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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、 Could you please tell me the pretty dress? She bought it online, I think.Awhere Mary boughtBif Mary likedCwhen Mary boughtDhow much

2、 Mary paid for2、There are _ floors in Tobys house. And his room is on the _ floor.Athree; twoBthird; secondCthird; twoDthree; second3、The factory over 1200 cars a month. My car in it in 2013.Aproduces,was produced Bwas produced,producesCproduces,produces Dwas produced,produced4、Hi, Cathy. Did you wa

3、tch the Spring Festival Gala on New Years Eve?Of course, I cant miss it. And I know more than 646 _ people in China and overseas watched the show on television.AmillionBmillions ofCmillionsDmillion of5、Could you say it again? I cant understand _ you are talking about.AhowBwhenCwhatDwhich6、1Could you

4、 tell me _? Its twenty minutes by underground.Ahow can I get to your schoolBhow much it costs to get to your schoolChow far it is from your home to your schoolDhow long does it take me to get to your school7、_ do you _ English?I like it very much.AWhat; think ofBWhat; likeCHow; like to8、Come on, _yo

5、ull be late.AandBbutCorDso9、What do you think of the TV series All is well?Oh, I am so moved because Ive never seen a_ one beforeAbetterBworseCgoodDbad10、Its better for us to stay indoors, when PM 2.5 reaches dangerous levels.AproperlyBpossiblyCgenerallyDespecially. 完形填空11、Have you ever heard of Ted

6、dy bears? Teddy bears were invented by accident. In 1902, American president Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt was hunting (打猎) in the forest with several of his friends. Almost everyone had successfully shot (射中) an animal, but the president 1 not. Nobody wanted to make the president look 2 , so they tied

7、 an American black bear to a 3 They wanted the president to shoot itThe president was very surprised to see the bear tied to a tree. He felt it was 4 to shoot the bear, because it couldnt run away. He 5 to shoot it, and the story of his decision went over the country. Everybody was moved by the pres

8、idents beliefs (信念). There was 6 a cartoon showing the president refusing to shoot a cute bear.It was this cartoon and the story behind the presidents hunting trip that gave Morris an idea to make a new 7 He made a small, soft bear and showed it in his shop window. Next to the bear he made a sign th

9、at read, “Teddys Bear.” The new toy was a big success and it 8 Morris with the money to create a toy company.Teddy bears have been 9 since they were first made. A teddy bear would be the first choice when people think about childrens toys. Theodore Roosevelts famous 10 on a hunting trip in 1902 brou

10、ght millions of soft, stuffed bears. They are being loved by people across the world.1(小题1)Adid Bshould Cwould Dhad2(小题2)Asad Bhappy Cfriendly Dfine3(小题3)Awall Bchair Crock Dtree4(小题4)Adifficult Bunfair Cdangerous Dexciting5(小题5)Awanted Bdecided Crefused Dwent6(小题6)Aonly Bhardly Ceven Dstill7(小题7)Ac

11、ompany Btoy Cshop Dpresent8(小题8)Agave Bfilled Cmet Dprovided9(小题9)Acolorful Bexpensive Cpopular Dboring10(小题10)Adecision Bspeech Csign Dskill. 语法填空12、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。I m a girl from Nigeria. Growing up in a home full of watching and playing football, I have grown to love the 1(ga

12、me).I watch mostly European football and I support an English club 2(call) Arsenal. There are a lot of 3 ( reason) why I love football. No matter where you come from, no matter what language you speak, everyone 4 (understand) the game. That is why it is called a“ global(全球的)sport”.Football is 5 very

13、 easy sport to learn and play. Looking from the outside, it might seem really hard, but when you start 6 (learn),it is not that hard Football involves(牵涉) a ball and a human. There are other rules and technicalities(技术性细节)involved, but, with time, you would be able to understand 7 (they).I have lear

14、ned so much from football throughout the years. For example, through football, I know lots of countries and cities in them. I know8 (place) like Zurich, Leicester, Liverpool, Munich, and Shrewsbury. Also,listening to experienced commentators(解说员)during the football games helps increase my vocabulary

15、(词汇量). Thanks to it, I was able to score higher on my SAT exam.9 my SAT, a question was about a word I heard a commentator use in a game the week before.To me, football is more than 10 a sport, it is life. 阅读理解A13、It was the worst day of my professional life. My publisher shut down, and we had no id

16、ea if another publisher would take over my novel. In addition, my second novel hadnt sold as well as the first one. It seemed that I was watching my career going downwards. It was so terrifying. However, as I shared my fears with my mother, she said something I would never forget: “I would love you

17、if you were a garbage man.” She wasnt looking down upon garbage men. She was just saying that whatever my job was, she loved me. It was just her honest feeling at that moment, but those simple words are still the ones I use to fight so many of my fears today. To this day, when I sit down to write ev

18、ery day, I say those words to myself, “Id love you if you were a garbage man.” I can still feel the selflessness of my mothers love. A few years ago, my mother passed away because of breast cancer. It was she who set me on the path of writing a series of childrens books to give strength to my own ch

19、ildren. The first two are Im Amelia Earhart and Im Abraham Lincoln. In six months, well publish Im Rosa Parks. For me, this isnt just a book series. Its my dream for my own daughter, for my sons, and for all of us who need to see the power and potential (潜力) in each of us. This series was born also

20、because I was tired of my daughter thinking that reality TV stars were heroes. I tell my kids all the time: Thats fame (名气). Fame is different from being a hero. I wanted my kids to see real heroes who are no different than themselves. For this reason, each book tells the story of the hero when he/s

21、he was a kid. We see them as children. So its not just Amelia Earhart andAbraham Lincoln being famous; its them being just like us. Look around. We live in a world that desires heroes. Our solution is what my mother taught me with her words: the power of an ordinary person. I can proudly repeat my m

22、others words to my kids. Theyll understand how I love them.1The author felt terrified because .Ahe was experiencing a difficult time in his careerBhis mother passed away because of breast cancerChe had no idea how to sell his second novelDhe was given a job as a garbage man2What was the authors unde

23、rstanding of his mums words?AMum wanted him to be a garbage man.BMum loved him no matter what he did.CMum was looking down on garbage men.DMum didnt want him to continue writing novels.3What does “themselves” in the fifth paragraph refer to?AReal heroes. BChildrens books. CThe authors kids. DReality

24、 TV stars.4The author is trying to teach his children to .Arespect real heroes Bbehave themselvesCbe ordinary people Drealize their own potentialB14、Its 15:00, Tuesday, June 26th. Tessa returns home after her two-day holiday. Tessa is checking her message.Telephone messageTo: Tessa From: WilsonDate:

25、 June 25th, Time: 13:00 a.mPhone: 554-3467 Ext: 357Message: Wilson wants you to see a movie at Westwood Theater. Meet him in front of the theatre at 4:30 p.m.DaddyJune 26thHi, Tessa!I came to see you but you werent in. Our Pen friendFranks coming. Im going to have a party to welcome him at my new ho

26、use this Saturday evening. Could you please come and help prepare for the party?My new address is 632 Maple St. Apt. 809.Call me at 673-8982 from 20:00 to 22:00PeterTo: TessaDate: June 26thTime 10:00 a.m.While you were outFrom: Mrs. Johnson at National BankPhone: 4627786Message: call Mrs Johnson bef

27、ore 3:30 this afternoon.Very important!Taken by: MomFrom:_Subject: visit you soonTo: TessaDear Tessa,Ive just got a new job in the city of Seattle. It offers me lots of chance to be out on business. This morning I was told to pay a visit to your town on Friday. I hope to see you and Peter there. I t

28、hink Ill be free on Saturday. Ill call you then.Frank Brown根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。1Tessa missed the movie because _.Ashe got the message lateBshe lost the ticket to the movieCWilson didnt invite herDshe didnt wanted to go with Wilson2Peter went to Tessas home to _.Awelcome FrankBprepare for the pa

29、rtyCask her for helpDtake part in the party3What should Tessa do first after reading the message?AGo to see Wilson.BCall PeterCCall Mrs. JohnsonDGo to a party4Where does Frank work?AIn Seattle.BAt Westwood Theater.CAt National Bank.DAt 632 Maple St., Apt. 809.5Tessa cant find _ telephone number from

30、 the messages.AWilsonsBMrs. JohnsonsCPetersDFranksC15、Research from the World Economic Forum shows that successful people put their mornings to good use. The researchers have listed 14 things that successful people do in the morning before the first meal of the day. These things include exercising,

31、spending time with the family and working on a personal hobby.The research suggests that we dont have to do all the 14 things every day. We can choose some of them to start the day. Here are some examples.Get up early. According to Laura, 90% of CEOs wake up before 6 am on weekdays. PepsiCo CEO(首席执行

32、官) Indra Nooyi, for example, gets up at 4 am and is in the office no later than 7 am. At the same time, Disney CEO Bob gets up at 4:30 to read, and Twitter and Square CEO Jack gets up at 5:30.Drink water instead of coffee. Drinking water in the morning makes you more active and speeds up your metabo

33、lism(新陈代谢).Make your bed. This leads to a happier and more productive day.Exercise. Exercising in the morning helps reduce stress.Make a plan for the day. Using the morning to make a plan for the whole day can help you decide what you will do first.1What might successful people not do in the morning

34、?ASleep late.BExercise.CGet up early.DMake a plan.2What time might PepsiCo CEO get to the office in the morning?AAt 4 am.BAt 6:50 am.CAt 7:30.DAt 8 am.3If you were under too much pressure, what can you do according to the passage?ADrink coffee.BDrink water.CExercise.DMake the bed.4What is the best t

35、itle?AExercising is great.BMake the plan early.CIts important to eat healthily.DPut mornings to good use.D16、1Which is true about the basketball club?APeople can join the club without paying.BBob Miller is the person who started the club.CPeople in the club play the sport in the early morning.DThe c

36、lub is looking for people to play in a national game.2Who CANNOT join the club?ASteven, a high school student who is a basketball fan.BJosh, a school teacher who can play basketball well.CMaggie, a ten-year-old girl who enjoys playing basketball on the computer.DBarbara, a taxi driver who has intere

37、st in basketball since she was young.E17、 A dragonfly, only an inch and a half long, appears to be animal worlds best long distance travelerflying thousands of miles overoceans as it moves from continent to continent- according to a newly published research.Biologists who lead the study say the evid

38、ence is in the genes. They found that populations of this dragonfly, called Pantala flavescens, in Texas, eastern Canada, Japan, Korea, India, and South America, have genes so similar that there is only one likely explanation. Obviously these dragonflies are traveling distances that are quite long f

39、or their small size, breeding with each other, and creating a common gene pool.But how do dragonflies from different continents manage to meet and breed? Ware says it appears to be the way their bodies have evolved. For example, they increased surface areas on their wings that enable them to use the

40、 wind to carry them.Dragonflies, in fact, have already been found crossing the Indian Ocean from Asia to Africa. They are following the weather, says Daniel Troast. Theyre going from India where its dry season to Africa where its wet season, and they do it once a year.”Wetness is important for Panta

41、la, and that is why they would take such a dangerous trip. Though many will die on the route, as long as enough make it, the species survives. For the moment, the details of this wonderful insect trip are an educated best guess. Much more work is needed to be done. Ware and Troast hope that scientis

42、ts can work on figuring out those routes.1What shows Pantala flavescens are the worlds longest-distance flyers?AScientists have recorded the dragonfly across the world.BThe same dragonfly was found both in Asia and America.CThere are many Pantala flavescens in different continents.DPantala fiavescen

43、s in different continents have similar genes.2What may help Pantala flavescens fly over so long distance?ATheir special body shape.BTheir special and strong wings.CTheir small and light body.DTheir strong sense of direction.3What is necessary for Pantala flavescens to breed?AWet weather.BWarm places

44、.CDry environment.DEnough sunshine.4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AScientists have found the details of the trip.BDragonflies leave India because of the dry season.CDragonflies can hardly survive after such a dangerous trip. DThe dragonfly is animal worlds best short distan

45、ce traveler.F18、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)My grandfather took me to the fishing pond(鱼塘)on the farm when I was about 7 years old, and he asked me to throw a stone into the water.I did what I was asked. Then my grandfather told me to watch the waves made by the stone. Moments later, he asked me to think o

46、f myself as that stone.You may make a lot of splashes(浪花)in your life, but remember the waves that come from those splashes will affect the peace of all your friends beside you, he said.Remember that you are responsible for(负责) what you throw into your circle, and that your waves will touch many other circles. Always try to live in a way that the waves that come from your circle send out the peace of your goodness to other circles.Remember the waves that come from anger and jealousy(嫉妒)will also s

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