule or regulation outlined in the booth-space rental contract or the exhibitor services manual.Examples of variances Ive requested and received in the past include:changing the dates when future booth space deposits are due,serving coffee in my booth when it was banne

20、d on the show floor,having a 16-foot back wall on a perimeter exhibit when the industry standard is 12 feet,and requesting earlier or later targeted inbound material handling when my exhibit was coming from another trade show.The main thing to keep in mind when completing a variance form is that the

21、 show manager just wants to keep all its customers happy,and if what youre asking for wont upset neighboring exhibitors,youve probably got a good chance of having your request granted.Exhibitor Appointed Contractor FormShould you decide not to hire one of the official contractors listed in the exhib

22、itor services manual,you can employ an exhibitor appointed contractor(EAC).Between 30 to 60 days prior to the show,you will need to notify show management and/or the general services contractor(GSC)of your plans to hire an EAC.The EAC needs to submit the proper insurance policy stating that the EAC

23、has both commercial general liability and workers compensation coverage.That policy must name all the required additional insureds.Material Handling FormThis form helps the GSC to determine its freight-moving equipment and staffing needs on the convention centers loading docks.Since you arent charge

24、d for your material handling prior to the arrival of your shipment,there is no benefit to fudging the weight or size of the freight youre bringing into the venue.If all exhibitors provided lowball freight estimates,it could be detrimental to everyones move-in efforts because the GSC would not have s

25、ufficient equipment and labor resources to accommodate all the freight.Bill of LadingThe bill of lading is the single most important document in the entire shipping process.It establishes the terms of a contract between a shipper and a transportation company under which freight is to be moved betwee

26、n specified points for a charge.It is provided by your carrier and serves as a document of title,contract of carriage,and receipt of goods.Always complete all shaded sections of the bill of lading and read the entire form before you sign it.You will need to turn it in to the GSCs service desk after

27、the show,along with your Uniform Material Handling Agreement(see below).By signing the bill of lading,you are agreeing to be bound by all of its terms and conditions.Uniform Material Handling AgreementProvided to exhibitors by the GSC,a Uniform Material Handling Agreement(UMHA)looks like a bill of l

28、ading.It establishes the terms of the agreement between the exhibitor and the GSC to handle your outbound loading of freight from the show.You will be given a separate UMHA for each outbound shipment when you settle your financial account with the GSC during the show.This outbound UMHA is turned in

29、to the GSCs service desk when dismantle is completed and you have filled in all its shaded sections,including an accurate piece count by type of freight(cartons,cases,crates,pallets/skids,carpok,et,etc.)that should match the count on your bill of lading.Your transportation carrier will not be called

30、 up from the marshaling yard to load your shipment until you have completed the UMHA and turned it in.If youre not going to be at your booth throughout the entire dismantle and reloading process,make sure your dismantle supervisor knows that the UMHA must be completed and turned in to the GSC to ass

31、ure that your load is consigned to your carrier of choice.Otherwise the GSC may force your exhibit freight onto its carrier of choice,generally the official common carrier for that show or its own internal freight department.It will then either be moved to the GSCs warehouse for storage pending your

32、 notification of what you want it to do with your freight,or shipped to you at a higher rate.Note that youll have an opportunity to select the option that best suits you when you fill out the UMHA.Installation-and-Dismantle Labor FormDepending on what time you place the order for the GSCs installati

33、on-and-dismantle labor to arrive at your booth,you could be waiting for a while.Only I&D labor that is ordered to begin at the start of the workday(generally 7:30 or 8 a.m.)is guaranteed to arrive at that time.Specifying any other arrival time for the GSCs labor services will result in being assigne

34、d will-call status,which means your labor crew will arrive whenever it has completed another exhibitors work and is ready for reassignment.Method of PaymentThis is the GSCs form that basically states,show me the money.It asks for the manner in which the GSCs pre-show payments(for show services and p

35、roducts)will be paid:by company check,wire transfer,or credit card.Regardless of how you decide to make pre-show payments,the GSC still requires that a credit card be on file for any additional charges that might be incurred during or after the trade show.Despite the time-consuming and tedious nature of exhibitor services manuals and the multitude of forms within,its important to read each page from top to bottom and front to back so you enter the show fully informed and prepared.As I like to say,The large print giveth,and the fine print taketh away.

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