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现代大学英语精读一 TransBook1 Unit12.docx

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1、Book1 Unit12A1. 你是怎么将身体保持的这么好的?说起 来, 我还从来不知道你生过病。 你的秘密法宝是什么?How do you manage to keep sofit? Come to think of it, I have never known you to be sick. Whatsyour secret?2. 我小时候一直讨厌做家务。我甚至理所当 然地认为这是女人做的事情。现在我真为 自己以前的态度后悔I always hated to do house hold chores when I was a boy, taking it for granted that

2、they were onlyfor women. Looking back, I really feel sorryfor my past attitude.3. 他的大房子包括两座分开的建筑, 分别设 计成不同的风格, 中间有一个暗道连接起来。His big house contains two separate buildings designed in different styles and connected with/by a secret passage.4. 年轻人总希望有更多的权力和财富, 老年人则希望他们能年轻三十岁。 那样, 他们 就会成为世界上最幸福的人。但对于我,我的

3、幸福是不需要条件的。Young people always wish they had more power and money, whereas old people always wish they were thirty years younger. Hen they would all become the happiest people on earth. Asfor me, I am happy unconditionally.5. 前些日子我无意中听到几个外国人在评 论我们有些同胞在国外旅行时的不良举 止, 我很难为情。 我觉得我们有些坏习惯真要改改了。The other day

4、 I overheard some foreigners talking about how some of our people behaved while they were traveling overseas. They made me so ashamed. Ithink we really have to change some of our bad habits.6. 现在我们的公交系统已有了如此大的改进,私家车实在不值得买了。Now that our public transportation system has improved so much, private cars

5、are really not worth buying.7. 现在你很少看到年轻人在街上游荡, 人们 都行色匆匆。但有时候我真希望我们能放慢一点速度。Nowadays you seldom see young people loitering in the streets. People always seem to be in a hurry. Sometimes I do hope we can slow down a little bit.B1. 我爱秋天,这是个收获的季节。 I love autumn, it s a season of harvest.2. 直到他摘下墨镜, 我才认出

6、她是我中学时 最要好的朋友。I didn t recognize my best friend at high school until he removed his sun glasses.3. 能提出他人认为是最愚蠢的问题是需要勇气的。It takes courage to ask what others regard as “stupid ” questions.4. 孩子们看起来好像昨天整夜都没有合眼。 The children looked as if they hadn t had a wink of/any sleep last night.5. 报道像奥运会和世界杯这样的体育盛

7、事肯定令人激动。It must be exciting to report on/cover such sports events as the Olympic Games and the World Cup.6. 住在我家的客人表现得好像她是房主似的。My house guest behaves as if she were the owner of the house.7. 即便是这个国家正从金融危机中慢慢地缓过来,其经济完全复苏也尚需时日。 Even if the country is gradually recovering from thefinancial crisis, it m

8、ay be some time before its economy gets back on itsfeet.8. “只要我还主事, ”校长说, “我就要确保没有一个学生因付不起学费而退学。 ” “As long as Im in charge, ” said the president of the university, “I will make sure no one drops out because they can t pay tuition any more. ”9. 现在有了一位新教育部长, 他们希望看到教育制度有所变化。Now that they have a new Mi

9、nister ofEducation, they hope to see some change in their education system.10. 这是 1945 年的一个阳光明媚的早晨, 八点十五分,一架 B-29 轰炸机从空中把 一颗原子弹投到日本的城市广岛, 使几万人丧生。It was a brilliant/sunny summer morning in 1945. At exactly 8:15, a B-29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, killing tens of thousands of people.

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