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1、 lA Glimpse of Chinese CulturelEast China University of Technology East China University of Technology(东华理工大学)(东华理工大学)l Liao Hua-ying(廖华英)Philosophy&Philosophy&ReligionReligion Chapter 1lLead-in Questions:l1.How much do you know about Confucius?l2.Do you know other influential Chinese philosophical

2、schools in the pre-Qin times?l3.What is the homegrown Chinese religion?l4.Do you know any famous Buddhist mountains in China?Chapter 8Culinary Culture本章教学的目的本章教学的目的1.中国饮食文化的介绍中国饮食文化的介绍2.中国茶酒文化的介绍中国茶酒文化的介绍Lead-in ActivityText Discussion and PresentationCulinary CultureLead-in ActivityWatch the video

3、clip and report to the class some secrets of roasting an authentic Peking duck.BackChinese Foodl The Features of Chinese Foodl Eight Regional Cuisinesl Table MannersKnowledge pointslDevelopment of Ancient Chinese PhilosophylBasic Features of Ancient Chinese PhilosophylReligion(Taoist religion,Buddhi

4、sm,Islam)Chapter 8Culinary Culture本章教学的目的本章教学的目的1.中国饮食文化的介绍中国饮食文化的介绍2.中国茶酒文化的介绍中国茶酒文化的介绍Lead-in ActivityText Discussion and PresentationCulinary CultureLead-in ActivityWatch the video clip and report to the class some secrets of roasting an authentic Peking duck.BackChinese Foodl The Features of Chi

5、nese Foodl Eight Regional Cuisinesl Table MannersThe features of Chinese FoodlColour,Aroma,and Taste Colour refers not only to the beautiful color of the food,but also to the layout and design.Aroma refers to the fragrant and appetising smell of the dishes served on the table before eating.Taste is

6、not only associated with tasting the food itself,but also with the appreciation of seasonings and texture.lCooking MethodsTime and temperature play an important role in cooking.They include boiling(煮煮),stewing(煲煲/炖炖),braising(烧烧/焖焖/烩烩),frying(煎煎),stir-frying(炒炒),quick-frying(爆爆),deep-frying(炸炸),fryi

7、ng and simmering(扒扒),sauting(快煎快煎),simmering(煨煨),smoking(熏熏),roasting or barbecuing(烤烤),baking(烘烘),steaming(蒸蒸)and scalding(白灼白灼).l SeasoningsTaste mainly depends on the seasonings.There are many tastessalty(salt,soy sauce),sweet(sugar,honey),sour(vinegar),pungent(chili,ginger,scallion 葱葱),fragrant(

8、sesame oil香油香油,coriander 香菜香菜,wine),prickled(麻的麻的)(prickly ash 花椒花椒)and tangy(monosodium glutamate or MSG 味精味精)and bitter(dried tangerine 陈皮陈皮,bitter apricot kernel 苦杏仁苦杏仁).lYin-yang PrincipleEach food has its own characteristics of yin or yang.Yin foods are thin,cooling and low in calories.Yang foo

9、ds are rich,spicy,warming and high in calories.Boiling food makes them yin;frying them makes them yang.lMedicinal Function In China,people contend that a food tonic(食食补补)is much better than a medicine in fortifying ones health.Based on traditional Chinese herbal medicine practice,medicinal cuisine c

10、ombines strictly processed traditional Chinese medicine with traditional culinary(烹饪的烹饪的)materials to produce delicious food with health-restoring qualities.Eight Regional CuisineslFoods vary from north to south.Tastes also differ regionally because of the climatic differences.One popular summary of

11、 Chinese food is“sweet in the south,salty in the north,sour in the west and spicy in the east”.lShandong Cuisine,also known as Lu Cai,is famous for its qualities of freshness,clear colours,dedication to fragrance and pure tastes.lSichuan Cuisine,also known as Chuan Cai,is famous for its many flavors

12、,especially for its hot and pungent flavoring.lAlmost every dish has its own unique taste.lGuangdong Cuisine is known as Yue Cai(粤粤菜菜).Tasting clean,light,crisp and fresh.lIt usually has fowl(家家禽禽)and other meats to produce its unique dishes.l Fujian Cuisine,also known as Min Cai,is noted for its li

13、ght taste and sweet and sour flavour.lThe cooking puts great emphasis on choosing the choicest ingredients,and is thus particularly apt in preparing seafood dishes.lJiangsu Cuisine,also known as Su Cai,has characteristically sweet taste.lIt preserves the foods original flavour,while emphasising stri

14、ctly choice ingredients,exquisite workmanship,and elegant shapes.lZhejiang Cuisine,also known as Zhe Cai,has won a reputation for freshness,tenderness,softness,and smoothness in its dishes with mellow fragrance.lAnhui Cuisine,also known as Hui Cai,is highly distinctive not only for its elaborate cho

15、ices of cooking ingredients but also for its strict control of the cooking process.lHunan Cuisine,also known as Xiang Cai,is akin to that of the chili-rich Sichuan dishes.lIt is also characterised by a dense pungent flavor.Chili,pepper and shallot are necessities in this cuisine.Table Manners lArran

16、gement of seatslAt a formal banquet,the host prepares adequate seating for the guests.For a large number of guests,the elderly or people of high status are allocated specific seats.Special guests and the elderly sit on the north side of the table or directly facing the entrance to the room.The conce

17、pt of“honoured south,humble north”is closely related with traditional Chinese etiquette.lToasts lOnce the guests are seated,the host proposes a toast to the guests whilst saying,“Drink first to show respect”(先干先干为敬为敬).Then the host and guests empty their glasses,which are refilled in readiness for t

18、he next of many toasts.lIt is perfectly acceptable to have three toasts(traditionally signifying friendship)with the entire company,rather than one separate toast for every individual present.Some other toasts can be offered:“Toast for your health”,“Toast to our friendship”,etc.lThe courseslServing

19、order is from cold to hot.Hot entrees(主菜主菜)should be served starting on the left of the seat across from the main guests.The meal then begins with a set of at least four cold dishes followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes.Soup is served next (unless in Guangdong style restauran

20、t)with the local staple food such as rice,noodles and dumplings being served last.lChinese chopsticksl The correct holding of the chopsticks is to grab the chopsticks in the middle,making sure that the ends are even.Chinese Tea lChina has a rich and sophisticated tea culture.The Chinese have a commo

21、n saying,“Seven things in the house:firewood,rice,oil,salt,soy sauce,vinegar and tea”.lThe art of tea making and drinking evolved through the dynasties.It focuses on the method of brewing tea,the drinking utensils and the serving etiquette.lTea ClassificationlThe five types are green tea(绿茶绿茶),black

22、 tea(红茶红茶),oolong tea(乌龙茶乌龙茶),compressed tea(砖茶砖茶:brick tea),and scented tea(花茶花茶).Some minor types are white tea and yellow tea.Green tea is the most natural of all Chinese teas.It refers to tea made without being fermented.Its called green tea because the tea liquid and tea leaves are greenish.Abo

23、ut 50%of Chinas teas are green tea.lBlack tea is fermented before baking.Its so named because the tea liquid and tea leaves are reddish black.It tastes sweet and can facilitate the fostering of yang energy in the human body and erase the greasiness of the stomach.l Oolong tea sits half way between g

24、reen tea and black tea in the sense that its half-fermented.Typical oolong tea leaves are green in the middle and red on the edges as a result of the process to soften tea leaves.lCompressed tea is made by compressing steamed tea leaves into molds such as bricks,cakes,columns and other shapes.Most C

25、hinese Compressed tea uses black tea as its base.Compressed tea can be stored for years or even decades.Aged Compressed tea has a gentle flavor.lChinese Scented tea is a unique class of Chinese tea.It is made from fragrant flowers.It is subdivided into flower tea and scented tea.Flower Tea is from d

26、ried flowers with little processing.Scented tea is a mixture of green tea with flower petals.lWhite tea is non-fermented,non-rubbed,non-scented tea with natural fragrance.Famous varieties include Silver Needle(白毫银珍白毫银珍)and White Peony(白牡丹白牡丹).lYellow Tea has yellow leaves and yellow tea colour.Its a

27、n uncommon class of Chinese tea.The flavor is mild and refreshing.lTea EtiquettelServing a cup of tea is more than mere politeness.It is a symbol of togetherness,a sharing of something enjoyable,and a way of showing respect to visitors.When offered tea,it is considered polite to at least take a sip.

28、lTo offer tea,ask for the preference of the guests before making the tea.The water should not be too hot or it will scald the guests.When you pour tea,the rule of“full cup for wine and half cup for tea”should be observed.Three Cups of Tea(三杯茶三杯茶)of Bai Ethnic GrouplVisitors are greeted with this war

29、m and unique ceremony:they are offered three cups of tea.The first cup of tea is made from local bitter leaves.It tastes medicinal.The second looks like soup.It is made from walnuts(核桃核桃),cheese and sugar.It tastes sweet.The third cup of tea is made by mixing prickly ash,ginger and Chinese cinnamon(

30、肉桂肉桂)with honey and bitter tea.It is pungent,with a distinct aftertaste.What does the three cups of tea symbolize?lThe three cups of tea are symbolic of the three stages of ones life journey:going through all kinds of hardships,feeling the joy of life,and recalling both bitter and happy experience.(

31、先苦后甜三回味先苦后甜三回味)Chinese WinelWine has a long history in China and plays an important part in the life of Chinese people.It is comparable with such daily necessities as rice,salt,oil and water.lWine Feasts“Marriage wine feasts”“Arm-crossed wine”“Month-old wine feasts”“Hundredth-day wine feasts”“Longev

32、ity wine feasts”“Beam-placed-on-the-roof wine feast”.lDrinkers Wager Game lDrinkers wager game is a particular method in China to help create more joyous atmosphere while drinking.In general,the drinkers wager game is used as a penalty to urge drinkers to drink more,but the chief purpose of the drin

33、kers wager game is to create a more cheerful atmosphere.lGeneral games lLadies attending banquets may play general games such as telling jokes,solving riddles and passing down a flower to the beats of a drum(击鼓传击鼓传花花).lLiterary games are more popular with scholars and intellectuals,since their educa

34、tion equips them with the knowledge to compete.They play it by composing poems,solving word puzzles and guessing riddles.lContestant game Archery,arrow pitching,chess,dice throwing(掷掷骰子骰子),finger guessing and animal betting are contest games.lTouhu(投壶投壶)is an ancient banquet game where the host and

35、guests throw chips(筹筹)into a pot.The winner is the one with the greatest number of chips thrown in,and the loser is required to drink as a forfeit.Alcohol and Social ActivitieslAlcohol and Arts Alcohol drinks,more than any other beverages,has had a great impact on Chinese artists as it seems that ma

36、ny of them have produced their best masterpieces in a state of drunkenness.After drinking the mysterious liquid,many famous poets,such as Li Bai and Du Fu,left us many masterpieces.山中与幽人对酌山中与幽人对酌 李李 白白两人对酌山花开,两人对酌山花开,一杯一杯复一杯。一杯一杯复一杯。我醉欲眠卿且去,我醉欲眠卿且去,明朝有意抱琴来。明朝有意抱琴来。lAlcohol and Business lIn China,alc

37、ohol plays an integral role in social life.Drinking effectively serves to deepen and strengthen the bonds of friendship.Drinking is always used as a way to relieve misunderstanding and animosity no matter how tense the situation is.lAlcohol and Health lChinese people believe that moderate drinking i

38、s good for their health.Many Chinese do sip a little alcohol periodically to maintain their vitality and health.Some even soak traditional Chinese medicine in liquor to achieve a better effect.Dont Drive after DrunkBackThe last few years have witnessed an increasing number of cafs in China.Compared

39、with cafs,teahouses have less appeal among young people.Discuss with your partner whether coffee,which is popular with young Chinese people,poses a great threat to Chinese tea culture.Then share your opinions with the class.DiscussionYou have a foreign friend who is invited to go for a typical Chine

40、se dinner party.He is asking you for suggestions on the table manners in China in order not to offend his host.Try to explain to him the basic rules of Chinese table manners and give him some tips on exercising proper table manners.Students Presentation lChinese philosophy is the collective designat

41、ion(总称总称)for the various schools of thought.It developed independent of European and other civilised countries,with its own distinguishing features,unique concept systems and expressive ways.Chinese philosophy has become one of the three philosophy systems in the world,the other two being Western ph

42、ilosophy and Indian philosophy.Development of Ancient Chinese PhilosophylThe philosophy in Pre-Qin times(先秦子学先秦子学)lThe orthodox philosophy during the Han Dynasty(两汉经学两汉经学)lMetaphysics during the Wei and Jin dynasties(魏晋玄学魏晋玄学)lThe buddhist philosophy during the Sui and Tang dynasties(隋唐佛学隋唐佛学)lNeo-c

43、onfucianism in Song and Ming dynasties(宋明理学宋明理学)lApplication philosophy in the Ming and Qing dynasties(明明清实学清实学)lPhilosophy During the Pre-Qin Times(先秦子学先秦子学)The philosophy in Pre-Qin times was marked by the emergence of various ancient philosophical views.lThe most influential schools were Confucia

44、nism(儒家儒家),Taoism(道家道家),Mohism(墨家墨家)and Legalism(法家法家)lConfucianism is a school of thought represented by Confucius and Mencius.lThe school takes the teachings of Confucius as its core of thought and regards the words and deeds of Confucius as its highest code(准则准则)of behaviour.lIt advocates benevol

45、ence and justice,allegiance and forbearance(仁、义、忠、仁、义、忠、恕恕),the doctrine of the golden mean and values the ethical(伦理的伦理的)relations of men.lThe golden mean:lThe so-called“mean”lby Confucius doesntlmean compromiselbut a“moderate”andl“just right”way whenlunderstanding andlhandling objectivelthings.lTa

46、oismlTaoism is a school of thought founded by Laozi and Zhuangzi.The school advocates the doctrine that Tao is the course,the principle,the substance,and the standard of all things,to which all people must conform(遵从遵从).l lBased on the work of Daodejing,Taoism promotes the belief that a person shoul

47、d live a simple life,not to strive for wealth,fame or power,which will only give one worries and trouble.l The school favours the political principle of“achieving good government through non-action”(无为而治无为而治)lMohismlBase on the teaching of Mozi,the school cherishes universal love which states that i

48、f all the people in the world loved one another,there will be no hatred,calamities,and hostilities.lIn politics and ethics,Mohism proposes honoring virtuous people,opposing fatalism(宿命论宿命论)and aggressive wars,and upholding thriftiness and simple funerals.lLegalismlLegalism,begun by Hanfeizi,espouses

49、(主主张张)laying down laws to unify the thought of people,promoting agriculture to achieve affluence(富富裕裕),waging(进进行行)wars to gain strength and power,and establishing a system of bureaucracy(官官僚僚制制度度).The Basic Features of Chinese Ancient PhilosophylStress on spiritual existencelStress on practicelStre

50、ss on moralitylStress on harmonylStress on intuitionlStress on Spiritual ExistencelAncient Chinese philosophers studies different kinds of philosophical problems based on reality and experience,but all of them paid attention to the study of existence.All pursue in order to achieve the highest spirit

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