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1、Do you like Do you like eggs for eggs for breakfast?breakfast?No,I No,I dont.dont.I I like like oranges.oranges.Do you like Do you like for for lunch?lunch?Yes,Yes,/No,No,Do you like Do you like for for dinner?dinner?Yes,/Yes,/No,No,Complete the surveyComplete the survey3a3aTask 3Task 3BreakfastLunc

2、hDinnerI likeI dont likeMy partner likesMy partner doesnt likeapples and apples and hamburgershamburgerschicken chicken and riceand ricemilkmilktomatoestomatoesvegetables vegetables and breadand breadeggseggseggs and eggs and milkmilkhamburgers hamburgers and saladand saladbananas bananas and breada

3、nd breadorangesorangeschickenchickenstrawberstrawberriesriesWrite about what you and your Write about what you and your partner like and dont like partner like and dont like for breakfast,lunch and for breakfast,lunch and dinner.dinner.3b3bFor breakfast,I like _,but I For breakfast,I like _,but I do

4、nt like _.For dont like _.For lunch,_.lunch,_.And for dinner,And for dinner,_.For _.For breakfast,_ breakfast,_ likelikes s_.For _.For lunch,_.lunch,_.And for And for dinner,_.dinner,_.本版块旨在对单元重要基础知识本版块旨在对单元重要基础知识作全面有效的复习。同学们完成作全面有效的复习。同学们完成后,可翻阅课本单词表及后,可翻阅课本单词表及P31-36P31-36查漏补缺。查漏补缺。.单词过关。单词过关。1.1.

5、n.n.香蕉香蕉 bananabanana 2.2.n.n.汉堡包汉堡包 hamburger/burgerhamburger/burger 3.3.n.n.西红柿西红柿 tomatotomato 4.4.n.n.冰激凌冰激凌 ice-creamice-cream 5.5.n.n.沙拉沙拉 saladsalad 6.6.n.n.草莓草莓 strawberrystrawberry7.7.n.n.梨梨 pearpear8.8.n.n.牛奶牛奶 milkmilk9.9.n.n.面包面包 breadbread10.10.n.n.(中午或晚上吃的中午或晚上吃的)正餐正餐 dinnerdinner11.11

6、.n.n.周;星期周;星期 weekweek12.12.n.n.食物食物 foodfood13.13.adv.adv.当然;肯定;一定当然;肯定;一定 suresure14.14.n.n.蔬菜蔬菜 vegetablevegetable15.15.n.n.水果水果 fruitfruit16.16.adj.adj.正确的;适当的正确的;适当的 rightright17.17.n.n.苹果苹果 appleapple18.18.adv.adv.那么那么 thenthen19.19.n.n.蛋;鸡蛋蛋;鸡蛋 eggegg20.20.n.n.胡萝卜胡萝卜 carrotcarrot21.21.n.n.大米;

7、米饭大米;米饭 ricerice22.22.n.n.鸡肉鸡肉 chickenchicken23.23.conj.conj.(引出评论或问题引出评论或问题)那么那么 soso24.24.n.n.午餐午餐 lunchlunch25.25.v.v.吃吃 eateat26.26.v.v.好;令人满意地好;令人满意地 wellwell27.27.adv.adv.真正地真正地 reallyreally28.28.n.n.问题问题 questionquestion29.29.v.v.需要;想要需要;想要 wantwant30.30.v.v.变成变成 bebe31.31.adj.adj.肥的;肥胖的肥的;肥胖

8、的 fatfat.短语突破。短语突破。1.1.生日晚宴生日晚宴 birthday dinnerbirthday dinner 2.2.思考;考虑思考;考虑 think aboutthink about 3.3.(提出建议)(提出建议)怎么样?怎么样?How How about?about?4.4.体育明星体育明星 sports starsports star5.5.饮食习惯饮食习惯 eating habitseating habits6.6.吃得好吃得好 eat welleat well7.7.晚饭后晚饭后 after dinnerafter dinner8.8.健康食物健康食物 health

9、y foodhealthy food9.9.对于早餐对于早餐 for breakfastfor breakfast.句型要览。句型要览。1.Do you like?1.Do you like?你喜欢你喜欢吗?吗?Yes,I do./No,I dont.Yes,I do./No,I dont.是是的,我喜的,我喜 欢。欢。/不,我不喜欢。不,我不喜欢。2.He/She likes,but he/she 2.He/She likes,but he/she doesnt doesnt 他他/她喜欢她喜欢,但他,但他/她不喜欢她不喜欢3.How about?3.How about?怎么样怎么样?Sou

10、nds good.Sounds good.听起来不错。听起来不错。4.Lets have 4.Lets have 让我们一起吃让我们一起吃5.What do/does sb.like for 5.What do/does sb.like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?breakfast/lunch/dinner?某人早某人早饭饭/午午 饭饭/晚饭喜欢吃什么?晚饭喜欢吃什么?THANK YOUSUCCESS2024/3/11 周一16可编辑.语法回顾。语法回顾。可数名词与不可数名词可数名词与不可数名词 .写作指导。写作指导。【写作话题写作话题】介绍某人的饮食情介绍某人的饮

11、食情况况 【思路点拨思路点拨】1.1.人称:介绍朋友或家人的喜人称:介绍朋友或家人的喜好,好,应用第三人称应用第三人称hehe或或sheshe或或theythey。2.2.写作思路:首先综述某人的饮食情写作思路:首先综述某人的饮食情 况;然后对某人的一日三餐进行具况;然后对某人的一日三餐进行具 体介绍;最后以问话的口吻向读者体介绍;最后以问话的口吻向读者 提出询问并结束全文。提出询问并结束全文。3.3.注意事项:固定结构注意事项:固定结构like for+like for+三三 餐;三餐名词前一般不加冠词餐;三餐名词前一般不加冠词a/an/thea/an/the。4.4.教材中用于此类作文的句

12、型:教材中用于此类作文的句型:I like/dont like I like/dont like I like for breakfast/lunch/dinner.I like for breakfast/lunch/dinner.拓展常用句型:拓展常用句型:I have for I have for breakfast/lunch/dinner.breakfast/lunch/dinner.我早餐我早餐/午午餐餐/晚餐吃晚餐吃I eat very well every day.I eat very well every day.我每我每天吃得好。天吃得好。I like fruit and

13、vegetables.I like fruit and vegetables.我我喜欢水果和蔬菜。喜欢水果和蔬菜。They are good for our health.They are good for our health.他他们对我们的健康有好处。们对我们的健康有好处。Do you know the Do you know the plurals of these words?Put plurals of these words?Put them in the correct columns.them in the correct columns.1 1Hamburger tomato

14、 carrotPhoto banana strawberryHat table dictionary egg apple peatradio vegetable family Pencil key volleyball+s+esyi+eshamburgers hamburgers tomatoetomatoes s carrotscarrotsphotos photos bananas bananas strawberriestrawberries shats hats tabletables sdictionaridictionarieses eggs eggs appleapples s

15、pears pears radios radios vegetablevegetables s familiesfamiliespencilpencils s keys keys volleyballvolleyballs s 1 12 2What food,sports and colors do What food,sports and colors do you like and dislike?you like and dislike?For food:For food:I like _for I like _for breakfast/lunch/dinner.breakfast/l

16、unch/dinner.But I dont like _for But I dont like _for breakfast/lunch/dinner.breakfast/lunch/dinner.chicken and carrotschicken and carrotstomatoestomatoesFor sports:For sports:I like _.I like _.But I dont like But I dont like _._.ping-pong and soccerping-pong and soccertennistennisI like _.I like _.

17、But I dont like _.But I dont like _.For colors:For colors:red and greenred and greenblackblack3 3What food,sports and colors What food,sports and colors do your parents like and do your parents like and dislike?Write at least five dislike?Write at least five sentences.sentences.1.My father/mother li

18、kes 1.My father/mother likes 我爸爸我爸爸/妈妈喜欢妈妈喜欢 2.My father/mother doesnt like 2.My father/mother doesnt like 我爸爸我爸爸/妈妈不喜欢妈妈不喜欢 3.3.也可以合在一句话中写,也可以合在一句话中写,He/She likes,but he/she doesnt He/She likes,but he/she doesnt like.like.他他/她喜欢她喜欢,但他,但他/她不喜欢她不喜欢。4.4.如果是两人同时喜欢或不喜欢什么用:如果是两人同时喜欢或不喜欢什么用:They like They

19、 like 或或 They dont like They dont like 他们(不)喜欢他们(不)喜欢 Food:Food:My father likes _,but he My father likes _,but he doesnt like _.My mother likes doesnt like _.My mother likes _,but she doesnt like _.They _,but she doesnt like _.They dont like_.dont like_.eggseggsapplesapplescarrotscarrotsricericeSports:Sports:colorscolors:pearspearsbasketbalbasketball ltennistennisping-pongping-pongsoccesoccer rblueblueblackblackredredyellowyellow请同学们完成请同学们完成巴蜀英才巴蜀英才 英语英语七年级上,七年级上,P69-P70P69-P70第六课时的相应练习。第六课时的相应练习。THANK YOUSUCCESS2024/3/11 周一31可编辑

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