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2、答题卡一并交回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1_will I give up. I believe I can manage it.AAt once BAt no time CRight now DThe instant2Locals lived in rather _ conditions until the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949.ApreciousBprimitiveCpreciseDprior3_ of danger in the street at night, the girl do

3、esnt dare to go out without someone _ her.AWarned; accompanied BWarned; accompanyingCWarning; accompanied DWarning; accompanying4 Tony, you seem in high spirits._ We won the match 4-1.AGuess what?BOh, come on!CSo what?DNo wonder.5-Can I park my car here?-Sure not, we dont allow here.Ato parkingBpark

4、Cto parkDparking6Our team is world-class and it was no surprise that we won by such a margin.AlowBhighCwideDnarrow7We were scared to death when the fire_. Fortunately, it was put out before it caused much damage.Abroke outBcame outCgave outDturned out8As John Lennon once said, life is _ happens to y

5、ou while you are busy making other plans.AWhichBthatCwhatDwhere9 Nancy, what classes are you taking this term? _ I want to take two English courses, or maybe Spanish. AWhats up? BIts none of your business. CIve no idea. DIm not sure yet.10Despite the fact that his scores were good, they were hardly

6、as excellent as a student with his intelligence .AachievedBhad achievedCwould achieveDshould have achieved11He messed the project up, but he behaved as if nothing _.Ahad happenedBhappenedCwould happenDwould have happened12I _ about what youve said and Ive decided to take your adviceAthought Bhave be

7、en thinkingCwas thinking Dwas thinking13Between the two generations, it is often not their age, _ their education that causes misunderstanding. Alike Bas Cor Dbut14The palace is heavily guarded, because inside its walls _.Awhere sit the European leadersBthe European leaders there sitCsit the Europea

8、n leadersDthat the European leaders sit15Parents need to encourage kids to develop their potential _ putting too much pressure on them.Awithout BbesidesCby Dfor16One is expected to behave _ on some special occasions.AaccuratelyBpreciselyCappropriatelyDrightly17It is reported that the _ in Libya is h

9、otting up.AstrengthBviolenceCpowerDactivity18_ to manage time wisely, and you can make the most out of each day.ALearning BTo learnCLearned DLearn19They had just taken their seats, then _ Athe chairman came Bthe chairman comesCcame the chairmanDcomes the chairman20The incomes of skilled workers went

10、 up. , unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.AMoreoverBThereforeCMeanwhileDOtherwise第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)Peggy Whitsons job demands a daily two-hour workout in a gym where weight has no meaning and the view changes at 17,000 miles an hour.Whitson makes it look e

11、asy. At 57, she is the oldest woman to fly in space, breaking the record last November when she began her third long-term stay at the International Space Station. After returning home in September, 2017, the NASA astronaut felt matter-of-fact about the age milestone(里程碑).“It wasnt a record I was see

12、king out,” Whitson said. “I was 42 and 48 for my first two space flights. I feel lucky that I was able to get to do another one in my 50s. I dont think people should let age discourage them, even on those jobs that require some amount of physical fitness. The oldest man is John Glenn (at 77), but we

13、ve had male astronauts in their 60s before, so its just a matter of time before women started flying in space at this age.”On Earth, she stays fit by weightlifting, biking, playing basketball and water skiing. She shared what its like to live in micro-gravity: “Its like youre in a swimming pool, but

14、 you dont have to worry about breathing. If I push off from one side, Im going to float to the other side. Every direction feels exactly the same, which is really hard for your brain to grasp, but its amazing how fast you adapt.Its a big shock for the body to come back to Earth everything is so heav

15、y. We spend a lot of time getting used being back in gravity again. Back pain was really the most dramatic for me this time. For me, coming home is way harder than going up into space.”1、What does the underlined word probably mean in the passage?AamazingBnaturalCenthusiasticDunbelievable2、How many d

16、ays did Peggy Whiston spend in space for her third stay in the International Space Station?AAbout 300 days.BAbout 708 days.CAbout 107 days.DAbout 57 days.3、According to the passage, which of the following is true?APeggy Whiston is the oldest person to fly in space, breaking the record.BThere had bee

17、n female astronauts in their 60s before.CPeggy Whiston likes swimming most to stay fit on earth.DPeggy Whiston had been in space in 2002 and 2008.4、Which of the following will Peggy Whiston probably say?AYou can still be successful and do physical things when you get older.BI spent quite a lot of ti

18、me getting used to the life in space.CThe moment we reached the earth, we felt so relaxed.DI feel lucky that I am physically all right after the whole journey.22(8分)In creating AJ. Fikrys ordinary-yet-extraordinary life, the author Gabielle Zevin has thrown every clichs(老生常谈) into the mix. The hero,

19、 AJ. Fikry, lost his beloved wife Nic in a road accident. The sales of his bookstore have been decreasing. The enthusiastic new sales representative Amelia wont stop annoying him with new books. His rare and very valuable first edition has gone missing. But the unexpected arrival of Maya left in his

20、 care brings about a series of events with love and hope to his life.There are few real surprises in the plot and attentive readers will be able to tell where the story is headed. But that is not the point; the clichs and the predictable plot take nothing away from Zevins work The Storied Life of AJ

21、. Fikry because its how she tells the story that first charms the readers, then holds their attention, making them read the whole book in a single sitting and finally give the book a long hug when they are finished. This book is a love letter to the joys of reading.Each chapter begins with the title

22、 of a short story or a book and a note from AJ. Fikry describing what he likes about it, essentially introducing each character by what they read. The characters are so realistic that its hard not to fall in love with all of them: Maya, “the fantastic book-worm,” Amelia, “the giantess” with question

23、able taste in fashion, Lambiase, the adorable police chief, and AJ. Fikry, the reluctant hero who hates electronic reading devices that will “send centuries of a lively culture into what will surely be a rapid decline.”The passage of time, race issues, and the bureaucratic argument of childrens serv

24、ices are all put aside in the telling of this story, not because theres anything to hide or because reality is not allowed to interfere, but because the author chooses to focus on the important stuff. For example, it focuses on Lambiase who organizes a reading club for policemen at the book store. H

25、is original intention is to help promote business, but over the years he becomes a genuine book-lover, one who tends to always have simple advice for his cynical(愤世嫉俗的) friend, AJ. Fikry. “Bad timing,” Lambiase claims, “Ive been a police officer for twenty years now and Ill tell you pretty much ever

26、y bad thing in life is a result of bad timing, and every good thing is the result of good timing.”More than anything else, this novel is not only about the selling of them or the reading of them, but how books and stories become part of our lives, how we find ourselves within what we read and how we

27、 carry books with us. It is also about the power of unexpected happiness and always believing that something wonderful is just around the corner. The Late Bloomer is the book within a book which brings together AJ. Fikry and Amelia. It reminds them that life doesnt follow a set script, things happen

28、 when they are meant to happen, and there is no such thing as “too late” for anything. Life is the big picture. Always look at the big picture. Enjoy it. Dont get too concentrated on the details, because it will all be over before you know it. In the long run nobody, not even you, will remember the

29、ordinary details because they are, in the end, quite irrelevant.AJ. Fikrys final words of wisdom to teen-aged Maya convey the same feelings in literary terms: “We are not quite novels. We are not quite short stories. In the end, we are collected works. We have read enough to know there are no collec

30、tions where each story is perfect. Some of us hit. Some miss.”1、The authors attitude towards Zevins book is _.Asupportive BcriticalCobjective Dindifferent2、How many characters of the novel are mentioned in the passage?AFour. BFive.CSix. DSeven.3、The police chief organizing a reading club is mentione

31、d to prove _ in the novel.Athere is really nothing to hide Breality is not allowed to interfereCimportant stuff has been focused on Deverything is a result of timing4、What can be implied in Paragraph 5?AThe novel underlines happiness will always be around.BThe novel mainly talks about the marketing

32、of the book.CIt is The Late Bloomer that brings AJ and Amelia together.DIt is important to do things on the basis of overall situation.5、The underlined sentence in the last paragraph most probably means _.Aour life is full of ups and downs Bwe should collect works all our lifeCour life is closely co

33、nnected with books Dwe should read books all our life6、The passage is mainly about _.Athe extraordinary life of AJ. Fikry Bthe moral lesson of no “too late” in lifeCa comment on The Later Bloomer Da review of The Storied Life of AJ. Fikry23(8分) You cant see your sleeping pets brain waves, but its be

34、havior can tell you when your cat might be dreaming. If you watch closely, youll see that as she falls asleep, her breathing becomes slow and regular with her body still. She has entered the first stage of sleep, called slow-wave sleep. After about 15 minutes youll notice a change in her breathing.

35、Her eyes move under her closed lids, her paws twitch (抽动) and she flicks (尤指用手指或手快速地轻抚) an ear. She has entered dreaming. Although she twitches and makes little grunting (嘟嘟) noises, messages from her brain to the large muscles in her legs are blocked, so she cant run about. She is in a state of “sl

36、eep paralysis (麻痹)”.Michel Jouvet, a French scientist, interrupted their sleep paralysis. Even though they were completely asleep, the dreaming cats began to run for balls that Jouvet couldnt see and arched (弓起) their backs at unseen enemies. He figures he was watching them act out their dreams! Obv

37、iously, the dreaming cats seemed to be practising important cat skills: following, pouncing (猛扑), and fighting.In another study, Matt Wilson recorded rats brain waves while they learned mazes (迷宫). One day, he left the brain-wave-recording machine on while the rats fell asleep. The pattern of brain

38、waves in the sleeping rats matched the pattern from the maze so closely that Wilson could figure out exactly which part of the maze each rat was dreaming about!Many researchers now think that in both people and animals, one purpose of dreams is to practise important skills and figure out recent lear

39、ning. This may explain why so many people dream about fighting and escaping, skills that were probably important to our ancestors, and why dreaming affects our ability to learn.Do all animals dream? From looking at the brain waves of sleeping animals. How often animals dream seems to be tied to body

40、 size. Cats dream about every 15 minutes, mice every 9 minutes, and elephants every 2 hours. And though cows and horses usually sleep standing up, they only dream when lying down.1、What does Michel Jouvet find in his study?AThe dreaming cats are in a state of body paralysis.BThe dreaming cats often

41、practise their important skills.CThe eyes of dreaming cats moved while bodies are still.DThe muscles of the dreaming cats are blocked to move.2、What can you know about dreaming from the passage?ADreaming a lot can help humans learn more.BLearning mazes is the basic skill for cats to learn.CRats ofte

42、n dreams to make certain their recent learningDFighting and escaping are not important skills for ancestors.3、Which animal may dream most frequently?ARats.BDogs.CCows.DElephants4、How does the author develop his passage?ABy making comparisons.BBy using figuresCBy telling storiesDBy showing facts24(8分

43、)Saying Im sorry when youve hurt someone can be a hard thing to do. Were stubborn creatures, after all, and dont love dealing with it when were wrong. But apologizing, and meaning it, is an important part of the forgiveness process.Michael McCullough made a research and found that the most sincere,

44、forgiveness-inducing apolog.es include saying “Im sorry”, offering to make up for the wrongdoing in some way, and taking responsibility. And the reason why they work so well is largely based on principles of evolution, the apologies make the transgressor(犯错的人 seem more valuable as a relationship par

45、tner, and also help the victim fed less at risk of getting hurt again.One basic scientific implication of the results is that the human psychology of conflict resolution is unusually similar to that of animals which live in groups. “Many group-living animals, particularly mammals, seem to use peace

46、making gestures as signals of their desire to end conflict and restore cooperative relationships with other individuals after aggressive conflict has occurred,” McCullough said. “We seem to reach a common view on this point.”“I would say that empathy(情感共鸣)is a part of good mental health, and that co

47、uld be a part of the natural selection process, too, Bethany Marshall says. “Humans with empathy tend to be healthier and make better choices in life, while those who are aggressive dont tend to do as well.”, And having empathy when youve hurt someone, she says, is the best way to apologize.” The most important thing is that you feel t

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