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1、Hobbies Music,Sports and entertainmentSentence patterns-talking about hobbieslWhat do you like to do in your spare time?(on weekends),(leisure time,free time)lDo you have any hobbies?lWhat do you do for fun?/relaxation?lWhats your favorite(music,sport,book,star)?lWhat kind ofdo you like?lWhich one d

2、o you like better(prefer),or?lDo you like(doing sth)?I like reading books,/Listening to music/Playing footballI used to,now I like going out have fun with friends.To replylI like reading bookslI am fond oflI am keen onlI am a big fan oflis my favoritelI think is the bestlI likemostlI love lI enjoy(d

3、oing sth)lWell,it depends.IfvI am not a fan ofvI dont understand a thing ofvI dont like doingvI dislike(doing)vis not my thing.How do you spend your holiday?vHi,normally how do you spend your holidayvWhat do you usually do on your vacation?vUsually,how do your family spend the weekend?vLets see.Have

4、 you ever been to a Jazz club?vHow many times have you gone out to see the movie this month?To reply more interestinglyvI like staying at home,hanging around with the kid,you know,family is important.vWell,Doing home chores is definitely one thing on the list.And then,I may go on a walk to the park.

5、Once a while,I will go to see a movie with friends,depends on what is on.vWhen the weather is nice,we will have a family picnic at the riverside.The view there is beautiful!vNormally,I will take a trip to mountains,you know,to get some fresh air.Clarify lLike doing sth-interest,hobbieslLike to do st

6、h-want to do sth for this time,not a habit or hobby.vI like to watch TVvMeans,I want to watch TV now.didnt talk about other timevI like watching TV vMeans,Watching TV is my hobby,I do it quite often.Music and concertMusiclClassical musiclPop musiclJazzlBlueslMetal music lRock and rolllR&B-rhythm and

7、 blueslRap lCountrylWesternlGospel lOperavsongsvlyricsvRhythm/pacevpitchvMusic/melody/tunevOperculum/scoresvStaff/stavevcomposervRecord(sell)vAlbum(issue.)Mixed,blendwith,Influenced byPeople and activitylSingerlComposerlSolo lChoruslsymphonylPlayer lThe director/conductorlThe theme tunelThe accompan

8、y vConcertvOrchestravRehearsal,vshow,performancevThe theatre/hall(on)vStage,Seat,aisle,row,linevSpeaker,stereovIntermissionvAcousticsvThe lighting effectask about music/concertlWhere will this concert be held?lWhen will it be on(theatre)?lHow much is the ticket?lWho is directing/the director(conduct

9、or)?lWho is going to play(performance)?(orchestra)lHow did you like the concert?lDid you enjoy the?lHow was the concert?lWhich one do you like better,classical music or pop music?lHow long will the concert run?lHow important is music to you?lIt is worthwhile to spend(pay 200 yuan)on(for)a concert.lD

10、o you play any musical instruments?lHe is talented in music/he has great talent for musiclMusic to him is something he cant go without.lHe is todays MozartlHe is the 21st Centurys Beethoven.lHe was borne as a musician.He has sold millions of records.lHe had his first hit at the age of 12.lI like the

11、 rhythm,it is full of energy and hope.lIts very emotional/touching/moving/relaxing.lI think the music is too fast.My heart cant stand it.lThe music is so amusing that I cant help dancing with it.lHere is good one.Beethoven Concert at the Fall Hall.talk about music,singer,concertlI like it.Naturally

12、it can arouse my feelings(of)l it made me feel at homelI was completely lost in itlIt carried me awaylIt stirs up my full imagination.lThe concert has made a hitlHis singing was really a hitlThe concert caused(created)a(quite)sensation.lThe audience was stunned by the tone bad impression good impres

13、sionlawfullIts disturbing/annoyinglDisgustinglMonotonous lBoringlThe pitch is too high,like screaminglNoisylToo loud (to enjoy).lToo low to hear it.vOutstandingvFabulousvMarvelousvTerrific vWonderfulvFantastic vStunning vExtra-ordinaryvUnbelievablevMoving/touchingvAmusingSilly and stupidlAbsurdlridi

14、culouslDumblSillyStrange lWeird lBizarrelOddlUnusualHorrible vDreadfulvHorriblevScarring vRelentless vChillingvthrillingPlay Musical instrumentslIt can play very marvelous tunes(曲调)lIt is hard to find the notes(找音位),and breathing is also a big problem.lThe left hand makes the notes on the strings(铉)

15、while the right hand has to manage the bow(琴弓),and bowing well is an art.(violin)lGuitar is the most satisfying instrument,it is easier to learn for the beginners.instrumentlWind instruments 管乐器 lWoodwind,木管乐器lBrass,铜管乐器lClarinet 单簧管,黑管lTrumpet 小号lTrombone 长号lFlute 长笛lVertical bamboo flute 萧lHarmoni

16、ca/mouth organ 口琴vGuitar 吉他vViolin 小提琴vCello 大提琴vPiano 钢琴vOrgan/pipe organ 管风琴vAccordion 手风琴vZither 古筝Drum 鼓 Gong 锣 Patter 快板Ticketing Buying a concert ticketBooking Book/buying a ticketlGood morning,hall,can I help you?lHi,I want to book a ticket for theconcert on 25th,2 p.m.lYes,how many do you ne

17、ed/wantlTwo please.lSmoking or non-smoking area/section?lnon-smoking please.Oh,wait,lCan I have seat next to the aisle?lAlright.Its booked.Please pick up before.lI will.ThankslYoure welcome.Tickets are Sold outlSorry,its booked upl sold outl fulll there is no vacancy now.lDo you like a ticket of ano

18、ther time?l is ok for you?lWhen/what time is available?lYeah,thats ok.Ask about the ticketlDo you happen to have the ticket to tonight concert?lUh.I suppose to./Yeah.Should.Do you want to go with me?lI love to.Thank you.lOther arts lLiterature,ofiction-poem,novels,play,prose,(myth/legend),onon-ficti

19、on-biography,autobiography,documentary,histories.lPainting,oil painting,color painting,sketchlSculpture,statuelHandwriting,calligraphy lDancing,ballet,dancer(n)Books,magazine,newspaperlWriter,author,journalist,reporter,editor,photographerl the chief editor,(written)by,lThe top bestsellerslEdition,Is

20、sue,publishing,print(v.,n),reprint,copy(v.,n)lArticle,headline,headings,paragraph,linelPicture,photo,film lContent,text,subjectlAudience,readerslEditorial lReview,book review,lAward,Nobel Prize,Book shop,publishing house/press,newspaperillegal,Fake,counterfeit,false editionCopyright,patent,Copyright

21、 law,Infringement of the copyrightMovie,(books)and TV programscategoriesMovies,TV dramas,booksvAction movies,martial arts movies,Gongfu-vAffection movies,love story,romancevNon-fiction,Documentaries,historicalvAutobiography,biographyvFiction movies,Scientific fiction moviesvComedy,(comedian),Tragic

22、movies(tragedy)vThrills,frighten movies,chilling movies)vSerial movies,the sequel People in movie/dramalActor,actress,player,lthe leading actor,主角,role,characterlthe costar(minor role,supporting role)配角lFigurant(群众演员),double/stand-in(替身)lEditor,director,script writer,publisherlPlot,storylActing,dire

23、cting,castlRole,characterlCommenter,reviewerlComment,review Crouching tiger and hidden dragonHollywood,Oscar PrizeTV programslNewslDocumentary lSoap operalTV dramaslTalk showlCommercials/AdsvHost/hostessvSubtitles/subsvDub vInterview,interviewer,intervieweevGuestsvAudience Watching TVlWhat program i

24、s on?lWhat time will it be on?It will be on atlWhich channel do you want to watch?lCan I have the remote controller?lCould you please turn it down(up)a little bit?lDo you mind if I turning off/on the TV?lDo you mind watching/seeing it again?Other Entertainments Entertainment lChat in a bar,caf,teaho

25、uselDrinking,play cards,play chess,play checkerslWatching floor showlDining outlHave fun,lHang outlSinging(karaoke)lPlay tricks on sb,magic(magician)Chinese chess 象棋Chessman 棋子I-go 围棋Sports and Exercise sportsvPlay-football,volleyball,tennis,pingpang,badminton,hockey,(with equipment to make action o

26、n)vGo swimming,fishing vDo exercise,acrobatic,yoga vField-football /soccer,vCourt-tennis,basketball,volleyball,tennis,Games and matchesvGame-vMatch-vReferee,(judge)scoresvWin,winner;lose,loser;vBeat,beat;defeat,defeatedvDuel,drawn,vTeamvAthlete,PlayervCoachSports gamesOlympic gamesThe Olympic marksExercise/work outvRunning,joggingvStroll,walk,hikevCyclingvClimbing(mountains)vDivingvBungji jumpvDoing sit upsvStretching bodyvDoing step exercisevliftingvStationary cyclingvDoing acrobaticsEnd

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