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1、Section A Period 2Unit 5You and me我和你 简介:the theme song,in the opening ceremony of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games2008北京奥运会开幕式主题曲刘欢&莎拉布莱曼(Sarah Brightman)歌词:我和你 心连心 同住地球村为梦想 千里行 相会在北京来吧 朋友 伸出你的手我和你 心连心 永远一家人You and me From one worldWe are familyTravel dreamA thousand milesMeeting in BeijingCome togetherP

2、ut your hand in mineYou and me From one worldWe are familyYou and me From one worldWe are familyMeeting in Beijing我和你 心连心 同住地球村为梦想 千里行 相会在北京来吧 朋友 伸出你的手You and me From one worldWe are family一首赞美奥运运动员的小诗一首赞美奥运运动员的小诗一首赞美奥运运动员的小诗一首赞美奥运运动员的小诗They run,they jump,they swim 他们奔跑他们奔跑,他们跳跃他们跳跃,他们游泳他们游泳They see

3、k true victory 他们追求真正的胜利他们追求真正的胜利They work to make their country proud 他们拼搏他们拼搏,让祖国引以为傲让祖国引以为傲They give their all to a cheering crowd 他们向欢呼的人群献出一切他们向欢呼的人群献出一切They give small children hope 他们带给孩子希望他们带给孩子希望They show them one day,they too can be great 他们向孩子们展示他们向孩子们展示,有一天有一天,他们也会成就非凡他们也会成就非凡They fall s

4、ometimes but they never give up 他们有时会失败但不放弃他们有时会失败但不放弃They get right back up,keep trying and win 他们马上从原地站起来他们马上从原地站起来,坚持尝试坚持尝试,直到胜利直到胜利They are our pride,our Olympic team 他们是我们的骄傲他们是我们的骄傲,我们的奥运代表团我们的奥运代表团They are living the Olympic dream!他他们们在在实实践着奥运的梦想践着奥运的梦想 baseballping-pong tennissoccer volleyba

5、llbasketballPlease name the sports.table tennisbasketballsoccer ballvolleyballtennis ballping-pong ballbaseballbasketballDo you have a basketball?Yes,I do.I have a basketball.tennis ballDo you have a tennis ball?No,I dont.I dont have a tennis ball.soccer ballDo you have a soccer ball?Yes,I do.I have

6、 a soccer ball.ping-pong batDo you have a ping-pong bat?No,I dont.I dont have a ping-pong bat.Self-show Time:loudly and as fast as possible A:Do you have a?B:Yes,I do.I have a.Do you have a?A:No,I dont.I dont have a.Pair work!Does he have a basketball?Yes,he does.Does he have a soccer ball?Yes,he do

7、es.Does he have a tennis ball?No,he doesnt.Does he have a?Yes,he does.No,he doesnt.Does she have a?Yes,she does.No,she doesnt.Practice(oral work):Does Jim have a?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.Does Sally have a?Yes,she does./No,she doesnt.Jim SallyChallenge your eyesbadmintonbadmintonWhat is missing?2a L

8、isten and fill in the blanks.2a Listen and fill in the blanks.Conversation1Conversation1 Bob:Bob:_ you _ a soccer ball,Paul?_ you _ a soccer ball,Paul?Paul:No,I _.Paul:No,I _.Bob:_your brother Alan Bob:_your brother Alan _ one?.one?.Paul:Yes,he _.Paul:Yes,he _.Conversation2Conversation2 John:Hi,_.Jo

9、hn:Hi,_.Mike:Hi,_.Mike:Hi,_.John:I want _.John:I want _._ you_a _ you_a Mike:Yes,I_.Mike:Yes,I_.Mike:_.Mike:_.dontDo haveDoeshavedoes.MikeJohnto play basketballDohavedoGreatbasketball?2a Listen and fill in the blanks.Conversation 3 Jane:Hi,Sally.Sally:Hi,Jane.Jane:Sally,_ _ my friend,Anna.Sally:Hi,A

10、nna.Nice _ _ you.Anna:_ to meet you,Sally.Sally:_._you_ a tennis ball,Jane?Jane:Sorry,I _.Conversation 4 Frank:_you_ a _,Dale?Dale:No,I _.But my brother _.Lets go and _ _.this is to meet Nice Lets play tennis Do have dont Do have volleyball dont does find him Cindy:Hey,Helen,lets go!Were late.Helen:

11、OK.Cindy:Do you have the baseball?Helen:Yes,I do.Its in my bag.Cindy:And wheres our baseball bat?Helen:Bill has it.Cindy:Oh,yeah.And do you have your jacket?Helen:Oh,no,I dont.Its on the chair.Let me get it.Cindy:And your hat,too!Helen:OK,I have my jacket and hat.Lets go.PairworkRole-play the conver

12、sation.2dReadingRead the dialogue in 2d.Thenmatch the things with the right places.Helens baseball batbaseballjacket hat We dont know.Advantages of doing sports体育运动的好处:get rid of bad moods摆脱坏情绪;keep ourselves healthy让我们保持健康;get a new refresh feeling让我们思维敏捷;help us be energetic again再次精力充沛;easy to fa

13、ll asleep in the evening夜晚易入睡;.We should take active part in doing sports to keep us healthy,as well as realizeour dreams.我们应该积极参加体育运动来保持我们身体健 康,同时实现我们的梦想。the Chinese dream中国 梦Dream is in the front,and the road is at the foot of ourselves.梦在前方,路在脚下。Only hard work like bees and fighting like eagles.只

14、有像蜜蜂那样付出辛勤的劳动,像雄鹰那样奋勇拼搏,Can we make our dreams come true,我们才能实现自己的每个梦想,Lets study hard from now on,from myself,让我们大家从今天做起,从自己做起,努力奋斗吧!To realize our perfect and pride Chinese dreams.来实现我们自己心中美丽、骄傲的中国梦!Hold fast to dreamsFor if dreams dieLife is a broken-winged birdThat can never flyHold fast to drea

15、ms For when dreams go Life is a barren fieldFrozen only with snow 紧紧抓住梦想,梦想若是消亡,生命就像鸟儿折了翅膀,再也不能飞翔。紧紧抓住梦想,梦想若是消丧,生命就像贫瘠的荒野,学覆冰封,万物不生。Sum up Sum up 句型句型大变脸大变脸I have.Do you have.?Yes,I do./No,I dont.I dont have.He has.Does he have.?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.He doesnt have.She has.Does she have.?Yes,she

16、 does./No,she doesnt.She doesnt have.Homework:Homework:Write a passage about your good friend,Eric Smith,including name,age,sports things,favorite sports star and the frequency of doing sports.写一篇英语短文,介绍你的好朋友Eric Smith,包括:姓名,年龄,所拥有的运动用品,最喜欢的运动明星以及做运动的情况。Game time-the best actors 最好的演员 Tom:Do you have a soccer ball?Jack:Yes,I do.Lets play it.Tom:No,Im not fine.Jack:Do you have a baseball?Tom:No,its boring.Jack:Well,lets play basketball.Tom:I don t like it.(silence)

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