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1、(140)Simulation of double nozzle flapper valve detection based on MatlabWang Rijun,Shen Shuyang(145)Design and implementation of web-side outcrop geological data information system Su Zhexian,Liu Yuangang,Zhang Mingwang,Li Zier(149)Establishment of test bank management system for the course Design o

2、f Mechanical Manufacturing EquipmentZhang Xiao(153)Tcache management strategy based on QEMUYang Yun,Jiang Jiale,Wang Jing,Gao Liuyang,Wu Yanan(158)Study on identification of Chinese herbal medicine based on spectral data analysis Zhang Yiqian,Wang Yue(162)Behavior recognition method based on ultraso

3、nic signals Yang Yang,Zhang Xue(167)Research on the construction and automatic annotation method of Tibetan sentiment corpus Jian Yangcuo,Anjian Cairang(171)Real time facial expression recognition system based on Raspberry Pi 4B Wang Lei,Si Shengjie,Du Zhijie,Wu Hui,Xu Jin(175)Research and developme

4、nt of new generation of automated SCADA system based on distributed microservice architecture Cai Leiming,Sun Changhao,Yu lidan(180)Design and implementation of automatic scoring system for answer sheet based on machine vision Gao Qiang,Pan Jun,Liu Wei,Gao Wenli(184)Research on machine vision based

5、detection method for stamping defects in packaging boxes Li Minghua,Yuan Yanhong,Peng Laihu,Zhou Ke,Xu Budu(189)Research on automatic paging and typesetting algorithm for information system table export and printing Tan Zaowen(194)Application of Sqlmap in SQL injection vulnerability detectionFeng Ho

6、ngjuan(198)Study on the relationship between peer assessment and learning performance based on online-offline blended learning Luo Ling,Chen Shuning(201)Discussion on operating system teaching in the context of system tools and large language models like ChatGPT Zeng Yingpei(205)Teaching reform prac

7、tice of Software Testing Technology course under new engineering and engineering education certification Xu Hongning,Wei Changfa,Peng Yingying,Wu Shiwen(209)Research of software engineering course teaching based on CDIO and task-drivenXiao Bo(213)Teaching practice of Python programming course based

8、on group competitive game mode Li Lichao,Zhang Bin,Jiang Jianwei,Xia Yuanyuan,Wen Ying(217)Teaching content exploration of algorithm design and analysis course for AI majorYu Liang(220)Grade prediction of university student based on machine learning Li Kaiwei(224)Exploration of teaching reform in Database Principles and Applications course for information innovation Li Jun,Ren Zhaoxu,Zhang Lei,Song Guoming,Xiang Yong(228)Laboratory information interaction platform based on JavaWeb Ying Xiaolan计算机时代计算机时代 暂停出刊通知暂停出刊通知由于本刊主管单位发生变化,按照相关法律法规,本刊启动变更工作,按要求变更期间暂停出刊,恢复时间另行通知。由此给广大作者、读者带来的不便敬请谅解。

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