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1、Part B Lets talk1-Comic book,comic book,buy a comic book.Im going to buy a comic book.Word book,word book,buy a word book.Im going to buy a word book.Dictionary,dictionary,buy a dictionary.Im going to buy a dictionary.Postcard,postcard,buy a postcard,Im going to buy a postcard.2-book store3-I am goi

2、ng to buy some books in the bookstore.What books can you buy in the bookstore?-I can buy a.A:What are you going to buy?B:Im going to buy a.dictionaryword bookcomic bookpostcard4-Lets tryJohn is on his way home.He sees Amy.Listen and answer.265-6-Read and answer1.Who is Jack?2.When is Jack going to v

3、isit John?3.Where are Jack and John going next week?4.What are they going to do there?5.When are they going to see a film?He is Johns cousin.He is going next week.They are going to the cinema.They are going to see a film about apace travel.Next Wednesday.7-8-Where are you going?Im going to the+地点.th

4、is afternoon9-When are you going?Im going+时间.this morning this afternoonthis eveningtonighttomorrowthe day after tomorrownext week/at 3 oclock10-WHY NOTWhy not为何不(用来提建议)Why not go on Tuesday?Why not go to the cinema?Why not go swimming?11-在我国许多电影院周二部分时段或全天电影票价为半价。周二半价的活动始于2005年,为了吸引更多的观众进影院看电影,广州部分影

5、院开始试行半价制度。半价活动一试行就吸引了大量的观众。后来,中国电影放映协会向全国影院发起每周二定位电影票半价日的倡议。不过,周二半价日并不强制执行,影院可以自愿响应,也可以降半价日定在其他日期。在中国,许多影院还是将半价日定在了周二,并一直延续下来。12-13-B:I am going to buy a dictionary.A:Where are you going this afternoon?B:I am going to the bookstore.A:What are you going to buy?A:When are you going?B:I am going after

6、school.A:How are you going?B:Im going by bike.A:Who are you going with?B:Im going with my mom.14-B:I am going to.A:Where are you going this afternoon?B:I am going to the.A:What are you going to do there?A:When are you going?B:I am going.A:How are you going?B:Im going.A:Who are you going with?B:Im go

7、ing with.Lets practiceLets practice15-1.My cousin Jack is going to me next week.2.Where are you going?你们打算去你们打算去哪儿哪儿?-Were going to the cinema.我们打算去电影院。我们打算去电影院。3.I have lots of comic books about space.=a lot of 许多许多 关于关于4.When are you going?你们你们什么时候什么时候去?去?5.Why not on Tuesday?Its half price.为什么不为什么不 /a:/ai/一半一半 价格价格 visitgo 16-Travel to Mars火星之旅讲述的是一个火星探险的美苏两国曾联手秘密打造火星计划,斥巨资建造宇宙飞船“玛丽号”,这时发生席卷全球的经济危机,两国政府的财政陷入困境,计划被迫中止,飞船被尘封于核废墟地带下的某一秘密轨道上.17-

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