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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、What will you do if you have two days_? Id like to go_ a trip to Suzhou.Aof; on ;Boff; inCoff; onDof; for2、Can I join you? Sure , we are discussing _.Awhy we

2、like the movieBwho should we go withChow can we get thereDwhen shall we go for a picnic3、Kate, I m going shopping. Anything to buy for you?Yes, that will save me a _.Ahand Btrip Cvisit Dbill4、All of us are proud that we can live peacefully and happily in China _ the umbrella of our powerful country.

3、AfromBwithCunderDto5、It s reported that the sand storm s moving _ the southern part of China.Abeside Bwith Cbelow Dtowards6、_do you go birdwatching once a month?In order to get more information about the rare birds.AWhyBWhatCWhenDHow7、My mother gets up early _ the morning every day. But she got up l

4、ate_ the morning of March 15th .Aon; inBin; onCin; inDon; on8、The Chinese Poetry Conference(中国诗词大会)on CCTV is a great .You are rightMore and more people begin to enjoy the beauty of the poetryAprojectBsuccessCchanceDexperiment9、Its a /bd/ habit to put off todays work till tomorrow.AbadBbagCbatDbed10

5、、-Excuse me, would you mind helping me with the math problem?-Im sorry. _, Im in a hurry.AIn generalBIn factCIn allDIn detail. 完形填空11、 We have a big library in our school. We all like to 1 books 2 after school. Its Friday. We have only two classes 3 the afternoon. When school is 4 ,a lot of student

6、go to the library. There are many 5 books in it. And 6 of the books are very new. We cant speak loudly(大声地) or 7 something in it . I often borrow books 8 it. I can learn a lot from books. It is 9 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Welcome to 10 library. It is a really good place.1AtalkBspeakCread2AthereBin

7、 thereCat there3AonBinCat4AbeginningBlongCover5Akinds ofBkind ofCkinds6Alot ofBmanyCmuch7AeatBmakeCplay8AfromBinCon9AgoodBopenCclose10AusBourCyou. 语法填空12、Parentsarethemostimportantpeopleinourlife. Theyinfluenceourlivesinsomanyways. They teach us almost everythingaboutliving, giveusstrengthofcharacte

8、randmakeuswhoweare. It is because of them that we become able to do our duties. The thingsthatweareabletodoareactuallytheirgiftstous. Right from taking care of us when we are young to guiding us whenever we need their advice, they are always there by our side. Allwecandoforthemistogivethemloveandhap

9、pinessandtrytomakethemfeelproudofus. Firstofall, youneedtofollowallthegoodthingstheytaughtyouwhenyouwereveryyoung. It could be about eating healthily or exercising in a regular way, or it could be about helping anyone who needs help.Notmakecomplaintsisalsoagoodway. Sodontcomplainaboutwhatyoudonthave

10、. Learntoappreciate (感激)andlovewhatyourparentsgiveyou;youmaynotknowthestrugglestheygothroughinordertogiveyouthat.Thirdly, youalsoneedtostartmakingyourowndecisionswiselyandconfidently. Inotherwords, take control ofyourlifebydecidingwhatwillbegoodorbadforyou. Let them see that you are able to do all k

11、inds of things without asking others for help.Moreimportantly, youshouldtrytobeagoodperson. Bepoliteandrespectfultoyourfamilyandfriends. Whentheygiveyouadviceorasuggestion, youdbettertaketheirideasintoconsideration. Try to work as hard as you can and be modest with what you have achieved. Anyway, se

12、eing you grow into a good person will surely make your parents proud. MakingyourparentsfeelproudofyouWhatyourparentscandoforyouTheyteachyouhowtomakealivinganddevelopastrongcharacter. Your 1 todealwiththingsisagiftyourparentsgiveyou.Theyarealwaystheretolookafteryouandguideyou. 2 tomakeyourparentsfeel

13、proudofyouFollowwhatyouweretaught. Developahealthyhabitasyourparentstoldyou.Helpanyoneinneed. Dontcomplain. Appreciateand3 withallthethingsgiventoyoubyyourparents.Makedecisionsonyour4. Makeyourowndecisionswiselyandwith 5toshowyouareabletodealwitheverything. Beagoodperson. Treatotherspolitelyandrespe

14、ctfully.Listentoyourparents advice.Workhardandnottobetooproudofyour achievements. 阅读理解A13、Once there was something wrong with a machine in a factory. The workers could do nothing but turn to a German engineer for help, who drew a line on it and then said, “Take off the part where the line is and cha

15、nge it for a new one. ”The machine, with a new line on, began running well again. The engineer then asked for $30,000 for what he had done. The following were what he wrote on a bill, “The new part only costs one dollar, and knowing where the problem with the machine is costs $29,999.”One dollar for

16、 changing a new part sounds reasonable (有道理的)but the $29,999 is exactly the value (价值)of wisdom (智慧)and knowledge.1The factory turned to the German engineer because _.Ahe had nothing to do in the factoryBthere were no other people in the factoryCthe workers could not repair the machineDthe workers a

17、sked for too much money for repairing the machine2According to the engineer, the finding of the problem cost _.Aonly one dollar B$ 29.999Cnothing Dless than the now part3The best title for the passage should be _.AThe Value of Knowledge BHelpless WorkersCThe Expensive Machine DThe Lucky FactoryB14、T

18、ake a look at the following information. Some may be useful for you!1_ can get the job of the babysitter.AA 45-year-old woman who likes playing with kidsBA 20-year-old girl who is good at English and busy on weekendsCA 20-year-old English major who likes kids and is free on weekends2You should _ bef

19、ore you take the medicine.Ashake the bottle Bkeep the bottle cool Cwash the bottle3Please put the medicine _ after you take it.Ain a cold place Bin a warm place Cin a bag4If you and your parents want to see the movie on Tuesday, you should pay _.A 40 B 120 C 605The correct order of using the payphon

20、e should be _.a. insert your coins b. dial the number c. lift the receiverAa-b-c Bc-a-b Cc-b-aC15、Whats the best way to remember our happiest moments, like a birthday or festival? I bet you would answer , “Take lots of photos!” Well, here is a great surprise. People who always take photos may actual

21、ly be harming(伤害) their memory, because theyre not concentrating on the event itself. Thats according to new research by Fairfield University, Connecticut, in the US. They call this the “photo-taking impairment(损害) affect”.“People so often take out their cameras almost mindlessly to catch a moment,

22、to the point that they are missing what is happening right in front of them,” Henkel and her team decided to perform an experiment. They wanted to find out whether taking photos in a museum weakened(减弱) a visitors memory of what they had seen. So they simply told a group to look around the museum, a

23、nd either take photos of the items on display, or try to remember what they had seen. In addition(另外), the amount(数量) of detail(细节) they remembered was worse than those who didnt take photos. “These results show how the minds eye and the cameras eye are not the same,” said Henkel.But dont put your c

24、amera down just yet. Other studies have found that looking back at old photos helps us remember an event, compared to just taking a photo and forgetting about it. So next time youre thinking of taking a photo, just think: is it better to look at the beauty around you with your own eyes, or behind th

25、e eye of the camera?1(小题1)When we take photos, we _.Afail to focus on the event itselfBcant record the detailsCremember what we have seenDare likely to have a poor memory2(小题2)Which of the following is NOT true about the experiment?APeople who didnt take photos did better in the experiment.BThey ask

26、ed a group to try to remember what they had seen.CThe experiment aimed to learn what people were interested in at the museum.DPeople who took photos in the museum could remember less details.3(小题3)According to the passage, wed better _.Anever use our camerasBremember an event by heartCalways remembe

27、r an event with the help of a cameraDsee everything only with our own eyes4(小题4)What do the results of the experiment show us?AThe minds eye and the cameras eye are not the same.BPeople remember happiest moments by taking photos.CLooking back at old photos helps us remember an event.DPeople dont lik

28、e taking photos.5(小题5)Where can we probably read this passage?AThe entrance of a museum.BA guidebook on how to take good pictures.CAn instruction of how to use a camera.DA scientific report.D16、People know the danger of fires. Its good for a family to learn how to prepare for a fire. Here are some s

29、uggestions:Put a smoke alarm in the house. Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once. Make escape (逃脱) plans. They should know all the ways out of the house. If there is a fire, everyone follows the plan to get out

30、. Part of the plan is to check all the windows to make sure they can be opened easily. Buy fire extinguishers (灭火器) in the house. Everyone in the family should know how to use them. Practice for a fire. They do fire practice because they teach children about fire safety. Everyone in the family shoul

31、d know the following fire rules:Dont open a hot door! The fire can grow more quickly if you open the door. Stay close to the floor! Smoke can be more dangerous than fire; the best air is near the floor because smoke rises. What will you do if you hair or clothes start to burn? First, stop! Dont run!

32、 The fire burns faster because of more air. Drop! Fall to the floor. They roll! Turning over and over will make the fire go out. Put a blanket (毯子) around you to keep air away from the fire that may still be on you. There are many possible causes for firs. A wise family is ready all the time. If the

33、re is a fire, dont forget to call 119 for help.1What does it mean when a smoke alarm rings at home?AYou have to get up.BWater is running to the floor.CSomething is burning.DSomeone breaks your window.2The writer advices people to do the following to prepare for a fire except that _.Athey practice fo

34、r a fireBthey make escape plansCthey buy fire extinguishersDthey use electrical cookers3When a fire happens, _ if you open the hot door.Athe fire will grow more quicklyBthe electricity will be cut offCthe door will soon be on fireDthe house will fall down4What are the right steps you should take whe

35、n your hair or clothes catch fire?AStop, run, roll.BStop, drop, roll.CRun, drop, roll.DRoll, drop, stop5What is the best title for this passage?AThe Dangers of a Fire.BThe Cause of a Fire.CLearn to Use a Fire Extinguisher.DBe Ready for a Fire.E17、The romance novel Me Before You tells a story that yo

36、u might never forget. It is the latest bestseller by British writer Jojo Moyes. The book has been made into a movie. British actress Emilia Clark and actor Sam Caflin play the lead roles in the movie.There are two main characters in this book. One is Louisa Clark, or Lou, a girl who has lost her job

37、 at a cafe. The other is William Traynor, or Will, a young man who has become disabled after a motorcycle accident.Lou ends up taking a job where she has to take care of Will. At first, they dont like each other very much. However, they gradually become good friends. But this happiness only lasts a

38、few days.While I read the book, I couldnt help but notice its language. There were a lot of descriptions to show what the characters are feeling. There are also many detailed descriptions of the environments around the characters. For example, Moyes writes I saw it was bigger than I had imagined, re

39、d brick with a double front,describing how surprised Lou is when she sees Wills house for the first time.At the end of the book, Will writes Just live well, just live in a letter. This short line is the last thing that Will writes to Lou. It shows Wills deep feelings about life. He wants her to live

40、 life to the utmost(竭尽全力)the very thing he had wanted to do before he had his accident.1What do we know about the book Me Before You?AIt is about childhood memories.BIt has been made into a movie.CIt has one main character.DIt was written by a US writer.2Which of the following is TRUE about William

41、Traynor?AHe was born with a disability.BHe lost his arms in a car accident.CHe knew Louisa Clark before the accident.DHe became disabled after an accident.3Why did the writer write this story?ATo introduce a book. BTo advertise a movie.CTo introduce a writer. DTo tell a love story.F18、Louvre Museum(

42、卢浮宫)Opening hoursMonday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday: from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.Wednesday, Friday: from 9 a.m.to 9:45 p.m.Tuesday: closedFree admission Visitors under the age of 18Old people from the European Economic AreaTeachers of art and art historyDisabled visitorsEntrancesto the museumPyramid and Ga

43、lerie du Carrousel entrances: from 9 a.m.to 7:30 p.m.Passage Richelieu entrance: from 9 a.m.to 5:30 p.m.Porte des Lions entrance: This entrance may be closed for technical(技术的)reasons.Please call us the day before your visit at 40205317.1When is Louvre Museum closed?AOn Monday.BOn Tuesday.COn Saturd

44、ay.DOn Sunday.2Who can visit Louvre Museum for free?AVisitors under 25 years old.BChildren from the European Economic Area.CStudents of art and art history.DDisabled visitors.3Which entrance to the museum may be closed for technical reasons?APyramid entrance.BGalerie du Carrousel entrance.CPassage R

45、ichelieu entrance.DPorte des Lions entrance.书面表达19、书面表达临近期末,学校将在学习小组内开展年终自评和组评活动,假如你是Sunshine小组的组长,请根据下面表格中的提示,用英语写一篇短文,对你的组员Daniel进行评价。NameDaniel (一个十五岁的初三学生)Character聪明、勤奋、大方、乐于助人。Hobbies看侦探小说;看体育节目;旅游。Study大部分精力投放到学习中,取得了很大进步。Ability擅长跑步,校运会赛跑第一名。Honour帮助警方破获绑架案,获得校见义勇为奖(Award for Bravery)。Problems面临考试感到压力,缺少睡眠Your suggestions注意:1词数:100词左右,开头已经写好,不计入总词数。2句子结构紧凑,要点齐全,内容合理,篇章结构连贯。3表达中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名。Daniel is a member of my team called

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