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1、Module 8Photos Unit 3 language in use 1which,who引导的定语从句2看下面的几个例句:It successfully shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous.它成功地展示了使北京闻名遐迩的悠久文化。The photo which we liked best was taken by Zhao Min.我们最喜欢的照片是赵敏照的。3It successfully shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous.Attributiv

2、e clause引导词在从句中作主语先行词是物4The photo which we liked best was taken by Zhao Min.Attributive clause先行词是物引导词在从句中作宾语5由此,我们可以看出:which引导的定语从句修饰的是无生命的东西。which在从句中的成分是可以作主语,也可以作宾语。6His father is the person who will be most unhappy.下面我们再看一个句子:Attributive clause先行词是人引导词在从句中作主语7由此,我们可以看出:如果先行词是人,那么定语从句的引导词就可以是who

3、。注意:当who 在从句中作宾语时,在现代语法规则简化为大多数情况下都可用who了。如:do you know Mr Zhang who(m)they like very much?8在先行词是物的定语从句中,一般情况下that和which都可以通用,但在下列情况下,一般用that而不用which。I am sure she has something that you can borrow.(1)先行词为all,everything,nothing,something,anything,little,much 等不定代词时。9Ive read all the books that are n

4、ot mine.2.先行词被all,little,much,every,no,等修饰时。(3)先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时。This is the first book that he has read.10This is the very book that belongs to him.(4)先行词被the only,the very,the same,the last修饰时。(5)先行词为人和物的组合。They talked for an hour of things and persons that they remembered in the school.11Which of th

5、e books that you borrowed from the library is the most interesting?(6)若主句中有疑问代词 who 或者 which,为了避免重复,关系代词不 要再用 who,which,而用 that。plete the sentences with words in the texts in this module.1 A person who takes photographs,especially as a job,is a p_.2 Some money which is given as a“present”in a compet

6、ition is a p_.3 An area which is open to everybody is called a p_ space.4 Someone who shows people around a place of interest is a g_.5 A building which is new,and not traditional is a m_ building.hotographerrizeublicuideodern132.Complete the sentences with your own words.1 A lake is a place which _

7、.2 A teacher is someone who _.3 A writer is a person who _.4 A tradition is a custom which _.5 A city is a place which _.collects water in a low area of landhelps us to learnearns money by writinghas lasted for a long time/is very oldhas very many people living in it144.Join the sentences with who o

8、r which.1 the building is our school.The building stands by the lake.the building _ is our school.2 Here is the girl.The girl wants to see you.Here is the girl _.which stands by the lakewho wants to see you153 I am the only student.I can run faster than Peter.I am the only student _.4 Yesterday we b

9、ought a book.The book is really hard to understand.Yesterday we bought a book _.5 Is this the play?We will see the play next month.Is this the play _?who can run faster than Peterwhich is really hard to understandwhich we will see next month165Work in pairs.Talk about the two pictures.I like the pic

10、ture which.I dont like the picture which.The picture which is 172024/2/27 周二18Then talk about the people in the pictures.The boy whoThe boy Who is dressed in green looksvery sad.Now ask questions about the picture,and write down your answers.Which picture?Which gift.?Which picture is better?197.Comp

11、lete the conversation with the phrases in the box.by the way compared with even though far from try.out thousands of20Jerry:Hi.How are you?I havent Seen you for a long time Is that a new camera,(1)_?Tina:Yes.I dropped my old one,and it was too expensive to repair.This one is much better,too.Its so m

12、uch lighter and easier to use(2)_ the old one.Ive learnt how to work it already,(3)_Ive only had it for a couple of weeks.And you by the waycompared witheven though21 dont have to worry about getting prints of all the photos you can store(4)_ photos on your computer!Jerry:Im thinking of getting a di

13、gital camera,too,Do you mind if I (5)_ it _?Tina:Of course not.Lets walk past the lake.Its not(6)_ here,and would make a really good photo.thousands oftry outfar from228.Work in pairs and look at the photos.Say how you:think cameras have changed Since their earliest beginnings.239.Listen and choose

14、the best answer.1 When was the first successful photograph produced?a)In the 17th century.b)In the 18th century.c)In the 19th century.242 Why did people in the early photos not smile?a)Because there were no good photographers.b)Because it took a long time to take a photo.c)Because they were too frig

15、htened to smile.253 Compared with earlier cameras,how was the 1888 Kodak camera?a)It was more difficult to use.b)It was cheaper.c)It was bigger.264 What is the main difference between digital cameras and other cameras?a)Photos are smaller and lighter.b)There is no need to print the photos.c)They can

16、 be used by anyone;not only professional photographers.5 How heavy was the 1888 Kodak camera?a)0.5kg b)1.0 kg c)115kg.27Module taskMaking a photo show 2810.Choose your favourite photo.Choose one photo you like best.Write a passage or a story about it,saying what/who it is and why it is important to

17、you.29Exercise 301.Mr.Green,there is someone at the front desk_ would like to speak with you.(05 广州)A.he B.who C.which D.whom2.Yao Ming is a famous basketball star_ is playing in the NBA.(06吉林)A.whose B.who C.what D.which313.Lian Zhan with his visitors_ from Taiwan _paying his first visit to the mai

18、nland of China.(06 兰州)A.who come;is B.who is;is C.which come;is D.that are;are4.He likes music_ he could dance to.(06 福建)A.who B.that C.whom D.what325.-Is the girl _ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend?-Yes,she is a journalist from CCTV.(06 天津)A.who B.that C.whom D.what33342024/2/27 周二35

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