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1、New words and expressionsv.使惊讶使惊讶adj.不用语言的不用语言的adj.满足的,满意的满足的,满意的v.使更愉快,使更有希望使更愉快,使更有希望adj.幸运的,吉利的幸运的,吉利的adj.平常的,普通的平常的,普通的v.战胜,克服战胜,克服v.使信服使信服adj.突出的,杰出的突出的,杰出的adj.无家可归的无家可归的nonverbalbrightencontentastonishfortunateordinaryhomelessovercomeconvincingoutstandingNew words and expressions直到现在直到现在对对满足满足

2、穷的,缺少的穷的,缺少的挑出,辨别出挑出,辨别出切断,断绝切断,断绝担任主演,主角担任主演,主角up to nowfeel/be content withbadly offpick out cut offstar inA smile always makes a young man.笑一笑,十年少笑一笑,十年少Unit 3A taste of English humour 5555I laughed too muchA 20-year-old manafter laughing twiceIm driving at a high speed.七点要早读,生活真赶啊七点要早读,生活真赶啊“特困生

3、”I am strong Do you feel my love?I want to lose my weight.Laughter is the best medicine.A smile always makes a young man.Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.(笑是良药笑是良药)(笑一笑笑一笑,十年少十年少)(笑容如阳光驱散人们脸上的冬天)(笑容如阳光驱散人们脸上的冬天)Do you feel happy when you see those pictures?Group workHumorwa

4、ys to make people laugh英语中有趣的双关语英语中有趣的双关语“pun”所谓pun,通常是指利用一个单词的两个含义,达到“一语双关”的目的。Two meanings with one word.比如:穿什么就是什么-森马 SEMIR英语中有趣的双关语英语中有趣的双关语“pun”所谓pun,通常是指利用一个单词的两个含义,达到“一语双关”的目的。Two meanings with one word.比如:穿什么就是什么-森马 SEMIR1.Policeman:You cant park here.Driver:Why cant I?Policeman:Read the sig

5、n here.Driver:It says,“Fine for Parking,”so I parked.罚款罚款:punishment2.Girl:If we marry,will you give me a ring?Boy:Of course,Whats your telephone number?戒指戒指 What is a punchline?Find the jokes punchlines.The words that form the climax of a jokePunchlinePunchlineWhat is punchline?What is punchline?Fu

6、nny jokes are humorous in the last line.nonverbalCharlie ChaplinHe was one of the most famous humorists that can make others laugh all the time.He was a great silent movie star.Charlie ChaplinA Master of Nonverbal Humour Fast ReadingFind out the main idea of each part.Why people needed cheering up.C

7、harlie Chaplins childhood.His most famous character.An example of his works.(The Gold Rush)His achievements.Careful ReadingWhat effect does Charlie Chaplins acting have?He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed,so they could feel more content with their lives.Para.11.When was he taught

8、 to sing and dance?Para.2He was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.2.Unfortunately his father died,leaving the family even worse off.A.richer B.earlier C.poorer D.later 3.You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could A.kind B

9、.great C.amazing D.excitingPara.2Para 2 Charlie Chaplins childhood.4.How did he spend his childhood after his father died?He spent his time looking after his mother and his brother.large trousersworn-out shoes a walking sticka small black hata moustacheCan you describe the little tramp?Para.3 The Li

10、ttle TrampThe Little Tramp was was a poor and a poor and homelesshomeless person person The characteristic of the tramp A failure/underdoglOptimisimlDerterminedlKind Time:_Time:_Place:Place:_Job in the film:Job in the film:_in the mid-nineteenth century California Rush in search of goldDid they succ

11、eed in finding the gold?Did they succeed in finding the gold?_ _ What troubles did they meet?What troubles did they meet?Para 4:The Gold RushThey _ on the edge of a mountain in a _with nothing to eat.Noare hiding in a small hutsnowstormPara 4Para 4 The Gold RushThe Gold RushCut off the leather top o

12、f the shoePick out the laces and eat themTry cutting and chewing the bottom of the shoeSit down at the table.4123Can you put them in the right order?Para.4Para.5Chaplin wrote,_,and produced many movies he _.The Tramp流浪汉流浪汉 1915The Kid 寻子遇仙记寻子遇仙记 1921 The Gold Rush淘金记淘金记 1925 directedstarred inHe was

13、 given a _ for his lifetime outstanding work.Modern Times 摩登时代摩登时代 1936The Great Dictator 大独裁者大独裁者 1940The Circus 大马戏团大马戏团 1928 special OscarWhat should we learn from Charlie Chaplin?What should we do to get success?We should be optimistic(乐观)no matter what difficulties you meet with,just as Charlie

14、 Chaplin was.Set up an aim Do our best Pay more time than others Never give up/lose heart Insist on what we pursue You have to believe in yourself.Thats the secret You have to believe in yourself.Thats the secret of success.-Charlie Chaplinof success.-Charlie Chaplin LifeLife is challenging,meet it.

15、Life is various,make it.Life is beautiful,discover it.Life is humorous,enjoy it.His two famous films are_ _Charlie ChaplinHe was born in _His job is _ In 1972,he was given _Type of acting is _He died in_ in _.Retell Retell Charlie ChaplinCharlie Chaplin1889.an actor.mime and farceThe Little Tramp&The Gold Rush.1977Switzerland.for his outstanding work.a special OscarWarming up Warming up enjoy a videoenjoy a videoMr.beanCan I have a break?

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