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1、Marriage and Love()婚姻与婚姻与爱爱情情 Emma Goldman(爱玛哥德曼)哥德曼)化材学院 李琴01 The popular notion about marriage and love is that they are synonymous,that they spring from the same motives,and cover the same human needs.有关婚烟与爱情流行的观念认为两者意义相近,它们源自相同的动机,满足相同的人类需求。注:notion:n.概念,观念;意见,见解;奇想;打算 synonymous:adj.同义的,类义的;同义词

2、的 be synonymous with(与)关系紧密的;等同(于)的;互为依存的 spring from:起源于;发源(于),出身(于),来自(于);由引起;源于,从产生出来 例:Literature and art can only spring from the life of the people.只有人民的生活才是文学艺术的唯一源泉。01 Like most popular notions this also rests not on actual facts,but on superstition.但同大多数流行观念一样,这种观点并非建立在确定的事实之上,而是建立在迷信之上。注:r

3、est on/upon:搁在支撑在上;依赖于,寄托于上,基于;接触到;达到 例:Our policy should rest on the basis of self-reliance.我们的方针要放在自力更生的基点上。superstition:n.迷信;迷信行为;邪教 02 Marriage and love have nothing in common;they are as far apart as the poles;are,in fact,antagonistic to each other.No doubt some marriages have been the result o

4、f love.婚姻与爱情没有任何相同之处,它们之间就如同南北两极一样远离对方;事实上,它们彼此正好相反。毫无疑问,有一些婚姻是爱情的结果。注:antagonistic:adj.敌对的,对抗的,敌意的 antagonistic to:敌对的 例:His policy is antagonistic to our interests.他的政策与我们的利益相抵触。02 Not,however,because love could assert itself only in marriage;much rather is it because few people can completely out

5、grow a convention.但是,这不是因为爱只能在婚姻中表达自己;而更多的是因为没有多少人能完全摆脱世俗的束缚。注:assert:vt.声称,断言;维护,坚持;坚持自己的主张;生效 assert sth.to be true 断言某事是真实的 outgrow:vt.过度成长;因年龄增加而失去;年长而不再需要;生物长出 outgrow a bad habit (随着年龄增长而)戒掉一个坏习惯02 There are today large numbers of men and women to whom marriage is naught but a farce,but who su

6、bmit to it for the sake of public opinion.今天有大量男男女女,婚姻对他们来说仅仅是闹剧一场,但他们却因公众观点而屈从婚姻。注:naught:n.零;乌有;泡影 come to naught (计划等)落空 farce:n.笑剧,闹剧;滑稽剧 vt.用笑话补充、描述;古填充 submit to:向呈交递送;顺从屈从,服从;使(自 己)听命于听从 例:Never submit to a threat.永远不要屈服于威胁。02 At any rate,while it is true that some marriages are based on love

7、,and while it is equally true that in some cases love continues in married life,I maintain that it does so regardless of marriage,and not because of it.无论如何,确实一些婚姻是以爱情为基础的,确实一些个案中爱情在婚姻后的生活中继续,但我认为这与婚姻无关,婚姻也不是其原因。注:regardless:adv.不顾后果地;不管怎样,无论如何;不惜费用地 adj.不重视的,不尊敬的;不顾虑的,不关心的;不受注意的,毫无价值的 regardless of

8、 不管;不理会;不顾 03 On the other hand,it is utterly false that love results from marriage.On rare occasions one does hear of a miraculous case of a married couple falling in love after marriage,but on close examination it will be found that it is a mere adjustment to the inevitable.另一方面,如果认为爱情是婚姻的结果,那么这就完

9、全错了。在个别情况下,我们确实听到难以置信的例子,夫妻俩在婚后爱上对方,但仔细观察就全发现这不过是对不可避免的即成事实的适应而已。注:utterly:adv.全然,完全地;彻底地,绝对的;十足地;十分 miraculous:adj.1.奇迹般的,不可思议的,令人惊叹的;非凡的 2.(能够)创造奇迹的 a miraculous victory 奇迹般的胜利03 Certainly the growing used to each other is far away from the spontaneity,the intensity,and beauty of love,without whic

10、h the intimacy of marriage must prove degrading to both the woman and the man.当然这种惭惭的习愦对方与自发的爱情,强烈的爱情,以及美妙的爱情背道而驰,缺乏亲密的婚姻必定使夫妇两人感到丢脸。注:spontaneity:n.自发性,自然发生;自发行为行动 intensity:n.1.强烈,剧烈2.热烈,热情;紧张3.强度,密度,应力,亮度4.【摄】(底片的)明暗度 go mad at the intensity of ones grief 因悲 伤过度而发疯 intimacy:n.1.亲密,亲近,pl.亲密的行为 2.婉

11、私通,隐私 3.熟悉;熟识 4.(房间等)舒适感 be on terms of intimacy 亲密 degrade:vt.降低,贬低;使降级;降低身分;使丢脸 vt.&vi.(使)退化,降解,分解;降解;撤职,免职;降低品格身价,价值(等)04 Marriage is primarily an economic arrangement,an insurance pact.It differs from the ordinary life insurance agreement only in that it is more binding,more exacting.Its ret

12、urns are insignificantly small compared with the investments.婚姻首先是一个经济安排,一份保险合同。婚姻与普通的人寿保险合同的不同之处仅在于婚姻更具约束力,更有索取性。婚姻的回报与对其的投入相比太过微不足道。注:pact n.1.合同,契约2.条约;协定 a peace pact 和平条约 binding n.捆绑;(衣服等的)镶边;粘合剂;书籍的封面 adj.捆绑的;粘合的;(书面材料)有约束力的;应履行的 v.约束(bind的现在分词);装订;捆绑;(用长布条)缠绕 04 In taking out an insurance po

13、licy one pays for it in dollars and cents,always at liberty to discontinue payments.If,however,a womans premium is a husband,she pays for it with her name,her privacy,her self-respect,her very life,until death doth part.要办理保险,你只需用美元美分来付费即可,付费者有随时停止付费的自由。但是,如果妇女要得的回报是丈夫,她要用自己的姓名、私人空间、自尊以及整个生命为代价,而且“至

14、死方休”。注:at liberty to do sth 有权做,有自由例:You are at liberty to say what you like.你尽可畅所欲言。premium n.费用,额外费用;保险费;奖赏,奖励;(商品定价、贷款利息等以外的)加价 at a premium 稀少,难得04 Moreover,the marriage insurance condemns her to life-long dependency,to parasitism,to complete uselessness,individual as well as social.况且,婚姻这份保险使她一生,无论从个人而言还是从社会而言,依赖他人,过寄生的生活,成为完全无用的人。注:parasitism n.1.【生】寄生(现象,状态);寄食;依附 2.阿谀,奉承 3.【医】寄生物传染;(寄生虫引起的)皮肤病 economic parasitism 经济上的依附condemns sb to sth 迫使接受困境(或不愉快的状况)谢谢!

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