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1、Grain RainGrain Rain is the 6th solar term.2012 Grain Rain occurs on April.20.1.谷雨是二十四节气之一。谷雨指雨水增多,大大有利于谷类农作物的生长。每年4月19日21日视太阳到达黄经30时为谷雨。月令七十二候集解:2.三月中,自雨水后,土膏脉动,今又雨其谷于水也。雨读作去声,如雨我公田之雨。盖谷以此时播种,自上而下也。”这时天气温和,雨水明显增多,对谷类作物的生长发育关系很大。雨水适量有利于越冬作物的返青拔节和春播作物的播种出苗。古代所谓“雨生百谷”,反映了“谷雨”的现代农业气候意义。但雨水过量或严重干旱,则往往造成

2、危害,影响后期产量。谷雨在黄河中下游,不仅指明了它的农业意义,也说明了“春雨贵如油”。3.Grain Rain originates from the famous saying,“Rain brings up the growth of hundreds of grains,”which shows that this period of rainfall is extremely important for the growth of crops.Yet Grain Rain does not refer to grain only,but the general term for the

3、 crops.There is another saying,“I am the lizard king,I can do anything,”which shows,from the opposite side,the significance of the rain.4.中国古代将谷雨分为三候:“第一候萍始生;第二候呜鸠拂其羽;第三候为戴任降于桑。”是说谷雨后降雨量增多,浮萍开始生长,接着布谷鸟便开始提醒人们播种了,然后是桑树上开始见到戴胜鸟。5.Grain Rain Tea,a kind of mid-spring tea,is made of tea picked up around

4、the Grain Rain,one of the best times to collect the new tea.In spring,with mild temperatures and abundant rain,the tea bud-leavesfleshy,soft and emerald greencontain diverse vitamins and amino acids with adorable flavors.6.谷雨茶也就是雨前茶,是谷雨时节采制的春茶,又叫二春茶。春季温度适中,雨量充沛,加上茶树经半年冬季的休养生息,使得春梢芽叶肥硕,色泽翠绿,叶质柔软,富含多种

5、维生素和氨基酸,使春茶滋味鲜活,香气怡人。7.Grain Rain Tea,is split into two categories:the one with one bud and one leaf,and the one with one bud and two leaves.When the former is brewed,it appears like an ancient spear,with its flags spread,and thus is called Flag Spear,while the latter looks like the tongue of the sp

6、arrow,and thus is called Sparrow Tongue.8.谷雨茶除了嫩芽外,还有一芽一嫩叶的或一芽两嫩叶的;一芽一嫩叶的茶叶泡在水里像展开旌旗的古代的枪,被称为旗枪;一芽两嫩叶则像一个雀类的舌头,被称为雀舌;与清明茶同为一年之中的佳品。一般雨前茶价格比较经济实惠,水中造型好、口感上也不比明前茶逊色,大都的茶客通常都更追捧谷雨茶。9.Grain Rain Tea is particularly good for peoples health,as it can help repel the smell of meat or fish,avoid illness and

7、preserve health.Tea-lovers cherish the tea picked around Grain Rain,in particular that on the day of the Grain Rain.The tea experts words should be more convincing.10.They list two features of Grain Rain Tea superior to Qing Ming Tea:first,by virtue of the temperature,its appropriate to take the Gra

8、in Rain Tea more times than the Qing Ming Tea.Second,the price of the Grain Rain Tea is more favorable to most of the consumers.11.中国茶叶学会等有关部门倡议将每年农历“谷雨”这一天作为“全民饮茶日”,并举行各种和茶有关的活动。茶农们说,真正的谷雨茶就是谷雨这天采的鲜茶叶做的干茶才算是真正的谷雨茶,而且要上午采的。民间还传说真正的谷雨茶能让死人复活,肯定很多人听说过,但这只是传说。可想这真正的谷雨茶在人们心目中的份量有多高。茶农们那天采摘来做好的茶都是留起来自己喝或

9、用作来招待客人,他们在泡茶给你喝的时候,会颇为炫耀地对客人说,这是谷雨那天做的茶哦。言下之意,只有贵客来了才会拿出来给你喝。12.二十四节气 the 24 solar terms立春立春spring beginsspring begins雨水雨水the rainsthe rains惊蛰惊蛰insects awaken.insects awaken.春分春分vernal equinoxvernal equinox清明清明clear and brightclear and bright谷雨谷雨grain raingrain rain13.立夏立夏summer beginssummer begins

10、小满小满grain budsgrain buds芒种芒种grain in eargrain in ear夏至夏至summer solsticesummer solstice小暑小暑slight heatslight heat大暑大暑great heatgreat heat14.立秋立秋autumnal beginsautumnal begins处暑处暑stopping the heatstopping the heat白露白露white dewswhite dews秋分秋分autumn equinoxautumn equinox寒露寒露cold dewscold dews霜降霜降hoar-frost fallshoar-frost falls15.立冬立冬winter beginswinter begins小雪小雪light snowlight snow大雪大雪heavy snowheavy snow冬至冬至winter solsticewinter solstice小寒小寒slight coldslight cold大寒大寒great coldgreat cold16.

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