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1、2019-2021 北京重点校初三(上)期中英语汇编 完形填空一完形填空1 (2021 北京师大附中九年级期中) David had a new baby sister.She lay in a bassinet (婴儿摇篮) in the kitchen, and everyone thought she was wonderful.Aunt Sue came first thing in the morning to see her.She gave David a hug at the door and (1) _him a package.But when he started to

2、open it, she said, This is for the baby.You and I will have a treat later this week. Slowly David walked outside.He had swept the front porch (门厅) this morning, even the leaves that were (2) _in the cornersbut Aunt Sue hadnt noticed.He heard whistling down the block.It was Mr.Larkin, the mailman.Dav

3、id decided to meet him.He jumped all the way down the sidewalk on one foot and didnt even fail down.But Mr.Larkin just said, I hear you have a new baby sister.Arent you (3)_ And he gave David the mail.?David walked with heavy steps back to the house.Mother and Aunt Sue were still talking , even thou

4、gh it was almostlunchtime.He put the mail on the table and (4) _a peanutbutterandjelly sandwich.He made it just right.It wasnt even drippy (滴水的) .His brother Jeff, home from kindergarten, rushed into the kitchen.David held up his sandwich, Look, Jeff.I made my own (5) _.But Jeffjust nodded and said,

5、 Guess what? The baby smiled at me!David ate his sandwich.It wasnt that good after all.He could hardly taste the jelly.The house was quiet.Mother and the baby were taking a nap, and Jeff was outside playing.David got out his crayons anddrew a whole page of turtles , each a different color.The front

6、door opened.It was his big sister Beth , home from highschool.He took his picture in to show her.She smiled.Then she took out a little package and said , Look, David.I got these little shoes for (6) _.Arent they cute? And she ran upstairs to show Mother.David went outside and got his bike.He rode up

7、 and down the sidewalk , very slowly.His stomach hurt.Finally, he went back in the house.Mother was just coming out of the kitchen.She held out her arms.Come and give me a hug , David.Ive hardly seen you all day.What have you been doing? All of a sudden his stomach felt better.He gave his mother a b

8、ig hug and took her hand.Ill show you.he said.He took her out on the porch.David, you swept the porchyou even got the leaves in the corners!He felt a big smile pop out on his face.He jumped down all the steps on one foot.She clapped.And you didnt even (7) _.He took her back in the house to see his t

9、urtle picture.She looked at each turtle carefully.David, this is a wonderful picture.Lets put it up on the refrigerator, so Daddy can see it when he gets home.They walked together into the kitchen.There was the baby, still sleeping and making little wiggling noises.David looked at his mother, but sh

10、e was busy taping his pictureto the refrigerator.He reached over and touched the babys hand.She grabbed (抓住) his finger and held on (8) _.A warm, wonderful feeling filled David.Mother walked over and put her arm around his shoulder. Im glad this baby has you for a big brother. David smiled up at his

11、 mother. Me too.he said.1 / 17(1) A.headed B.threw C.sent D.handed(2) A.cleared B.cleaned C.stuck D.searched(3) A.lucky B.sad C.angry D.disappointed(4) A.ate B.fixed C.found D.accepted(5) A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.supper(6) A.the baby B.mum C.the teacher D.you(7) A.turn B.trip C.try D.treat(8)

12、A.carefully B.proudly C.tightly D.hopefully2 (2021 北京师大附中九年级期中) Anna was a 9yearold girl from a small village.She attended primary school, till 4th grade at her village.For the 5th grade onwards, she would have to get an admission (入 学 ) in a school at a city nearby.She got very (1) _knowing that sh

13、e was accepted in a famous school in the city.Today was the first day of her school and she was waiting for her school bus.Once the bus cam,e she got in it (2) _.She was very excited.When the bus reached her school, all students started going to their classes.Anna also made it to her classroom.Upon

14、seeing her ( 3 ) _clothing and knowing she was from a small village , other students started making fun of her.The teacher soon arrived.She (4) _Anna to the class and told them that she would be studying with them from today.Then she told everyone to write down the Seven Wonders of the world.Everyon

15、e started writing the answer quickly.But Anna started to write the answer slowly.When everyone except Anna had presented their answer paper, the teacher asked Anna, What happened, dear? Dont (5) _.Just write what you know as other students have learned about it just a few days back.Anna replied, The

16、re are many things.Which seven can I pick to write ? And then she handed her answer paper to the teacher.The teacher started reading everyones answers and the majority had answered them such as The Great Wall of Chin,aColosseum, Stonehenge, Great Pyramid of Giza, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Taj Mahal, Ha

17、nging Gardens of Babylon etc.The teacher was happy as students had (6) _what she had taught them.At last the teacher paper started reading Annas answer paper.The Seven Wonders areTo be able to See, To be able to Hear, To be able to Feel, To Laugh, ToThink, To be Kind, To Love!The teacher stood (7) _

18、and the whole class was speechless.Today, a girl from a small village reminded us2 / 17about the gifts we have, which are truly a (8)(1) A.worried B.happy(2) A.quickly B.easily(3) A.simple B.clean(4) A.pushed B.followed(5) A.cry B.forget(6) A.shared B.guessed(7) A.satisfied B.disappointed_.So value

19、what we have and use what we have.C.afraid C.lazily C.lovely C.turned C.write C.missedC.shockedD.calmD.patiently D.expensive D.introduced D.worryD.rememberedD.frightened(8) A.talent B.prize C.wonder D.challenge3 (2021 北京四中九年级期中) I gave my first performance when I was ten.Id been playing cello(大提琴) f

20、or two years at that point, as part of the music program.It was lucky that my school even had a cello, a very expensive instrument.When I told Mom and Dad that I was going to be a cellis they both burst out (1) _.Once theyd realized I was serious, they immediately put on supportive faces.I was eager

21、 to get a cello at that time, but they could only rent (租) one for me.But their reaction still hurt mein ways that Im not sure they wouldve understood even if I had.Dad sometimes (2)_that the hospital where I was born must have accidentally exchanged babies because I look nothing like the rest of my

22、 (3) _.They are all blond and fair and with dark eyes.But as I got older, Dads hospital joke took on more meaning than I think he meant.Then, it came to my first performance.Standing backstage, listening to other kids play the violin and piano , Id almost (4) _out.Id run to stage door and hid outsid

23、e.My teacher flew into a minor panic(惊慌) and sent out a searchparty.Dad found me.You okay, Mia? he asked, sitting down next to me on the steps.I shook my head, too (5) _to talk.Whats up? I cant do it. I cried.Dad put a gentle arm around my shoulder.You know that I used to get super nervous before a

24、show. I looked at Dad, who always seemed completely sure of everything in the world.Youre just saying that.He (6) _his head. No, Im not.I was the drummer, way in the back.No one even paid any attention to me. He got wasted.Mom interrupted. He dropped his drumsticks and puked (呕吐) on stage.Now I was

25、laughing.I was still scared, but it was somehow ( 7 ) _to think that maybe stage fright was something I got from Dad.I wasnt just some foundling (弃儿), after all.What if I mess it up? What if Im terrible? Ive got news for you, Mia.Theres going to be all kinds of terrible things there, so you wont rea

26、lly stand out.So I went on.I didnt shine through the piece.I didnt achieve a huge success , but I didnt mess it up, either.And after the performance, I got my present.It was sitting in the passenger seat of the car , looking as human as that cello Id been (8) _to two years earlier.It wasnt a rental.

27、It was mine.(1) A.cheering B.shouting C.crying D.laughing(2) A.joked B.realized C.questioned D.complained(3) A.group B.family C.neighbors D.friends(4) A.stepped B.stood C.chickened D.broke(5) A.ashamed B.surprised C.excited D.tired(6) A.dropped B.nodded C.shook D.raised(7) A.interesting B.comforting

28、 C.amazing D.satisfying(8) A.used B.led C.related D.drawn4 ( 2021 北京 二中九 年级 期中) After school on Friday , I waited at the school gate to walk home with Jemma as3 / 17usual.Then I saw her talking and laughing happily with some other girls, She glanced (瞥了一眼) at me and left me alone there.I knew right

29、then that I had (1) _my best friend.After dinner, Mom asked, Is Jemma coming by tomorrow? I shrugged (耸肩) and said nothing.The next morning , Mom asked, Today is (2) _, What are you and Jemma going to do? I shrugged again.How is Jemma? Mom took a look at me, Then she said, Will you take these magazi

30、nes to Grandma, please? As I walked down the street a new girl in the neighborhood came towards me, smiling.But I just went (3) _her.Grandma welcomed me atthe door with a warm hug.Sitting on the sofa , I noticed a (n ) (4 ) _of kids in oldfashioned clothes on the table.Grandma (5 ) _at a girl with s

31、hort fair hair.Thats Beth Lambert she said, My best friend. Until week before we took this photo I was surprised at that, Beth and I were best friends in school.We did everything together.Then one day, she made new friends and she didnt want to hang out with me any more.Nothing(6) _more than thatI d

32、idnt say anything.Icouldnt.I knew Id start crying if I opened my mouth.Grandma hugged me again.Simone, sometimes friends grow ( 7 ) _might happen to anyone, the continued. Then, see him? Grandmas finger moved to a boy with glasses in the photo.He lived near me.When I waswalking home by myself.I said

33、 hello to him.And we became friends.So if we want to start a new friendship, she smiled, One (8) _is all it took.As I was heading home, that new girl appeared again.I went toward her and spoke Hello.(1) A.lost B.made C.hurt D.forgotten(2) A.Monday B.Friday C.Saturday D.Sunday(3) A.to B.for C.against

34、 D.past(4) A.card B.photo C.poster D.advertisement(5) A.shouted B.smiled C.carried D.pointed(6) A.hurt B.encouraged C.moved D.helped(7) A.old B.separate C.strong D.close(8) A.hug B.smile C.word D.question5 (2020 北京师大附中九年级期中) Everyone knew that Stuti was the best speller in the whole class.She could

35、spell difficult words likeencyclopediaandamendmentvery (1) _.She used to get perfect scores during each weeklyspelling test.Ms.Daisy, her English teacher, made a (2) _for the spelling tests that any child who doesnt get at least 60% correct spellings would have to correct each wrong word and copy th

36、ree times for next weeks spelling test.Seema , who sat next to Stuti always struggled (挣扎) in spellings.Last Thursday , she received 56%, which meant she had to ( 3 )_the rest 44% words three times.Stuti was so (4 ) _in her spelling abilities that she decided not to study for her next spelling test.

37、The test began.Ms.Daisy pronounced each word and then repeated it.Everything was OK until she spoke Handkerchief.Stuti scribbled (匆匆书写) handkeh.now what? Her mind was blank.Ms.Daisy started to move on to the next word.An idea came into Stutis mind that Seema (5) _how to spell4 / 17it!Seema had writt

38、en this word three times.There it was, spelled out in Seemas handwriting.Her eyes went quickly back to her own paper and (6) _theword with the lettersief.Stuti remained nervous as Ms.Daisy read the last spelling word.She had. (7) _just for the first time in her life.She thought, Is this the way I wa

39、nt to keep my perfect record by being a cheater? Finally, she erased what she had written earlier and replaced it with what she knew was the wrong answer.She wrote eif.As her hands put down her pencil and passed the test up to the fron,t she sighed with relief (解脱) .She thought, So what if my perfec

40、t scores are no longer being kept? At least my (8) _is.5 / 17(1) A.happily(2) A.plan(3) A.check(4) A.special(5) A.knew(6) A.changed(7) A.cheated(8) A.choiceB.easilyB.suggestionB.copyB.unusualB.provedB.pickedB.askedB.courageC.slowlyC.guessC.readC.confusedC.foundC.finishedC.lookedC.honestyD.carefullyD.ruleD.pronounceD.confidentD.wonderedD.replacedD.rememberedD.pride6 (2020 北京四中九年级期中) Queen of the IceI get into position and take a deep breath.The music starts and my mind focuses on one thing:

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