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1、 金属材料与热处理金属材料与热处理说课课件说课课件 续写导练(五)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。I was touched through experiences,memories,books,stories,animals,angels,and most of all other people.People have moved me and molded(对影响重大)me with moments of love and examples of kindness.One time on the day before Christmas many years a

2、go when I was a minimum wage mill(工厂)worker,I found myself with very little money and very little time to buy my small children a few simple toys.I knew that they would have to be cheap ones and I hoped my children would like them.I hated not having enough to give them more.I hated being poor.And I

3、hated feeling bad at Christmas rather than happy.I pulled into a store parking lot and counted my money again.It wasnt much but maybe I could get something small with it.As I was getting out of the car I noticed the Salvation Army(救世军)bell ringer at the entrance.I felt bad again because I didnt feel

4、 I could spare anything to give him.I started walking towards the entrance when two cars pulled into empty parking spots in front of me.The first was a shiny,new Cadillac and I felt a twinge of jealousy when I saw it.“How nice,”I thought,“Would it be to have enough money to buy a car like that.”The

5、second car,though,was an ancient sedan(轿车)more beat-up and rusty than the one I was driving.A man hopped(冲)out of the Cadillac and hurried into the store right past the bell ringer without a second glance.Out of the old sedan came a young mother with three small children in tow(紧随着).Her clothes look

6、ed as worn out as her car,yet she stopped in front of the bell ringer,smiled,opened her purse,and dropped a bill in his red kettle(钱罐).金属材料与热处理金属材料与热处理说课课件说课课件 读后续写的基本步骤读后续写的基本步骤一、短文信息定位一、短文信息定位通过阅读定位所给短文的核心信息,明确故事的任务,环境和通过阅读定位所给短文的核心信息,明确故事的任务,环境和情节,并概括文章大意。情节,并概括文章大意。二、划线词分类二、划线词分类为了方便设计情节时涵盖划线词汇,

7、可以结合为了方便设计情节时涵盖划线词汇,可以结合具体材料对划线词按照人物,地点、动作情节具体材料对划线词按照人物,地点、动作情节和事物(和事物(具体具体和抽象)等分类。和抽象)等分类。三、设计三、设计第一段的内容设计在于搭建本段与前文、后文的桥梁。第二部第一段的内容设计在于搭建本段与前文、后文的桥梁。第二部分注意整篇文章的首位呼应。分注意整篇文章的首位呼应。四、初稿四、初稿五、修改五、修改 金属材料与热处理金属材料与热处理说课课件说课课件 一、短文信息定位一、短文信息定位通过阅读定位所给短文的核心信息,明确故事的任务,环境和通过阅读定位所给短文的核心信息,明确故事的任务,环境和情节,并概括文章

8、大意。情节,并概括文章大意。character:character:time:time:place:place:plots(details)plots(details)the day before Christmas,many years ago the day before Christmas,many years ago a store parking lota store parking lotthe author,bell ringer,a man the author,bell ringer,a man owning a Cadilac ,a young mother owning

9、a Cadilac ,a young mother owning an old car.owning an old car.1.The author was poor and feeling bad.1.The author was poor and feeling bad.2.the man and the mother responded quite differently 2.the man and the mother responded quite differently to the bell ringer.to the bell ringer.3.3.金属材料与热处理金属材料与热

10、处理说课课件说课课件 Sum up the main idea of the passageSum up the main idea of the passage 1.Many years ago,The author was a work 1.Many years ago,The author was a work with a small wage.He felt bad because with a small wage.He felt bad because.2.When he pulled into a store parking 2.When he pulled into a st

11、ore parking lot,he felt bad again because.lot,he felt bad again because.3.When he walken into the entrance,he 3.When he walken into the entrance,he found a man owning a.,while a young found a man owning a.,while a young mother.mother.However,they.However,they.金属材料与热处理金属材料与热处理说课课件说课课件 二、划线词分类二、划线词分类k

12、indsunderlined wordscharactersbell ringer childrenthings christmas car purse kettleactions hated pulled into dropped 为了方便设计情节时涵盖划线词汇,可以结合具体材料对划线词按照人物,为了方便设计情节时涵盖划线词汇,可以结合具体材料对划线词按照人物,地点、动作情节和事物(地点、动作情节和事物(具体具体和抽象)等分类。和抽象)等分类。金属材料与热处理金属材料与热处理说课课件说课课件 三、设计三、设计第一段的内容设计在于搭建本段与前文、后文的桥梁第一段的内容设计在于搭建本段与前文、后

13、文的桥梁;第二部第二部分注意与整篇文章的首位呼应。分注意与整篇文章的首位呼应。part 1:part 1:part 2:part 2:The authors attitude to the man and the motherThe authors attitude to the man and the motherHis opinions on richnessHis opinions on richness no longer feeling bad and no longer feeling bad and following the mothers example following

14、the mothers example and dropped a bill to the and dropped a bill to the bell ringer.bell ringer.Buying things for his chidren Buying things for his chidren and expecting a merry and expecting a merry christmas.christmas.金属材料与热处理金属材料与热处理说课课件说课课件 四、初稿四、初稿part 1:part 1:it is better to be rich in the it

15、 is better to be rich in the inside;inside;It is wrong to judge a person by It is wrong to judge a person by his appearance or words;his appearance or words;I had respect for the poor mother I had respect for the poor mother and wanted learn from her.and wanted learn from her.part 2:part 2:I took ou

16、t a 10-pound bill and.I took out a 10-pound bill and.I could hardly wait to see my children.I could hardly wait to see my children.金属材料与热处理金属材料与热处理说课课件说课课件 五、修改五、修改Paragraph 1:Paragraph 1:I stood there for a minute in I stood there for a minute in astonishment.“Maybe,”astonishment.“Maybe,”I thought

17、to myself,“its better I thought to myself,“its better to be rich on the inside instead of to be rich on the inside instead of the outside.”That rich man should the outside.”That rich man should have done something to help the have done something to help the poor,but he didnt.Sometimes it was poor,bu

18、t he didnt.Sometimes it was really wrong to judge a person by his really wrong to judge a person by his or her appearance.I really had or her appearance.I really had respect for the poor mother from the respect for the poor mother from the bottom of my heart.She set a good bottom of my heart.She set

19、 a good example for her example for her childrenchildren to follow.to follow.金属材料与热处理金属材料与热处理说课课件说课课件 Paragraph 2:Paragraph 2:In that second a warmth touched In that second a warmth touched me,my jealousy and hatredme,my jealousy and hatred(憎恨)(憎恨)left left me,and all the love and joy that are me,an

20、d all the love and joy that are Christmas filled me.I fished a bill Christmas filled me.I fished a bill out of my own purse,dropped it in the out of my own purse,dropped it in the Salvation Army kettle,and wished the Salvation Army kettle,and wished the bell ringer a merry Christmas.I found bell rin

21、ger a merry Christmas.I found a few fun things to give my kids and a few fun things to give my kids and drove home with my heart singing.I drove home with my heart singing.I knew it was going to be a wonderful knew it was going to be a wonderful Christmas.I could hardly wait to see Christmas.I could hardly wait to see my children enjoying the presents my children enjoying the presents bought for them,including a special bought for them,including a special giftlove for those in need.giftlove for those in need.

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