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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、Im not sure whether I can hold a pa

2、rty in the open air, because it _ the weather.Astands for Bdepends on Clives on Dagrees with2、Dennis was in a hurry to leave, so he picked up the wrong hat _.Ain time Bin person Cby mistake Dby hand3、_ hard and youll succeed sooner or later.AStudyBTo studyCStudyingDStudied4、It seems _ you like to wo

3、rk with children.Yes, they are so lovely.AthatBwhatCtoDas5、 I wonder what Mr. Wang asked you just now? He asked_.Awhether I will take part in the singing competitionBhow long I have bought my new bikeCwhat was wrong with my old bikeDhow much money did I spent on book6、A latest magazine, please.Only

4、one left. Would you like to have _?AitBoneCthisDthat7、Your father is sleeping. Please _ the radio a bit.Aturn down Bturn off Cturn on8、No man is really happy or safe without a hobby. Even though you are rather busy every day, you should find time for your hobbies because they can _.not help you find

5、 new ways of thinkingmake you feel more confidenthelp you relax after a long time of hard workmake you feel more lonelyhelp you learn something newABC9、He gave her daughter a dictionary as a birthday present she was learning English.AwhenBafterCbecauseDuntil10、I will try my best to keep practicing _

6、 I can write wonderful articles easily.AifBbecauseCuntilDso. 完形填空11、Last Saturday, Tonny went to see Benny.But he didnt know 1 Benny lived. 2 the way, he stopped in front of a yellow house, and asked an old woman the 3 to Bennys house. “ His house is not far from my house,” said the woman, “ Its beh

7、ind the trees. But you cant get there 4 . You can go there by bus. Itll 5 you hours to get there 6 foot.” “Whats 7 with her ?”Tonny thought. “I can see Bennys house from here now. Its behind the 8 .” Then Tonny walked to the other side of the trees. He found the old woman was 9 there. There was a ri

8、ver in front of him, and he couldnt see a boat. The house was on the other side of the 10 .1(小题1)Awhat Bwhere Chow Dwhy2(小题2)ABy BOn CNear DIn3(小题3)Aplace Bhouse Cbus Dway4(小题4)Awell Bnow Ceasily Dhurry5(小题5)Aspend Btake Cbring Dcarry6(小题6)Ain Bon Cby Dwith7(小题7)Amatter Btrouble Cwrong Dright8(小题8)A

9、houses Brivers Ctrees Dboats9(小题9)Aright Bgood Cwrong Dfine10(小题10)Aroad Bstreet Ctree Driver. 语法填空12、There is a special kind of hotel in Quebec, Canada. It has a bar, a church, a shop and a small movie theater.These things are not unusual. But this hotel is only open from J1to March every year. Why

10、? Because it is 2 (make)of ice and snow! When the weather 3 (get) warm, the hotel melts (融化) and closes. Every winter, the hotel owners 4 (build) the hotel again.Everything in the Ice Hotel is made of ice and snow. All the furniture, such as the 5 ( table) and chairs, is made of ice, even the beds a

11、re made of ice! So people use special sleeping bags on the ice beds. Inside the Ice Hotel, the temperature is about 3 degrees blew zero.When people sleep, the sleeping bags keep them w6. In the morning, they can have a hot breakfast. After breakfast, people can enjoy winter activities. They can go s

12、kiing or ice fishing, or they can go s 7 in the dining room. A8the end of the day, people can relax at the bar. They can have drinks in glasses made of ice. Many people e 9the Ice Hotel every year, but they can only enjoy it for a short time b 10it melts again. 阅读理解A13、If you travel by air across th

13、e center of Africa or South America, you fly over forests for thousands of kilometresThese great forests are the seas of treesThey are full of thousands and thousands of different kinds of plants and animalsHowever, the worlds forests are getting smaller all the timeWe are cutting down the trees bec

14、ause we need wood, and we need more farmland as wellSome people say that there will not be any forests like these left in 20 to 30 yearsWhat will happen if they disappear? If we cut down our forests, a lot of plants and animals will disappear from the world, in a lot of places the new farmland will

15、soon look like the old deserts, for example, crops will not grow thereWhats worse, it will not rain very often, and the weather will get very hotPerhaps the climate of the world will change, which will be dangerous for everyone in the worldThat is why we must take care of our forests1Which of the fo

16、llowing has the closest meaning to the underlined word deserts in this passage?AFarmlandBSandsCGreen fieldsDVillages2The passage mainly tells us about _Athe importance of taking care of our forestsBwhy a lot of animals disappearCwhere the forests areDthe reasons for forming the deserts3Which of the

17、following is TRUE according to the passage?AOnly Africa and South America are the oceans of treesBDifferent plants cant be found in the same forestCForests are usually several square kilometres largeDForests are homes to different kinds of animalsB14、 Katie had lived in Woodstock since she was three

18、. The idea of moving to California started with Katies mom. She thought it was good for Katie to learn art if they moved there.When her mom suggested moving, Katie had many questions and things to care about. She wondered if she would have any friends in California. She thought it was a pretty big t

19、hing, because kids at this age started to make friends that they were probably going to have for the rest of their lives.Another big question was her cat because the sign on her new house said “No Pets”. After much arguing, Katie finally gave up keeping her!It took Katie some time to get used to the

20、 new school after she moved. At first, she didnt know where anything was and she was often late for class. The worst was that she didnt know anybody. However, Katie tried to do well in school, and she took part in many activities to make friends.Katies big move wasnt always easy, but she thought it

21、was worth it. She was very happy with the new school, because it offered many programs that her old one didnt have. And she got on well with her friends. Katie was living a happy life in California. Although there will be lots of difficulties and troubles along the road, we can get through them as l

22、ong as were patient, and have a positive attitude (态度).1What did Katie think of moving at first?ASurprised.BWorried.CExcited.DAngry.2Why did Katie take part in the activities?ABecause she was good at the activities.BBecause she wanted to read more books.CBecause she hoped to know more people.DBecaus

23、e she wanted to do well in school.3Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AKatie moved to California when she was three.BKatie didnt believe that the friendship she had might last forever.CKatie used to be late because her new house was far away from school.DKatie felt good in the n

24、ew school because it had many programs.4What can we learn from the story of Katie?AThere are lots of troubles in our life.BBe positive when we meet difficulties.CPeople should try to live a happy life.DThe friendship is very important to everyone.C15、A family moved into a house, next to a vacant lot

25、(闲置的地皮). One day, some workers came to start building a house there.The familys 5-year-old daughter took an interest in all the activity going on next door and spent much of each day watching the workers. They talked with her, let her sit with them when they had coffee and lunch breaks. They also ga

26、ve her little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important.At the end of the first week, they even gave her an envelope(信封)with ten dollars. The little girl took this home to her mother. Her mother told her to take her“pay”to the bank the next day to start_.When the girl and her mom got to t

27、he bank, the clerk was surprised and asked the little girl what she did. The little girl said,“I worked last week to build the new house next door to us.”“Oh,” said the clerk, “and will you be working to build the house again this week, too?”The little girl said, “Yes, of course.”1(小题1)What did the

28、workers want to build on the vacant lot?AA bank. BA hospital. CA house.2(小题2)Which of the following activities didnt the workers do?ATalked with the girl.BSang with the girl.CGave the girl little jobs here and there.3(小题3)What did the workers think of the girl?AThey disliked her.BThey liked her.CThe

29、y hated her.4(小题4)What do the underlined words mean in Chinese?A一个基金账户 B一个储蓄账户 C一个股票账户5(小题5)Which of the following is TRUE about the girl?AShe wanted to become a worker.BShe learnt to make a lot of money.CShe thought she was important.D16、Can you remember a face quickly and never forget it? If so, t

30、hen you could be a super recognizer.Usually it is easy for someone to recognize the faces of their family members and friends. But it could be difficult for them to remember faces that they have only seen once. However, studies have found that super recognizers have amazing face recognition skills.

31、They can remember at least 80 per cent of faces they have ever seen. According to the Daily Mail, at least one in 50 people are super recognizers.A study was carried out in Bournemouth University of UK recently. Researchers tried to find whether super recognizers have a different way to remember fac

32、es. They found that when these people look at faces, they spend more time looking at the persons nose. They also found that these people are not smarter than others. Their super ability is restricted(有限的) only to face recognition.Another important finding is that there are two subtypes(子类型) of super

33、 recognition. Some never forget faces. But for some, if you show pairs of faces to them at the same time, they can quickly decide whether the faces are of the same person or two different people. In fact, many super recognizers say they are very good at recognizing faces in a crowd.These subtypes of

34、 super recognition could be applied to many areas of life. For example, the skills could be very useful at a passport control checkpoint. Super recognizers could also help police find known troublemakers and even missing people in the crowd.1The super recognizers can remember _ of the faces theyve e

35、ver seen.AallBat least 80 per centCat least 50 per centDhalf2What did the universitys study find about super recognizers?AThey spend the same time on ones eyes and nose.BThey pay more attention to a persons nose.CThey are a lot smarter than other people.DThey are also very good at voice recognition.

36、3What are the two subtypes of super recognition?a. One type can decide whether the faces are of the same person or two different people.b. One type can only recognize childrens faces.c. One type can remember faces theyve seen forever.d. One type can easily draw a picture of the faces they saw.Aa,c B

37、b,c Cc,d Da,d4What does the underlined word “applied” mean in the passage?Adeveloped BaskedCshown Dused5What does the last paragraph talk about?AMore subtypes of super recognition.BReasons of different subtypes.CUses of super recognition in some jobs.DHow to be a super recognizer.E17、People often de

38、cide where to live based on the natural resources in the area. Natural resources are things that are useful to people and come from the earth. Materials for building houses are natural resources. So are foods, such as fruits, vegetables, animals that could be caught or hunted and water.The weather a

39、nd land forms let certain things grow in different areas. They also determine(决定)which living things will be able to grow there. Areas with very rich soil are made to be good farming communities. Poor soil may send farmers to look for better places. However, areas with poor soil may attract those wh

40、o have other purposes for the land. Poor soil doesnt matter if you want to build a factory. It also doesnt matter if it grows grass well.Each area attracts people based on their interests and purposes. Areas that support many different interests will naturally have larger populations. You may not th

41、ink of the mountains, lakes or oceans as natural resources. In fact they are. Villages and cities built near water sources have been the most successful. People who want to catch fish for a living choose to live by the ocean, instead of the desert. People living near water can use it to meet their d

42、aily needs.Places that are difficult to reach will naturally have fewer people. Places that are high on mountain tops are not very desirable to most people. Neither are places that are in the middle of hot, dry deserts.For too long, humans have destroyed resources. We have been using up those that c

43、ant be easily replaced. Renewable(可再生的) resources are those that can be replaced easily. We are lucky to have many resources that are renewable, such as the sun, wind, water and trees. We need to use more renewable resources. This will protect our planet.1Areas with very rich soil can be used as_.Af

44、ishing places Branching placesCa factory Dfarming communities2What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?AWhat people living near water live on except fishing.BHow big villages and cities by the oceans come out.CPeople choose places to live according to interests and purposes.DPeople dont live in

45、places that are difficult to reach.3Which of the following does NOT belong to natural resources?AAnimals that could be caught. BBeds, tables and chairs.CThe mountains, lakes or oceans. DMaterials for building houses.4What is the best title for the passage?AThe natural resources. BAn areas weather.CH

46、ow to choose your house. DRenewable resources.5This passage may come from_.Aa story Ba fashion magazine Ca school report Da cartoon filmF18、As Danny put his lunch tray onto the cafeteria table, milk spilled all over his sandwich. “This is the worst thing Ive ever done!” he said, “Its not that bad,” said his friend Elena, who was sitting across from him. “Just get another sandwich.”“Sandwich? What sandwich? I am talking about the talent contest(竞赛). Its only two weeks away and I dont know what Im doing! Everybody will laugh at

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