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1、OutlineNational Bioproducts Program What is it?Chemicals and ethanol from lignocellulosic materials project descriptionCurrent statusNational Bioproducts ProgramJoint initiative of National Research Council,Agriculture&Agrifood Canada,Natural Resources CanadaUnite university,government and industry

2、scientists to develop bioproducts/biofuels technology for CanadaFour project areas:Chemical and ethanol production from lignocellulosic materialsBiomaterials and biopolyols for automotive,aerospace,construction and plastics industriesFuels and chemicals from anaerobic digestion or gasification of mu

3、nicipal solid waste and/or biomassBiodiesel from marine algaeNational Bioproducts Program project criteriaObjective:Commercializable technologies within 3 5 years that address Canadian priorities in sustainable energy,environment and rural revitalizationFrom the outset,at least one industrial partne

4、r who can receive the technology;i.e.,market pull rather than technology pushMore than one participantWill stand up to life-cycle assessmentChemicals and ethanol from lignocellulosic materials-Two lignocellulose value chainsForestry(chemical pulp mills)Cellulose most valuable for pulp($800/t)Chemica

5、ls/fuels from lignin and hemicelluloseAgricultural residues and other woodFractionate biomass to separate lignin from celluloseTwo uses for cellulose:Fibres for biomaterials(e.g.flax)Ethanol via thermal or biological conversionLignin and hemicellulose to chemicalsPyrolysis bio-oil and charLignin act

6、ivitiesInteresting opportunities identified based on price,volume and market stability:Substitute for phenol($1500/t)in phenol-formaldehyde resins(FPInnovations,BRI)Substitute for carbon black($2000/t)in tires(FPInnovations,Lakehead University(Prof.A.Chen),BRI)Carbon fibre currently made from polyac

7、rylonitrile($3,000/t)(FPInnovations,University of British Columbia(Prof.J.Kadla)Single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWCNT)from pyrolysis chars and use of the SWCNTs in the above applications(SIMS,above researchers,also biomaterials and gasification projects)HemicelluloseHemicellulose from wood prehydroly

8、sis,mild acid treatment of agricultural residuesFurfural maximum 50%yield from acidolysis of xylose5-Hydroxymethylfurfural(HMF)from 6-carbon sugarsNanocatalysis to improve yields of furfural and HMFNanocatalytic transformation of HMF to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acidFPInnovations and a member company,BR

9、ICellulosic ethanolBiomass fractionation:Physical/chemical methods(Dr.J.Hawari,BRI)microwave/ultrasound techniques to accelerate chemical separation of lignin from celluloseEnzymatic methods(Dr.Peter Lau,BRI)Feruloyl esterase,cutinase(alfalfa,triticale)Aromatic chemicals derived from lignin,e.g.feru

10、lic acid,vinyl guaiacol,vanillinCellulose degradation:Hyperthermophilic cellulases(Dr.W.Sung,IBS,S.Laberge,J.Simmonds,A.Laroche,AAFC)Pentose fermentation:Genetic manipulation of S.cerevisiae to improve xylose uptake and fermentation(Dr.M.Whiteway,BRI)Summary of value chains and activitiesBiomassFrac

11、tionation(bioconversion,pyrolysis,microwave or ultrasound)LigninHemicelluloseCelluloseIncreased furfural yieldHMFFurandicarboxylic acidPF resins,carbon fibreSWCNT,bio-oilLignin in tiresAromatic acidsPentose fermentationHyperthermophilic cellulasesFuelStatusStill actively seeking industrial participa

12、nts who can contribute to project objectives and develop the technologies to full commercial scaleAdvisory Board meeting on December 5General comment to focus on fewer activitiesDevelopment of business cases to determine most promising objectivesThank you for your attention!John.schmidtfpinnovations.ca

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