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1、NOVEMBER2023PracticeTestMultipleChoice1.The catisnt real.ItsA.stuffC.stuffing2.I amfrom my workout.A.sweatingC.interviewing3.Lets sit in aA.silenceC.tail4.ToriA.earnC.earning5.WetookaboattotheA.accountC.million6.I need eggs.Can you buy a,A.showerC.dozen7.AreporterA.boiledC.interviewed8.JanewentA.dic

2、tionaryC.computer9.1likeChinesefood.A.confidentC.traditional10.I took a big _ of pizza.A.biteC.skin11.IdrinkwaterA.aroundC.within12.Fallingoff a bike can beB.stuffsA.confusedD.stuffedC.painful13.The temperature is 30B.rememberingA.degreesD.touchingC.shoulders14.Whatsetsthis restaurantB.circleA.apart

3、D.paymentC.about$115 today.B.earnsD.earnedB.islandD.turkeyforme?B.eventD.buffetmy boss.B.gatheredD.decidedaround the city.B.sightseeingD.neighborhoodB.digitalD.usefulB.hintD.toythe day.B.beyondD.throughoutB.localD.socialright now.B.accountsD.muscles?B.asideD.upclozePeople all over the world eat pota

4、toes.Youcan eat potatoes in soup.You can also cookthis popular vegetable in dozens of otherways.You can boil potatoes.Then you can eatthem with _1_ and salt.You can also _2_potatoes in oil.You can also bake potatoes.You can eat them with many different toppings.Many people love French fries and mash

5、edpotatoes.Those are delicious.If you arent a fan of potatoes,you mightenjoy sweet potatoes.While it might seem3_,potatoes and sweet potatoes are notthesame vegetable.But people eat both41.A.butterC.million2.A.fryC.frying3.A.digitalC.strange4.A.cooking the fish in oilB.enjoying the silenceC.answerin

6、g the questionD.at Thanksgiving dinnerB.guideD.turkeyB.friesD.friedB.painfulD.tough48LETSTALKINENGLISHNOVEMBER2023Look for the answers to this months questions on page 56.Singapore may be a small _5_,buttheres a lot to see and do there!Visit theGardens by the Bay to see all kinds of plants.There are

7、 more than 1.5 million of them!Thenmake your way to Marina Bay.Walk aroundthe area,visit some_andadmirethesights.Make a plan to visit the SingaporeZoo at night,and do the Night Safari.Youcan see night animals from all over the world!You can explore on foot or take a tram ridearound the zoo.Looking f

8、or more _7_ attractions?Whynot hire a guide?A guide can introduce youto the citys many interesting neighborhoodsand_85.A.toyC.shoulder6.A.shopC.shopping7.A.confidentC.social8.A.eat a big dinner on Thanksgiving DayB.take you to some of its amazingrestaurantsC.listen to music and news on the radioD.ma

9、ke a reservation at the hotel whereyou stayReadingComprehensionIn large music groups,musicians sitin sections.Where they sit depends onwhat they play.In a wind ensemble,thereare usually three sections:the woodwindsection,the brass section and the percussionsection.There are different instruments ine

10、ach section.In the woodwind section,thereare clarinets,flutes and saxophones.In the6brass section,there are trumpets,trombonesand tubas.In the percussion section,youhavedrums.Before any practice or performance,allmusicians tune their instruments.After theytune,the practice or performance begins.Good

11、 musicians can play their instrumentsreally well and read music.Top musiciansnot only read music well but also sight-readwell.This means they can play a piece ofmusic well the first time that they see it.B.islandD.accountB.shopsD.shoppedB.femaleD.local1.If you played the trombone,where wouldyou sit?

12、A.Thepercussionsection.B.The woodwind section.C.The brass section.D.The string section.2.Based on the article,how are top musiciansdifferent?A.They canplayanewpieceof musicwell rightaway.B.They always wear fancy clothes duringtheir concerts.C.They play at larger shows every month.D.They only play in

13、struments that arehundreds of years old.LETSTALK INENGLISH49TRANSLATION中文翻译TalkAboutlt29TheSameGirl朋友间的烦恼找找看George和Noah遇到了什么问题?James:它花了我差不多9 0 0 美元。Susie:你花了好多钱啊。James:但这是一部很酷的手机!我对它非常满意。Susie:你什么时候买的?James:今天早上,我还在学怎么用。Susie:你能先把它搁一边吗?我们有事情要谈。George和Noah是好朋友。他们之间有个问题,但是他们还不知道。他们喜欢同一个女孩,她叫Veronica。




17、台更与众不同。James:但是现在我们的节目就很出色啊。Susie:我同意,但是节目还是可以做得更好。James:说得对。我们应该安排个时间跟大家开个会,问问他们有什么想法。Susie:我是这么打算的。今日问题1.Susie和James要安排时间做什么?2.什么事情让你比其他人更与众不同?ActivityAnswers:(from page 17)24BANKCC5F1ULN6CANActivityAnswers:1.Potato chips.2.Mashed potatoes.3.Potato salad.4.Other.5.Baked and fried.ActivityAnswers:1.From 11:00 a.m.to 3:30 p.m.2.$25.3.Call 555-1515.4.Thursday,November 23.5.$75.ActivityAnswers:1.A2.B3.C4.C5.B6.A7.A8.BPracticeAnswers:(from page 48-49)Multiple Choice:DABDBCCBCADCAACloze:AACDBBDBReadingComprehension:CA3RE1GNMNEYTEMPUTER7DEB1TCARDS8ATM(from page 24)(from page 32)(from page 43)R

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