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1、011My parents tell me English is interesting and useful(有用的).2Februaryis my favorite month.3What subjectdoes your sister like?Math.4一Lets play basketball.一 That soundsgood.5She is ourhistory(历史) teacher. We all like her.6I want to have atrip(旅游) to Hong Kong this year.7There are some importantfestiv

2、als(节日) in China.8His toy is on the bed andhers(她的)is on the desk.9Carrots and potatoes arevegetables(蔬菜).10How manylessons(课) do you have every day?0211Im Jenny. Niceto meet you!12My phone numberis 281-9176.13What coloris your bag?14I have two daughters. Their names are Gina and Jane,15Gina is very

3、 careless(粗心的). She alwaysasks Where is my pen?16Pleasee-mail(给.发电子邮件) her at sdmary 126. com.17-Wheres the schoolbag?一Itsunder(在.下 面) the table.18A computer game is in the schoollibrary(图书馆).19Thedictionaries(字典) are on the teachers desk.20My sisters books areeverywhere( 到处).0321How are you?Im fine

4、,thanks(谢谢).22Is that yourorange(橙子)?23Please spellyour name.OK.G-I-N-A,Gina.24My pen isyellow(黄色的).25What color is your cup?Itsbrown(棕色的).0426Paul isalways(总是) in blue.27Someoranges(橘子) are on the table.28A bed is in themiddle(中间的) of the room.29Thepurple(紫色的) cup is nice.30They cancome(来) to help

5、you.0531Her(她的)name is Gina.32Whatshis(他的) name?33Iam(叫) Amy.34Nice tomeet(遇见) you!35Whatcolor(颜色) is it?36My firstname is Jenny.37Green is his familyname.38Look! Thats a pen.39This is a boy. Hisname is Dale.40Three and four is seven.0641Come and buy yourclothes(衣服)at our great sale.42This is a big

6、clothesstore(商店).43The boy inwhite(白色的),not the one in black,is his cousin.44You can buy the shirt for eightdollars(美元).45Theysell(卖)the soccer balls for only ¥40.0746My mothersbirthday(生日)party is next week.47I think you areright(正确的).48Whatfruit(水果)do you like?49Their parents play sports every day, so they are veryhealthy(健康的).50Sports stars eatwell(好).51Lets havestrawberries(草莓) and apples.527.My daughter has ahamburger(汉堡包) for breakfast every day. Its not good for her.53Can I ask you a question?54Its a good habitto eat vegetables every day.55There are many starsin the sky.

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