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1、Lets count.(数一数)(数一数)From one to twenty.(从(从 1 1 数数 到到 20 20)126931245781011Its a clock.126931245781011Its four oclock.126931245781011Its seven oclock.Lesson 1 Its seven oclock.Unit 6 Time 1.How does mum ask the time?(妈妈是怎样问时间的?)2.What does Li Ming answer?(李明是怎么回答妈妈的?)Watch and find.(看动画,找句子)(看动画,找句

2、子)1.How does mum ask the time?(妈妈是怎样问时间的?)2.What does Li Ming answer?(李明是怎么回答妈妈的?)Watch and find.(看动画,找句子)(看动画,找句子)What time is it?Its seven twenty.Its eight now.Its seven oclock.Its seven twenty.get up r re ed d e egg g ge et tIts eight now.Its seven oclock.Its seven twenty.Have breakfast.Go to sch

3、ool.Get up.Watch and match(看一看,连一连)看一看,连一连)Its eight now.Its seven oclock.Its seven twenty.Have breakfast.Go to school.Watch and match (看一看,连一连)(看一看,连一连)Get upGet up,Li Ming!Its seven oclock.Its seven twenty.What time is it?Its eight now.Have a nice day!Have a nice day!希望你度过美好的一天!playsayday(听音跟读,注意模

4、仿语音语调哦!)Listen and imitate.Read by yourselves,please.(请大声朗读课文。)请大声朗读课文。).is it,Li Ming?.,Li Ming!Yes,Danny!Its Its Li Ming.Goodbye,mum!Bye!Can you fill?(你能补充完整吗?)(你能补充完整吗?)Get upIts seven oclock.What timeseven twenty.eight now.Im ,mum.readyHave a nice day .is it,Li Ming?.,Li Ming!Yes,Danny!Its Its L

5、i Ming.Goodbye,mum!Bye!Can you fill?(你能补充完整吗?)(你能补充完整吗?)Get upIts seven oclock.What timeseven twenty.eight now.Im ,mum.readyHave a nice day .is it,Li Ming?.,Li Ming!Yes,Danny!Its Its Li Ming.Goodbye,mum!Bye!Can you fill?(你能补充完整吗?)(你能补充完整吗?)Get upIts seven oclock.What timeseven twenty.eight now.Im ,m

6、um.readyHave a nice day 123A:What time is it?B:Its.同桌问答同桌问答同 桌 展 示A:What time is it?B:Its.A:What time is it?B:Its.123A:What time is it?B:Its.同桌问答同桌问答同 桌 展 示A:What time is it?B:Its.A:What time is it?B:Its.123A:What time is it?B:Its.同桌问答同桌问答同 桌 展 示A:What time is it?B:Its.A:What time is it?B:Its.They a

7、re in different time zones.它们处在不同的它们处在不同的时区。时区。Kimi is going to school.(Kimi 上学啦。上学啦。)What time is it?Its 9:00Cindy is having breakfast.(森碟正在吃早饭。森碟正在吃早饭。)What time is it?Its 8:00Look!How lazy they are!(他们好懒呀!他们好懒呀!)What time is it?Its 10:00Arrange our time properly.我们要合理安排时间。My Day(安排我的一天)Hello!Im .

8、(名字)Its .I get up.(起床)Its .I have breakfast.(吃早餐)Its .I go to school.(去学校)Its .I go home.(回家)Work in groups:1.填上时间(写数字即可).2.小组交流。3.小组展示。I can read.6Ive got _ .get up time ready oclock now day Lets check it.6Lets check it.I can say.4Ive got_ .What time is it?Its seven oclock.Its seven twenty.Its eight now.4Homework:1.Listen and imitate the text.(听音跟读课文,要模仿发音哦)2.Finish My Day,and talk with your friends.(完成My Day 表格,和朋友谈论我的一天)Thank you!

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