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1、Lixian preferential policies and investment incentives to encourage investment To further optimize the investment environment, expand two-way opening up, step up investment and construction projects , attract enterprises from other regions to invest in our county , promote good and fast economic dev

2、elopment throughout the county, in accordance with relevant state regulations, combined with the actual county, we specially work out the preferential policies and incentives: I. The scope of application Focus on encouraging support for the five-type projects (energy saving and environmental protect

3、ion-type, high-tech-based, labor-intensive, agriculture-based industrialization, financial growth). According to the scale of investment we classify them into four sub-categories: Special categories: one-time capital invested two hundred million yuan or more on production projects and the projects i

4、n the county industrial park with the scale of investment 100 million yuan and up to the standard of the “Five type” requirements .The first category: new production projects with a one-time capital invested 150 million yuan or more, or the actual use of foreign capital of more than 10 million U.S.

5、dollars , productive projects invested by 500 domestic enterprises , a capital investing one hundred million yuan in the textile, fur, leather two industries engaged in the production of end products deep processing projects, a capital investing 50 million yuan in a leading agricultural industrializ

6、ation project.The second category: a one-time capital investing 100 million yuan or more, or the actual use of foreign capital of more than five million U.S. dollars in new production projects, a one-time capital investing 50 million or more in the textile, fur, leather two industries engaged in the

7、 production of end products deep processing projects, a capital investing 30 million yuan in a leading agricultural industrialization project.The third category: one-time capital investing 50million yuan or more or actual use of foreign capital more than three million U.S. dollars in new production

8、projects, 1000 million yuan of a leading agricultural industrialization project.II. Preferential policies (A) preferential policies on land acquisition The new projects in the above-mentioned four categories in our county , based on land costs after the front-end awards principle, enjoy the followin

9、g preferential policies:1, Land acquisition costs retained at the county level (including land transfer payments , arable land occupation tax, deed tax)are after the implementation of a one-time front-end awards. Land requisition compensation fees (excluding the ground fixtures, Young compensation),

10、 are after the front-end fees for land requisition award, which are put into operation by the county level retained part of the total tax amount of a certain percentage paid by the enterprise , the special category projects by 60 percent, the second category project by 50 percent, the third category

11、 projects by 30 percent until the award runs out 2,The units enjoying the preferential policies of the projects are not allowed to change the land use or lease, transfer of the land, such as the exceptional items changes are required to be applied to the land management departments at the county gov

12、ernments approval. If the project makes a change in land use or lease, transfer of land ,they no longer enjoy preferential policies.(B) Preferential tax policies If the new projects in the above-mentioned four categories have no land acquisition, in the short-term zero tax principle, they enjoy the

13、following preferential policies:1, Value-added tax: Under the current revenue system, value-added tax at the county level retained part is used as the financial front-end awards for three years on the countys annual basis 2, Corporate income tax: Under the current system of fiscal revenue, corporate

14、 income tax at the county level retained part of the county on an annual basis after the financial front-end awards is used as the way of incentives for 3 years.3, Travel tax, urban construction tax, property tax: According to the annual county financial incentives in the form of business within 2 y

15、ears the amount will be paid in full on rewarding enterprise, to promote enterprise development and growth. (C) Preferential policies on administrative charges The new projects in the above-mentioned four categories , in the spirit of zero fare principle, enjoy implement of free, reduce, concessions

16、 respectively . 1, On the following administrative fees, since the land acquisition procedures are finished , projects enjoy free concessions. Special projects free for 5 years, the first category of the projects free for 3 years, the second free for 2 years, third category free for 1 year. (1) Wate

17、r Conservancy Bureau: the water resource fee (retained part of the county level), river repair and maintenance management fees (2) Trade unions: union funds (retained part of the county level) (3) Disabled Persons Federation: employment of persons with disabilities security payments (4) Human labor

18、Bureau: record-keeping management fees 2, On the following administrative fees, projects enjoy one-off reduction of concessions by category. Special category projects enjoy the full reduction, the second category projects 70 percent, the third category projects 50 percent. (1) Construction Bureau: C

19、ity matching fee (2) Planning Bureau: old urban transformation costs (3) Environmental Protection Agency: sewage charges (County detained part) (4) Culture and Education Bureau: Heritage exploration costs 3, Charges by the air-defense office on the transforming construction can be delayed (D)Infrast

20、ructure policy The new projects in the above-mentioned four categories in our county ,in the spirit of zero input principle ,enjoy Four connecting and one leveling preferential policies. Since the procedure of land acquirement is over ,the county government is responsible for connecting the road, el

21、ectricity , water, communication, and leveling the plant site. (E) To the companies ready to be listed ,we implement more special preferential policies, one enterprise one policy . After its being listed, the county government will pay a one-time 500,000 yuan as a reward. (VI)Encourage enterprises t

22、o innovate independently. To the Chinese enterprises with brand-name products or well-known trademarks , government incentives 200,000 yuan ;to the products identified as a major scientific and technological products by the National Ministry of Science and Technology, the county government incentive

23、s 100,000 yuan; to the products designated as national inspection-free products, the county government incentives 50,000 yuan; to the products having access to national invention patents and playing an important role in the development of the enterprises ,the county government incentives 50,000 yuan

24、; to the products named as a provincial brand, provincial famous trademark and the tax amount of 3 million yuan of business, the county government incentives 50,000 yuan. The assessment of the enterprises should seek truth from facts, with no fraud, confirmed by the relevant departments strictly. (V

25、II) Encourage enterprises to enhance the staying power and conserve tax sources. To the enterprise whose legal person pays taxes 1 million yuan more than the previous year and total tax coming up to more than five million yuan ,the government gives the enterprises legal person a one-time bonus 50,00

26、0 yuan; the net tax increases 2 million yuan or more than the previous year and the total tax amounts to or over 10 million yuan , the government gives a one-time bonus 100,000 yuan to the enterprises legal person. (VIII) Special preferential policies On the four categories of projects, we carry out

27、 green card, red card, the public security escort system: 1, Green card: Project board chairman and general manager cardholders enjoy the following preferential treatment: Administrative services. Projects, such as requirements for approval, land acquisition, water electricity, and all registration

28、procedures, enjoy one-stop, one package, one windows service model. The County leading group office of opening-up project assigns special personnel to provide full tracking with guiding, leading, agency services; the relevant departments provide active support and simplify procedures to speed up the

29、 pace of procedure. Free service. Project board chairman and general manager, enterprise engaged senior titles for technology professionals and management personnel to the county medical units for medical treatment, enjoy beneficial-to-citizens medical treatment, free of registration fee; free for t

30、heir children transferring to kindergartens, schools; to the technical personnel who have stayed in our county in an enterprise for more than a year and have made outstanding contributions to the management of the enterprise, the county government will award them an honorary citizen certificate. The

31、y can enjoy the equal medical care, childrens education, etc. as the Lixian citizens. Other services. Project board chairman and general manager and project technicians, managers enjoy equal treatment in technology promotion in the title rating our countys enterprises .2, Red cards: the rejection of

32、 all inspections, appraisals, fees and charges. All key projects, enjoying Government Works treatment, will be run in a closed way . In addition to criminal cases, each sector enterprise must obtain the consent of the county leading group and the county supervisors for approval to check key projects

33、, otherwise business cardholders have the right to refuse inspection.3, The public security escort system: in the project construction, the project district police sent by the Public Security Bureau officers will station in the construction site, specifically responsible for dealing with disputes en

34、countered in the case of law and order.III, Optimize the environment for development(A) Strictly enforce the Administrative Service Centerthe admissibility of a system and services zero distance principle. If the project information is in a full range of cases, the functional departments cope with a

35、ll the relevant procedures within three working days. If it has to be reported to the municipal government for approval, in the absence of exceptional circumstances, all the procedures must be ended within 10 working days. The County leading group office of Opening-up projects tracks with the whole

36、procedure .(B) The strict implementation of the project approach zero interference accountability. The project site township Party Committee and Government should take responsibility to improve the environment first, based on the development of the overall situation of the whole county, take greater

37、 efforts to promptly resolve contradictions and do a good job in preparatory work. Relevant government departments , according to the corresponding duties, fully cooperate with the project construction.(C) In the case of key construction projects, the county government and related departments, towns

38、hips, towns have to sign up for responsibility, clear lines of responsibility and layer into individuals. In the process of the project examination and approval, if anyone enters a significantly bad impact on the primary responsibility for the units and the township, it is necessary to implement one

39、-vote veto to abolish the annual excellence-assessing qualifications, and the leaders in charge are to blame and resign. The County leading group office of opening-up projects tracking, coordinating, supervising, ensures the smooth entry of construction projects.(D) Protect investors legitimate righ

40、ts and interests according to law and maintain the dominant position of the enterprises. Crack down on interference, saboteurs and thoroughly investigate and deal with enterprises all complaint cases, maintain the order of business. The projects will be run in a closed way , and protected. No unit i

41、s allowed to inspect the enterprises in a disorderly way , collect arbitrary fees and levies, fines, and ask for arbitrary assistance, adding to the burden on enterprises.IV, Incentives to attract foreign investment (A) The scope of incentives The units and individuals who introduce the projects for

42、 funding and financial support for our county from higher-level are rewarded; The units and individuals who gain a higher level target of land for our enterprises are rewarded.(B) Award criteria 1, For the introduction of the funds invested in businesses of more than 50 million yuan (three million U

43、.S. dollars ) from outside the county, according to the actual capital in place (for fixed assets investment), 3 is used to determine the amount of incentives; for the introduction of 100 million yuan (five million U.S. dollars) or more funds invested in businesses, according to the actual capital i

44、n place (for fixed assets investment) 2 is used to determine the amount of incentives; for the introduction of 150 million yuan (10 million U.S. dollars) or more funds invested in businesses, according to the actual capital in place (for fixed-asset investment) , 1.5 is used to determine the amount

45、of incentives.2, Government departments, social organizations, and townships that actively introduce a higher level of funds, incentives will be based on the previous year; within the base 1 percent will be used as a reward, 5% of the excess part will be used as a reward; for beyond the capital intr

46、oduction of national, provincial and municipal shared provisions which should be allocated to our county, according to the actual capital in place , 1% is used to determine the amount of incentives; for the non-shared capital, according to the actual capital in place, 2% is used to determine the amo

47、unt of incentives.3, Individuals whose bid for higher-level land indicators For our enterprises will be given a one-time incentive. 4, The introduction of township projects outside their own area, tax system can be implemented, 50 percent of the county-level part will be detained to incentive townsh

48、ips. 5, Active members of the project, as long as the selection and appointment of cadres are in line with the conditions, will be promoted in priority by the county Party Committee. (C) Investment confirmation 1, Investment confirmation process: attracting people and the funds-receiving units undertake an investment agreement signed earlier to identify the peoples eligibility to attract investment, the rights o

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