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2023年高考英语模拟卷 新高考地区(含答案及解析).docx

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1、2023 年高考英语模拟卷 新高考地区第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、 B、 C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThe worlds oceans are absorbing about 90% of the excess heat created by greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activity. But the release of ocean energy as a result of this is also one o

2、f the primary mechanisms by which the Earth been able to delay much of the warming that we might have experienced to date.To try and gain a better understanding of the processes occurring in the Southern Ocean, a team of researchers has developed a self-contained system that can be dropped from an a

3、irplane or drone to measure ocean temperature, salinity and pressure. The Autonomous Ocean Sampling Networks (AOSN) system can travel to depths of 2,000 meters and transmit data back to researchers on land in real time via satellite.The AOSN system has already been used to take readings in the South

4、ern Ocean, where researchers found that heat is being transported across the ocean at a rate four times higher than hasbeen previously estimated. The research suggests that large -scale circulation in the Southern Ocean is becoming more energetic as a result of greenhouse gas emissions, which is hel

5、pingto slow global warming, but also resulting in a loss of ice in Antarctica and more sea level rise.One of the benefits of the AOSN system is that it can be used to complement other ocean monitoring tools, such as sophisticated sensors placed on buoys or recon missions by researchships.1. What is

6、the primary way in which greenhouse gases affect the Earths oceans?A. They make the oceans absorb more sunlight.B. They increase the acidity of the oceans.C. They cause the oceans to warm up.D. They make the ocean currents more energetic.2. Why is the Southern Ocean particularly important for unders

7、tanding the effects of greenhouse gas emissions?A. It is where most of the oceans heat is absorbed.B. It is a region with particularly high levels of greenhouse gas emissions.C. It is where the effects of climate change are most visible.D. it is where the ocean currents are strongest.3. What is the

8、Autonomous Ocean Sampling Networks (AOSN) system?A. A device that measures ocean temperature, salinity and pressure in real time.B. A system that uses drones to monitor the Southern Ocean from the air.C. A network of research ships that collect data on ocean currents.D. A system that monitors ocean

9、currents using satellite data.BEvery time Ben goes swimming, he carries a knife in his swimsuit. Its not that hes afraid of sharks or anything. He just wants to be prepared in case he gets tangled up in some seaweed.This past weekend, Ben went to the beach with some friends. They were taking turns j

10、umping off a small cliff into the ocean. Ben climbed up to the top, took a deep breath, and jumped off. As soon as he hit the water, he felt something wrap around his leg. At first, he thought it was just seaweed. But the grip was too tight.Bens mind raced. What could it be? A jellyfish? An octopus?

11、 No. It was something much larger. He looked down and saw a giant tentacle wrapped tightly around his leg. He could feel it pulling him deeper under the water.Frantically, Ben reached for his knife. But his swimsuit pocket was empty. He must have dropped it somewhere on the way up to the cliff. Pani

12、c set in. He was running out of air. He fought hard to free himself, but the grip only tightened.Just when he thought hed be lost forever, his friends came to the rescue. Theyrealized there was something wrong as soon as he jumped off the cliff. They understood immediately when they saw him struggli

13、ng to stay afloat that he was in danger. Together, they managed to pull him free from the creatures grip and swim to shore.Ben never saw what had attacked him, but he knew it was big. He learned a valuable lesson that day. He now carries two knives every time he goes swimming.4. Why does Ben carry a

14、 knife when he goes swimming?A. He wants to defend himself against sharks.B. He wants to be prepared in case he gets tangled up in seaweed.C. He likes the way it looks in his swimsuit pocket.D. He wants to cut things like seaweed and jellyfish.5. What happened to Ben when he jumped into the ocean fr

15、om the cliff?A. He got stuck in some seaweed.B. He saw a jellyfish swimming below him.C. Something wrapped around his leg and pulled him under.D. He swam to shore by himself.6. Why did Ben panic when he couldnt find his knife?A. He thought he might run out of breath.B. He was afraid of the creature

16、he was tangled up with.C. He was afraid of drowning.D. Both A and B.7. How did Ben finally get out of danger?A. He fought the creature off by himself.B. He swam to shore by himself.C. His friends came to his rescue.D. He used his two knives to cut himself free.CA recent study has found that artifici

17、al intelligence (AI) can accurately predict whether someone is gay or straight just by analyzing their facial features. The studywas conducted by researchers at Stanford University, who used a sample of over 35,000 facial images, taken from an online dating website, and analyzed them using deep neur

18、al networks to determine whether the person was gay or straight.The AI was able to accurately distinguish between gay and straight men 81% of the time, and gay and straight women 74% of the time, based purely on facial features. The study also found that gay men and women tend to have “gender -atypi

19、cal facial morphology, expression, and grooming styles,” which means that their faces tend to be more feminine (in the case of gay men) or more masculine (in the case of gay women) than heterosexual individuals.The findings of the study have caused controversy, with some arguing that it reinforces h

20、armful stereotypes and could lead to discrimination against gay people. Others have raised concerns about the ethics of using AI to detect and potentially “out” peoples sexual orientation without their consent.However, the researchers argue that their study has important implications for understandi

21、ng the biological basis of sexual orientation, which has long been a topic of debate. They point out that their findings suggest that the differences between gay and heterosexual individuals are not merely the result of social or environmental factors, but have a biological basis that can be detecte

22、d through facial analysis. Regardless of its implications, the study has demonstrated the impressive capabilities of AI when it comes to analyzing large datasets and identifying patterns that are not immediately apparent to the human eye.8. What was the purpose of the study conducted by researchers

23、at Stanford University?A. To determine whether someone is gay or straight by analyzing their facial features.B. To analyze the gender-atypical facial morphology, expression and grooming styles.C. To understand the biological basis of sexual orientation.D. To study the ethics of using AI to detect se

24、xual orientation.9. How accurate was the AI in distinguishing between gay and straight men and women?A. 74% of the time for both men and women.B. 81% of the time for men and 74% of the time for women.C. 81% of the time for both men and women.D. There is no information given in the text.10. What do s

25、ome people argue about the findings of the study?A. They reinforce harmful stereotypes.B. They suggest that the differences between gay and heterosexual individuals have a biological basis.C. They have important implications for understanding the biological basis of sexual orientation.D. They demons

26、trate the impressive capabilities of AI.11. What do the researchers argue about the findings of the study?A. They suggest that the differences between gay and heterosexual individuals have a biological basis.B. They reinforce harmful stereotypes about gay people.C. They raise concerns about the ethi

27、cs of using AI to detect sexual orientation without consent.D. They demonstrate the impressive capabilities of AI.DAs a parent of teens, Im used to my kids daily struggles: academics, social pressures, athletics and time management. However, lately, Ive noticed a rise in their technology struggles,

28、from endless scrolling to virtual harassment (骚扰). Here are some tips from tech savvy ( 精通技术的) parents on how to help your child manage their tech life.1 Be supportiveLet your child know that you understand their use of technology is important to them, and that youre there to help them navigate thei

29、r online life. Ask to see their favoriteapps and websites, and show interest in what they enjoy about them.2 Talk honestly and openlyIf youre worried about the amount of time your child is spending on their phone,tablet or computer, or you are worried about cyberbullying (网络欺凌), start a conversation

30、. Make sure your child knows your concerns and that youre there tolisten and help.3 Set limitsIf youve noticed that your child is staying up too late on their phone or is ignoring their friends and family to play video games alone, its time to set some limits. Be clear about what you expect, and ask

31、 your child to help come up with a plan thatworks for everyone.4 Get involvedAsk your child to teach you something new about technology. Whether its a new social media platform or a popular video game, your child will appreciate your interest and might even invite you to play along.12. What is the a

32、rticle mainly about?A. The benefits and drawbacks of technology for teens.B. How to manage your childs use of technology.C. The challenges of being a tech savvy parent.D. The importance of talking openly with your teen.13. What is the first tip for managing your childs tech life?A. Be supportive of

33、your childs use of technology.B. Limit your childs use of technology to certain times.C. Discuss your concerns about cyberbullying.D. Show a lack of interest in your childs tech activities.14. What should you do if you notice your child is spending too much time on their phone?A. Ask them to teach y

34、ou something about technology.B. Get involved in their online life.C. Limit their use of technology and make a clear plan.D. Start a conversation about your concerns with your child.15. What is the importance of being a tech savvy parent?A. To keep up with the latest technology trends.B. To help you

35、r child navigate their online life.C. To teach your child how to use technology properly.D. To better understand the challenges of being a teenager.第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两 项为多余选项。Compliments can be tricky. Sometimes they can make us feel great and other

36、times they can make us feel 16 _ or embarrassed. But receiving a compliment is just one half of the equation. How you react to a compliment is just as important. Do you brush it off? Or do you confidently accept it? Here are a few tips on how to accept a compliment graciously.1. Say “thank you.”It m

37、ay seem like an obvious response, but many people have a habit of deflecting compliments. 17 _ Instead, just say “thank you.” This simple response shows that you appreciate the compliment and that you feel confident in yourself.2. Smile.Smiling is another simple way to show your appreciation for a c

38、ompliment. 18 _ A genuine smile can also show that you are confident and comfortable with yourself.3. Accept it with grace.When someone compliments you, it can be tempting to downplay the compliment or to try to reciprocate with one of your own. Instead, just accept it with grace. 19 _ Simply say “t

39、hank you” and move on.4. Dont feel like you have to return the favor.Sometimes, when we receive a compliment, we feel like we have to compliment the other person in return. This can lead to an awkward exchange of false compliments. 20 _ It is perfectly fine to simply accept the compliment without fe

40、eling like you have to reciprocate.A. uncomfortableB. confidentC. indifferentD. curiousE. annoyedF. jealousG. ashamed第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、 C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21) to having a home security system is high, but most homeowners do not current

41、ly have one installed.22) Home security systems can provide protection against break -ins, as well as other emergencies such as fires and carbon monoxide leaks.23) When choosing a home security system, it is important to consider factors such as the type of monitoring offered and the level of custom

42、er service provided.24) Some home security systems require professional installation, while others can be installed by the homeowner.25) In addition to traditional wired systems, wireless home security systems are becoming increasingly popular due to their ease of installation and flexibility.26) Ho

43、meowners can also choose to install video surveillance systems for added security and peace of mind.27) Many home security systems also offer additional features such as remote access and control via smartphone apps.28) Home security systems can range in price depending on the level of features and

44、monitoring desired.29) In addition to the initial installation cost, home security systems often require ongoing monthly monitoring fees.30) It is important to read reviews and compare options before choosing a home security system and provider.31) Homeowners may also be eligible for discounts on th

45、eir home insurancepremiums by having a home security system installed.32) While home security systems can provide added protection and peace of mind, it is important to also take common sense precautions such as locking doors and windows.33) Homeowners should also ensure that their home security sys

46、tem is regularly maintained and tested to ensure proper functioning.34) In the event of an emergency, homeowners should know how to contact their home security system provider and be familiar with the systems features and capabilities.35) With the right home security system and precautions in place,

47、 homeowners can help protect themselves and their property from potential threats.21. What is the attitude of most homeowners toward having a home security system?A. They are eager to have one installed.B. They are reluctant to have one installed.C. They are indifferent to having one installed.D. They are not mentioned.22. What types of

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