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1、Geberit Sovent -JUP/WEH1Contents目录目录nPhysical and technical function basics物理和技术功能基础Hydraulic of stacks立管的水力性能-Function of Sovent System苏纹脱系统的功能-Pressure distribution in Sovent stacks苏纹脱立管的压力分布nGeberit innovative solutions吉博力先进的解决之道Sovent development苏纹脱的发展历程Design of Sovent single stack system苏纹脱单立管

2、系统的设计Sovent in practice苏纹脱在实际中的应用Advantages of Sovent苏纹脱的优点Conclusion结论Geberit Sovent Drainage System吉博力苏维脱排水系统Geberit Sovent -JUP/WEH2Function of Sovent System苏维脱系统的功能苏维脱系统的功能nEliminates hydraulic plug消除水力阻塞nLimits the velocity of the air and waste flow限制空气和杂物的流速nEnsures venting action of the stack

3、 and branches确保立管和支管的排气nCombines branch and stack and branches flow in an optimal way以最佳的方式将支管和立管连接在一起nProvides multiple connection possibilities with 1 single fitting一个单一装置可提供多个连接口Physical and technical function basics物理和技术功能基础Sovent苏维脱Conventional传统式Hydraulic closure air circulation blocked水压阻止空气循

4、环Free air circulation促进空气循环Geberit Sovent -JUP/WEH3Pressure distribution in Sovent stack苏维脱立管的压力分布苏维脱立管的压力分布Physical and technical function basics物理和技术功能基础Real velocity in stacks立管中的实际速度立管中的实际速度Theoretical velocity理论速度理论速度Velocity in m/s速度速度Length of stack in m立管的长度立管的长度2ghH=50 mmnVelocity of vent a

5、nd waste water in the stackLimits the flow velocity in every Sovent connection在每个苏维脱连接处立管排出口和废水流速受到限制nNegative pressure in the stackSovent limits the negative pressure by optimal venting and reduced flow velocity and prevents high water loss in traps立管苏维脱中的负压限制并降低流速并防止存水弯的水头损失Geberit Sovent -JUP/WEH

6、4Sovent development苏维脱的发展历程苏维脱的发展历程Geberit innovative solutions吉博力创新的解决之道Introduction of the Geberit HDPE Sovent fitting吉博力引进HDPE苏维脱配件1970-1972Geberit gets the general licence forplastic systems吉博力得到塑料系统的总许可证1970World wide registration of patents全球范围内注册专利1961-1965Start of studies at the Institute of

7、 Sanitary Installationin Bern,Switzerland在瑞士的伯尔尼卫生设备研究所开始初始研究1958-1961Geberit Sovent -JUP/WEH5Design of Sovent single stack system苏维脱单立管系统的设计苏维脱单立管系统的设计Geberit innovative solutions吉博力创新的解决之道 WATER CLOSET 9 l9 l WITH CISTERN=0.8 SVURINAL(DIRECT FLUSHING)WASHBASIN洗手盆 SHOWER沐浴器 6 or 7 l.KITCHEN-SINKFLO

8、OR PANWALL CLOSETBATHTUBBIDETDU 0.5DU 0.8DU 2.0DU 0.5DU 0.8DU 2.5DU 0.5DU 0.8DU 2.5DU=Discharge Unit l/sDU排水单位升/秒Geberit Sovent -JUP/WEH6Design features of Sovent single stack system苏维脱单立管系统的设计特点苏维脱单立管系统的设计特点Geberit innovative solutions吉博力创新的解决之道nThe simultaneous flow is a function of the number of

9、discharge units installed同时流是同时安装多个排放单体的功能nThe simultaneous flow is calculated with the formula:0,5 x square root of the total of all discharge units多个单体同时排水时按如下公式计算:0.5X排放单体总和的平方根nMaximum stack loading of Sovent System苏纹脱系统立管的最大负荷 Diameter直径Loading max.Qs最大流量DUStack立管Vent排气口l/s3021001008,7Geberit S

10、ovent -JUP/WEH7Sovent in practice苏维脱在实际中的应用苏维脱在实际中的应用Geberit innovative solutions吉博力创新的解决之道How to connect a Sovent fitting如何连接一个苏维脱配件如何连接一个苏维脱配件nThe Sovent fitting is made of HDPE by blow moulding procedure苏维脱配件是用HDPE吹塑制成nStack connection by electro welding sleeve or butt welding dimension110 mm立管连接

11、使用110mm电焊管箍或与110mm管道对焊nBranch connection3 x 110 mmand3 x 75 mmby cutting off the required end and welding aconnection pipe支管连接3 x 110 mm和3 x 75 mm,割掉所需直径的端口并焊上支管Geberit Sovent -JUP/WEH8Sovent handling and welding苏维脱的处理和焊接苏维脱的处理和焊接Geberit innovative solutions吉博力创新的解决之道nFit the fitting in the welding

12、machine把配件装入焊接机器中110 tension device直径110的紧固设备75 tension device直径75的紧固设备nCut off the required ends切掉所需直径的端口Use a large hand metre saw用大的手锯Cut behind the edge切掉边缘 Geberit Sovent -JUP/WEH9Sovent handling and welding苏维脱的处理和焊接苏维脱的处理和焊接Geberit innovative solutions吉博力创新的解决之道nPlaning of the ends打磨端口nWelding

13、焊接nHold the heating plate by hand用手把住加热盘nPress together the parts and cool them down两边压到一起并冷却Geberit Sovent -JUP/WEH10Sovent handling and welding苏维脱的处理和焊接苏维脱的处理和焊接Geberit innovative solutions吉博力创新的解决之道nReady for any type of connection(electro welding sleeve coupling or butt welding)适合各种类型的连接(电焊管箍连接或

14、对焊)nRecommended pipe length 50 mm,suitable for electro welding sleeve coupling建议管长为50MM的管道用电焊管箍连接Geberit Sovent -JUP/WEH11Advantages of Sovent苏维脱的优点苏维脱的优点Geberit innovative solutions吉博力创新的解决之道nThe basic idea of Sovent is to prevent excessive pressure variations in the stack system苏维脱的基本概念是防止立管中过大的压力

15、变化nBasic part of any drainage are the traps between apparatuses and stacks,in order to prevent the escape of sewer gases任何排水系统中基本的部件是设备与立管之间的存水弯,用于阻止臭气的散发nAs a result of high negative pressure the trap can be emptied存水弯由于高负压被抽空nEconomic advantages:The Sovent system enables us to use经济优势:苏维脱系统使我们能够使用

16、Smaller diameter for the stack or小管径的立管或Single stack system without vent pipes for high rise buildings在高层建筑中使用单立管无需排气管Multiple connection of branches to one fitting一个配件上可连接多个支管H=50mmDP 0 DP 0Geberit Sovent -JUP/WEH12Conclusion结论结论Geberit innovative solutions吉博力创新的解决之道nSingle stack for high rise buil

17、dings with one fitting dimension is possible使高层建筑中使用同一尺寸配件的单立管成为可能nMultiple connection of branches to one fitting一个配件上可连接多个支管nHydraulic ideal drain of branch and stack flow支管流和立管流达到理想水力状态nCost saving compared to conventional drain and vent system与传统式系统及带通气管系统相比降低成本nGeberit Sovent-a 40 years old idea with an unbroken importance and still an innovation!吉博力苏维脱一个具有重要价值的40年前的想法现在仍然具有领先地位

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