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1、中译外中译外汉语无主句的英译汉语无主句的英译how to translate Chinese sentences with no subject into English汉语和英语的差异之一:汉语和英语的差异之一:汉语爱用无主句,它在任何语言环境里都能表达完整明确的意思 英语句子一般要有主语lTIPS:1.翻译成英语被动式翻译成英语被动式l采用It is v-ed that 从句形式l直接被动 2.增加主语增加主语l根据上下文增加主语l增加 one,you,we,they,people 等作主语1.采用采用 It is v-ed that 从句形式从句形式1)直升机飞抵映秀镇上空时,可以看见整

2、个镇子几乎变成了一片废墟。直升机 helicopter飞抵上空 arrive above the town/city of fly/pass over the town/city of废墟 ruins shambles 遭严重破坏的地方;凌乱的景象 wasteland u,c n.不毛之地,荒地 I、翻译成英语被动式、翻译成英语被动式1)直升机飞抵映秀镇上空时,可以看见整个镇子几乎变成了一片废墟。When the helicopter arrived above the town of Yingxiu,it could be seen that the whole town was almos

3、t reduced to ruins/shambles.reduce to,reduceto(使)沦为When the helicopter flew/passed over the town of Yingxiu,it could be seen that the whole town was almost turned into ruins/shambles.2)已经证明,对促进中国人民和世界其他地方人民的交流来说,这是最好的途径之一。促进交流 promote/facilitate exchange(s)途径 way/approachIt has been proved that this

4、 is one of the best ways/approaches to promote the exchange between the peoples of China and other parts of the world.3)可以说,这个期间我国财富有了巨额增加,整个国民经济上了一个新的台阶。增加财富 accumulate/expand/increase wealth boost price 提高价格国民经济 national economy上新台阶 rise to a new level raiseto a new level reach a new level reach a

5、 higher stage of development 3)可以说,这个期间我国财富有了巨额增加,整个国民经济上了一个新的台阶。It can be said that during this period Chinas wealth expanded considerably,and the national economy as a whole was raised to a new level.China has accumulated considerable wealth,with its whole national economy rising to/reaching a new

6、 level.总结总结据了解/据报道It has been learned/reported that据估计It is estimated that据说/据信/据预测It is said/believed/predicted that可以想象/断言/断定/肯定It can be imagined/asserted/decided/affirmed that必须指出It must be pointed that人们有时会问It is sometimes asked that由此可见It will be seen from this that不用说谁都知道It is understood that

7、无可否认It cannot be denied that已经证明It has been proved that可以有把握地说It may be safely said that人们希望It is expected/hoped that2.直接被动直接被动1)应当承认,奥运会是当今世界惟一属于全世界普通百姓的节日。承认 recognize 作“承认”解时,系书面用词,主要指合法的或外交、官方的承认,也指公认 admit ones mistakes/guilt 强调因外力或良心驱使或经判断而明确承认,多含不情愿或被迫意味 acknowledge 中 侧重指公开承认,以及大众承认 be acknow

8、ledged as 公认为普通百姓 common/ordinary peopleI、翻译成英语被动式、翻译成英语被动式1)应当承认,奥运会是当今世界惟一属于全世界普通百姓的节日。The Olympic Games should be recognized to be the only festival for common/ordinary people of the world today.It should be recognized that the Olympic Games is the only festival for common/ordinary people of the

9、present-day world.2)发现了错误,一定要改正。Errors must be corrected when discovered.3)进一步深化国有企业改革。国有企业 state-owned enterprises 私企 private enterprises 外企 foreign-funded/invested/owned enterprisesThe reform of state-owned enterprises will be further carried out/deepened.4)优先发展科技教育。优先 to give priority to The prio

10、rity should be given to the development of science,technology and education.5)以公路建设为重点,加强铁路、机场、天然气管道干线的建设。以为重点,强调 emphasize,stress to lay/place/put emphasis on/upon to lay/place/put stress on/uponEmphasis should be placed on highway construction while more efforts will be made in building railways,a

11、irports and gas pipelines.1.根据上下文增加主语根据上下文增加主语1)人们的看法是旅游业将有助于促进中国人民和其他国家人民之间的相互了解和友谊,并将有利于文化、科学、技术方面的交流。还会有助于国家增加收入。促进了解 promote/enhance understanding增进友谊 promote/strengthen friendship 促进交流 promote/facilitate exchanges收入:revenue 国家的收入、税收 profit 企业收入 income、earnings 企业、个人收入 II.增加主语增加主语1)人们的看法是旅游业将有助于

12、促进中国人民和其他国家人民之间的相互了解和友谊,并将有利于文化、科学、技术方面的交流。还会有助于国家增加收入。The development of tourism,it is believed,will help promote mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of China and other countries,and facilitate exchanges in the fields of culture,science and technology.Tourism also helps increase

13、 national revenue.2)看完展览之后,也许还有时间进了书店。展览 exposition (较大规模的)博览会,展览会 Eg:Shanghai Expo 上海世博会 show (小规模的)展示会,展览会 I might still have time to visit bookstores after the exposition.There might still be some time for a visit to bookstores after the exposition.3)弄得不好,就会前功尽弃。前功尽弃 to waste all the previous eff

14、orts All labour is lost.All ones labour has been in vain.If things are not properly handled,all our work so far/till now will be wasted.2.增加增加 one,you,we,they,people 等作主语等作主语1)从太空观察地球,可以更深入地了解地球的构造,探明地球的资源,预测地震、洪水、飓风、火山爆发、海啸和其他自然灾害,可以保护人们的生命和财产。探明资源(=勘探资源)explore resources地震、洪水、飓风、火山爆发、海啸 earthquake

15、s,floods,hurricanes,volcanic eruptions,tsunamis(sun:mi)自然灾害 natural disasters/calamities 注:catastrophe 大灾难,程度比 disaster/calamity 深,如 the catastrophe of a worldwide conflictII.增加主语增加主语Observing/Watching the Earth from space,we can further understand its structure,explore its resources and predict ear

16、thquakes,floods,hurricanes,volcanic eruptions,tsunamis and other natural calamities,so that we can better protect our human lives and property.,we can have a more in-depth understanding of its structure and exploration of its resources,and predict,we can have a deeper insight into its constitution a

17、nd resources,so that we can protect our human lives and properties by predicting.2)从根本上说,手头东西多了,在处理各种矛盾和问题时就立于主动地位。从根本上说,大致说来 basically(speaking)手头,在手边 美on hand;英in hand处理矛盾 to handle/settle/solve/resolve contradictions/conflicts立于主动地位(=掌握主动性)have the initiative(n.主动权/性&adj.主动的,自发的)Eg:Hes got no ini

18、tiative in his work.他在工作上没有主动性。2)从根本上说,手头东西多了,在处理各种矛盾和问题时就立于主动地位。Basically,when we have enough materials on hand,we shall have the initiative in handling/settling various contradictions and problems.Basically,when we have got our hands full with enough materials,.Basically,if we have sufficient mate

19、rials on hand,we shall have the initiative while/when solving/resolving various conflicts and problems.3)婚姻不是生活的唯一模式,不应该为了该结婚而结婚。生活模式,生存模式 the mode/pattern/way of life the mode/pattern/way of living/existenceMarriage is not the only mode/way of life,so one should not get married for marriage sake.注:

20、for the sake of 由于,为了 Eg:Are newspapers today published only for the sake of the news?当今报纸的发行只是为了报导新闻吗?for any sake 无论如何 4)看自己一朵花,看别人豆腐渣。看待 consider/regard/treatas consider/regard/treatto be豆腐 bean curd;tofu 渣 常pl.dregs 渣滓,糟粕 常sing residue 渣滓,滤渣 un.sediment 沉淀物,沉积One treats oneself as a flower,but t

21、reats others as the bean-curd dregs/residue.5)知人知面不知心。You may know a persons face but not his heart/mind.We may know a mans exterior(外表)but not his heart.It is impossible to judge a mans heart from his face.6)学然后知不足。The more a man learns,the more he sees his ignorance.7)携手同行,合作共赢。Advancing hand in h

22、and,we work together for a win-win result.(cooperate with each other)l最重要也是最根本的,就是要将世界遗产的保护纳入制度化轨道。首先,要吸取国外相关规定和条例的精髓,因地制宜地制定出符合国情的“世界遗产保护管理条例”,依法保护世界遗产。课堂翻译练习lThe most important as well as absolutely fundamental is to institutionalize the protection of world heritages.First of all,the gist/quintessence of related/relevant rules and regulations should be absorbed/adopted so as to flexibly make“Regulations on World Heritage Protection”conforming to our national conditions,and therefore our world heritages can be preserved/protected by law.参考译文ThankYou!

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