1、你一定要坚强,即使受过伤,流过泪,也能咬牙走下去。因为,人生,就是你一个人的人生。=-摘 要本次毕业设计题目为芦屯中心小学教学楼的招标文件、施工图预算及工程量清单三个部分,建筑面积4463.6平方米,层数为4层,层高3.9米,结构类型为框架结构。本毕业设计由招标文件的编制、施工图预算、工程量清单的编制三部分组成。设计的任务是招标文件的编制、施工图预算和工程量清单的编制,其核心部分与首要工作是工程量的计算,在设计过程中,以建设工程计量与计价、工程量清单计价与规则为依据,按照辽宁省建筑工程工程量清单计价办法进行,经过指导老师上课的仔细讲授与个别答疑,并通过使用查阅资料与网络等手段,在指导老师的帮助
2、下先完成了工程量的计算。关键词:招标文件、施工图预算、工程量清单AbstracThe graduation design subject is Lutun center primary school building project cost and the construction organization design. there are 4 layers overground, the building is 16.5 meters tall and its construction area is 4463.6 square meters, the structure form is
3、 frame structure. the graduation design consists of three parts which are the preparation of tender documents,construction drawing budget and the formulation of the list of quantities.The design tasks are the preparation of tender documents,construction drawing budget and the formulation of the list
4、 of quantities,the core part and the primary work is he formulation of the list of quantities.In the design process,based on Construction engineering measurement and measurementand The quantities bill valuation with the rules,according to the Liaoning Province construction engineering list valuation
5、 measures,after the teacher carefully in class teaching and individual answer questions,and through the use of datd access and network means,in the guidance of teacher to help complete the calculation of the quantity.Key words: tender documents , construction drawing budget, the list of quantities.命运如同手中的掌纹,无论多曲折,终掌握在自己手中=