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1、精选资料企业职员雇用合同(中英文对照)EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT This Employment Contract is entered into by and between(姓名)_,of _(hereinafter referred to as Employer)and(姓名)_ ,of (hereinafter referred to as Employee)此雇用合同由(以下简称雇主)(公司名称、地址等)和(以下简称雇员)(单位名称、地址等)缔结。 Employer hereby employs Employee and Employee hereby accepts t

2、o be employed by Employer to serve and perform the duties required of himher in the job category provided below: 根据本合同,雇主将聘用雇员且雇员同意受聘于雇主就以下所规定的工作提供服务和履行义务。 A:DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:The parties hereto agree that Employee shall be employed only in the job category of _and shall perform the follow

3、ing duties and responsibilities: 义务和责任:合同双方同意雇员将受聘从事工作,并履行以下职责。B:TERM:The term of this contract shall be for the period of commencing upon _ and ending on 期限:本合同有效期为(年、月),从年月日起至年月日止。CWORK DAYS AND HOURS:EmployeeS work days,hours and workweek shall be to_,from _to _,for a total hours per week工作日和工时:雇

4、员每周工作从星期至星期,每天从点至点,一周共工作小时。DCOMPENSATION:In consideration of the services to be performed by Employee,Employer agrees to pay Employee compensation in the amount of:报酬:雇主同意就雇员的服务提供以下报酬:1$_per _and1每(小时)元;2$_ per _ for overtime compensation payable by check in biweekly intervals2每加班(一小时)元,每两周结算一次,支票支付

5、。3Other compensation(bonuses,commissions,etc),amount and method of calculation specified as follows:3其他报酬(红利、佣金等),数额及计算办法如下:EDEDUCTIONS: _ taxes and Social Security,if applicable,shall be withheld from Employees salary each pay periodNo other deductions from Employees compensation shall be made by E

6、mployer unless specified herein and approved by the Chief of Labor or his authorized designeeOther deductions(set forth amount and purpose of deduction):扣除款:每次发薪时,除从雇员报酬中扣出应缴之()税收和社会保险费外,雇主不得克扣雇员所得,本条款另有规定以及经工长或工长代理人同意的除外。其他扣除项目为(写出扣款目的和数目);FPRINCIPAL PLACE 0F WORK:Employees principal place of work

7、shall be on_However Employee may be required to perform hisher duties at the other senatorial districts within _depending on the natural of Employers business and upon Employers compliance with applicable labor policies andor regulations主要工作地:雇员主要工作地为。但如雇主业务性质所需,在不违犯劳工政策和规定情况下,雇主也可要求雇员在地以内其他选区履行职责。G

8、TR ANSPORTATION:Employer shall be responsible for the payment of Employees return airplane ticket to hisher point of hire at the expiration or termination of the Employment Contract,regardless of the nature of the termination差旅费:在本合同到期或中止(不论中止原因如何)时,雇主将负责雇员返回雇用地的机票费用。HINSURANCEMEDICAL EXPENSES:Emplo

9、yer shall be responsible and liable for the medical insurance or payment of all medical expenses of Employee,including the cost of referral and evacuation of medical treatment outside of_and,in the event of Employees death,the cost of embalming and transportation of Employees corpse back to hisher p

10、oint of origin保险和医疗费:雇主应负责雇员的医疗保险或负担雇员的全部医疗费用,包括地以外的转诊和转院费,如雇员因故死亡,雇主应承担尸体保存及运回原地的费用。INOTIFICATION OF NEXT-OFKIN:In the case of an emergency involving serious illness,accident or death of Employee,Employer shall immediately notify Employees next-of-kin whose name and addrss are as follows:最近的血亲的通知:雇

11、员在出现重病或死亡情况,雇主应立即通知其最近的血亲,雇员最近的血亲的姓名和地址如下: _ Page 1 of 3(第31页)JBOARD,LODGING AND OTHERS:Employer shall ensure that the following facilities are provided:食宿及其他:雇主必须保证提供以下方便:1_ Employerprovided housing at a charge of$ _per month _Employer-provided housing free of charge _Employee self-arranged housing

12、(Attach statement or rental agreement)(作记号以选择或不选择此项)雇主提供住宿,每月收费元。(同上)雇主免费提供住宿。(同上)雇员自备住宿(附声明和房租协议)。2_(number)meals per day at a charge Of $ _ per month每日餐,每月收费元。3_ Employee to provide own food(同上)雇员自理伙食。4_Free transportation to and from job site at Employer designated pick,up points(同上)上下班在雇主指定地上车,免

13、收车费。5_ Allowance:(同上)津贴:6 _ Others:(同上)其他:KOTHER PROVISIONS:The following additional provisions apply to this contract:(Set forth or attach any work rules,living accommodation rules and standards for Employee conductEvery page of every attachment must be signed by the Employee and Employer)其他规定:下列附加

14、规定适用于本合同:(制定或附加工作和膳宿规则,以及雇员行为规范。附加规定的每一页都必须经雇主和雇员签字。)LTERMINATION:This Contract may be terminated as follows:终止合同:本合同可根据下列规定终止:1Without cause by either party by giving the other party _ days advance written notice;or无故:由一方当事人提前天以书面通知另一方当事人;或2With cause by either party by given the other party _days

15、advance written notice and only after an unsuccessful good faith attempt to settle any dispute has been made with the Chief of Labor or his designee因故:在工长或其代理人力图调解争议失败后,由一方当事人提前天以书面通知另一方当事人。(1)In the event of termination for cause,Employer shall pay Employees wages or salary through the effective da

16、te of the termination and shall purchase a one-way ticket for the return of Employee to hisher point of hire因故解除合同时,雇主应支付雇员合同解除生效前的薪金,并为雇员购买他(她)返回雇佣地的单程机票。(2)Termination for cause shall include any of the following:下列任何一条均构成合同终止理由: a_ unauthorized absences andor_unauthorized tardies to work by Emplo

17、yee;雇员次无故旷工和(或)次无故上班迟到;bNeglect,careless performance,non-performance or non-completion of assigned work by Employee;雇员行为疏忽鲁莽,或不完成任务;CConviction in _ of any felony or two or more misdemeanors;在地犯下重罪或两项或两项以上轻罪;dAbandoning of job or assigned duty by Employee;雇员放弃工作职责;eIncompetence or misrepresentation

18、of the qualifications,skills,physical or mental fitness to satisfactorily perform the duties for which Employee was hired;不称职或在资格、技术、身体和精神方面与所填报情况不符,无法履行雇佣规定的职责;fExtreme cruelty or abuse,physical or otherwise;在物质或其他方面受到特别虐待;gUnreasonable delays in the payment of Employees wages or salary;无故拖延支付雇员的工资

19、;hThe breach of any provision of this Contract;违犯本合同任何一项规定;iOthers(specify):其他规定: MSETTLEMENT OF DISPUTE:争议的解决:Grievance and Good Faith Settlement:怨情和友好调解:Allgrievances or disputes under this Employment Contract shall be subject to the following grievance procedure:本合同项下的所有怨情或争议均应按以下程序解决:1_Employee

20、shall communicate to hisher supervisor,or if there is no supervisor,then directly to Employer,any and all grievances or disputes heshe may have regarding hisher employment;2雇员须就雇用而产生的一切怨情或争议向其管理员报告,如管理员不在,可直接报告雇主;Page 2 of 3(第32页)2If the supervisor is unable to resolve the matter immediately,the gri

21、evance or dispute shall be reduced to writing by the supervisor which shall state the section of the Contract,law,or rules and regulations to have been violatedManagement shall have five working days to resolve the grievance,dispute or state in writing hisher reasons why there is no violation如管理员不能立

22、即解决问题,管理员应将怨情或争议写成书面材料,同时写明被触犯的合同段落,法律或规章制度。管理人员应在五天内解决怨情或争议,或写出其认为没有违犯规则的理由。3If the grievance or dispute is not resolved in step 1 or 2 aboveEmployee may file a complaint with the Chief of Labor or his designee如上述第一、二步骤不能解决怨情或争议,雇员可向工长或工长代理人书面申述。Employee and Employer shall maintain the employment r

23、elationship during the pendency of any grievance or dispute unless the Chief of Labor,his authorized designee,or a hearing officer grant a temporary work authorization在怨情或争议解决期间,雇主和雇员的雇佣关系存在,经工长、工长代理人或政府特派调查员暂时准予的除外。NREMITTANCEOTHER OBLIGATIONSEmployee shall be responsible for remitting any money to

24、 hisher family and payment of any taxes as required by hisher government in hisher country of origin汇款及其他义务:雇员必须按原籍国政府的规定向其家人汇款和缴纳所有税收。0ENTIRE AGREEMENT:The foregoing terms and conditions constitute the sole,entire agreement of the parties herein and shall supersede any other agreement,either writte

25、n,verbal,or otherwise不可分割协定:上述条款规定构成本合同双方当事人之间惟一的,不可分割的协定,该协定将取代任何其他书面、口头和其他形式的协定。IN WITHESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto affix their names on the date and space specified合同双方特此签名。 DATE: 日期: EMPLOYER雇主 (Print Name,Title and Sign)(打印的名字、职称和签名) DATE: 日期: EMPLOYEE雇员 (Print Name and Sign)(打印的名字和签名) (注:下面是

26、合同上所附的公证书,供公证时填写) ,COMMONWEALTHOF THE NORTHERN MARANA ISLANDS ss:(注)ACKNOWLEDGEMENT公证地:马里亚纳群岛(美国托管)On this _day of_,2000,personally appeared before me and _,known to me to be the person(s)whose signature(s)isare subscribed to the foregoing instrument and who acknowledged to me that heshethey execute

27、d the same as a voluntary act for the purposes set forth thereinIN WITNESS WHEREOFI have hereunto set my hand and official seal on the day and year first written above兹证明和于2000年月日,在我的面前,签订了以上雇用合同。经查,此行为是他(她)(他们)按合同精神自愿履行的。 NOTARY PUBLIC 公证员(签名) DATE: APPROVED BY: 日期: 经批准CHIEF OF LABOR工长(签名) (注:SS等同to wit或namely,在法律文书,如宣誓书或诉辩状中指诉讼所在地,此指公证发生地) THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考可修改编辑

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