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1、英语写作-倡议书1.I.范文赏析 欣赏以下两篇范文,观察英语倡议书的写作模式及篇章结构,画出文中好的句式。2.(一)Dear fellow students,There is a serious phenomenon in our school that many students will crowd in the school store to buy snacks after each class and some students even eat snacks in class.Eating snacks is a bad habit and also a waste of mone

2、y.In addition,most snacks are unhealthy food,for they contain too much fat and sugar.Eating snacks improperly may lead to fatness and illness.Whats worse,some students throw the snack bags everywhere,which pollutes our campus.Dear fellow students,its high time that we shouldnt act like kids any more

3、.We high school students should develop good eating habits.Remember that three regular meals a day as well as a balanced diet are necessary for us.Lets form good eating habits and say no to snacks.The Students Union July 9,2015 3.(二)Dear friends,Do you want to study in a beautiful campus?So its our

4、duty to make our school comfortable to study in.To complete this task,we should keep the following rules in mind.First of all,dont litter about in our school.Its smelly and attracts flies,you know.And we should protect our schools environment by looking after flowers and trees around.Of course,dont

5、yell or shout out so that we can study in a quiet environment.Its also suggested that we should reuse everything recyclable,which is money-saving and environmentally friendly.Finally,please keep the classroom clean and remember there is no drinking or eating in the classrooms.Lets take action now an

6、d contribute to building a harmonious environment.Thank you.The Students Union July 1,2015 4.II.英语倡议书的结构:(请参阅双语报第14期B4版 写作一招鲜之“思路点拨”)倡议书属于应用文的一种,由_、_、_、_、_五部分组成。常用_时或_时。题目常会给出标题、称呼、结尾、落款这四部分,考生只需完成正文即可。这类写作的正文包括倡议的_、_以及_。标题 称呼 正文 结尾 落款一般将来一般现在目的 内容 呼吁5.IV.即学即练 1.用一句话引出倡议目的,并以这句话作为文章的开头句,达到开篇点题的作用。如:

7、In order to fulfill our obligation to protect the environment,we are supposed to follow the following ecological codes.为了实行我们环保的义务,我们应该养成以下的环保习惯。2.用三句话分别谈谈倡议的内容。(1)有人建议我们坚持走路上学的习惯。It is suggested/advised that we stick to the habit of walking to school.(2)我们应该每天至少吃五种水果和青菜。We are required to eat at le

8、ast five kinds of fruits and vegetables a day.(3)如果我们循环利用资源并通过捡起垃圾、关灯和关水龙头来爱护校园的每一寸土地,那就更好了。It would be better if we recycle everything recyclable and cherish our schools environment by picking up any litter and turning off the taps and the lights.6.3.用一句话引出呼吁的内容。It is high time that we should contr

9、ibute to the prosperity of our mother,the earth.是我们人人都为地球母亲尽一份绵薄之力。7.参考范文 Dear friends,Do you want to live in a beautiful world?To fulfill our obligation to protect the environment,we are supposed to follow the following ecological codes.To begin with,it is suggested/advised that we stick to the hab

10、it of walking to school.In addition,we are required to eat at least five kinds of fruits and vegetables a day.Moreover,it would be a good idea if we recycle everything recyclable and cherish our schools environment by picking up any litter and turning off the taps and the lights.In a word,it is high

11、 time that we should contribute to the prosperity of our mother,the earth.Thank you!The Students Union 8.V.V.HomeworkDear students,Do you want to keep fit?In order to enable you to have a healthy body,you are supposed to cultivate the following good habits.To start with,you are required to own a pos

12、itive attitude.Besides,it would be a good idea if you not only go to bed and get up early,but also make use of an extra hour in the morning to improve your lifestyles.In addition,apart from insisting on doing exercises,you are expected to nurture great eating habits.Whats more,it is suggested that you make sure that you have enough sleep every day.In a word,it is high time that you took actions to be responsible for your health.The Students Union9.

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