1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Chapter 5,P62-63,How is Suzanne,s family?,What is the impression given by Suzanne to the social worker?,What made Suzanne fear for her daughter?,What,s wrong with Suzanne?,What is the traditional method practice of social work?,What is the foundation met
2、hod of social work?,P64,clinical social work defined,部分,What is the relationship between case work and clinical work?,When is the definition of clinical work accepted by NASW?,What is the change route of clinical work?,P68 The practice framework,中的前三段,What,s the purpose of social work practice?,What
3、,s effect to the clients?,What is the basic assumption about people?,THANK YOU,SUCCESS,2025/1/11 周六,4,可编辑,P74-75,the clinical direct practice social work process,Study,What does a client should do in this process?,In this phase,who decides whether the client will enter the treatment or not?,If the c
4、lient rejects the treatment,what should social worker do in this phase?,How does a social worker get information from a client?,At the point of crisis,what should a skilled social worker do to help the client?,P79-81case study,Psychosocial model,How was the growing condition of Jessica?,How was the
5、expectation of Jessica,s parents on her?,How was the feeling of Jessica on her parents?,How does social work help Jessica?,Case of Quannah,where did Quannah go to seek help?,How did social worker help her?,What was Quanah,s opinion on the baby?,What was the result?,THANK YOU,SUCCESS,2025/1/11 周六,7,可编辑,