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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、- Would you mind turning up the music?- _. Dad is sleeping now.ASorry, I cant do itBYes

2、, pleaseCNo, not at allDOk. I will2、Annie _Jeff when they were both 25years old.Aget married Bmarried Cmarried with Dmarried to3、More than 30 countries attended the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛) in Beijing, May 14. Really? exciting news!AWhat anBWhatCHow an4、_ st

3、ory has an unhappy ending. Many people cried after watching it.AABAnCTheD/5、-How did you get the MP4, from a shop or by phone? -_. I always like shopping online. ANone B. Neither CBoth DAll6、 He finished off two bowls of noodles in no time.Because he was so hungry.AcarefullyBslowlyCquickly7、Most peo

4、ple are _ building a paper factory near here. They are worried that the river will get polluted.AforBwithCagainstDbeyond8、He failed the exam _ he was too careless.AwhenBsoCafterDbecause9、Jim spends the most time on English, but he always gets the _marks.Its a great pity. Maybe, he needs to find a _w

5、ay.Alower; goodBfewest; bestCfewest; goodDlowest; better10、 My house is very near a busy street. So it _ be very quiet.Amay notBmustntCcan t. 完形填空11、 When I was five years, I was far away from my parents. I was just living with my aunt, uncle, grandma and my sister. Most of them said that I was stup

6、id.When I was six years old, I started the grade school. No matter what 1 estimated(评估) my ability, I knew 2 I should do. 3 my hard work, I got the top 3 at the end of the school year. No one was proud of it in my family. And still my parents were away. I hoped that they would be home soon to even j

7、ust see my achievements. 4 I had no supports during these days, in the second grade I still kept my grades. I decided 5 the things that made me best. I was not that smart but I had courage to do something great.During my high school days I was a bit naughty, so I 6 to belong to lower section of inte

8、lligence in our school. My teacher lost hope and so 7 my mom. But I proved them that they were wrong. In the last year of high school, I made my name on the list of the Academic Awardee. Our school has a lot of excellent students, but I studied hard and got 8 fourth.Im a college student now. There a

9、re still some problems around that give 9 challenge. But as it has been in the past, I tell myself, “This is just a TEST OF LIFE. I 10 get through this.” I have problems an weakness but it doesnt mean I have no right to be better. Life is always a test on how strong we are to live.1AotherBothersCthe

10、 otherDthe others2AhowBwhyCwhenDwhat3AToBByCWithDIn4AUnlessBBecauseCThoughDUntil5Agive upBto give upCcontinueDto continue6AthinkBam thoughtCthoughtDwas thought7AwasBwasntCdidDdidnt8AaBanCtheD/9AmyselfBmeCmyDmine10AcanBhave toCmyDshould. 语法填空12、Who designed the first helicopter(直升飞机)? Who 1 (draw) on

11、e of the most famous pictures in the world? Who knew more about the human body than most 2 (doctor) did? There is an answer 3 all these questions - Leonardo de Vinci.Leonardo lived in Italy around the year 1500, but many of his 4 (invent) seem modern to us today. For example, one of his notebooks ha

12、s drawings of a helicopter. Of course, he couldnt build 5 helicopter with the things he had. But scientists say his idea would have worked. Thats why he was considered 6 (be) a genius that has ever been known. But Leonardo wasnt just an inventor. He was one of the 7 (great) artists of his day. When

13、he was only twenty years old, he 8 (call) a master painter, and as he got older he became even more famous. Sometimes he drew a hand in ten different ways 9 he was ready to paint. Many of Leonardos wonderful paintings are still with us today. You may know one of his most famous works- the 10 (smile)

14、 woman known as the Mona Lisa. 阅读理解A13、Have you ever shoveled (铲) snow after a snowstorm? Most people try to remove snow. But in February, in Sapporo, Japan, trucks actually bring snow into the city! People shovel the snow into large piles, and these piles of snow become outdoor cafes, concert stage

15、s, and beautiful sculptures (雕像).Artists from all over the world come to Sapporos Snow Festival every year to enter the sculpture competition. But the sculptures arent made of stone, metal or wood they are made of snow and ice! Artists sometimes work 11 to 12 hours a day to make amazing sculptures.

16、Many of the sculptures are huge and very detailed. During the day, the sculptures shine in the winter sun. At night, colorful lights shine on them. Millions of people go to see them every year. The Snow Festival had not always been so popular. It started in 1950 as something very small. People in Sa

17、pporo wanted to go outside and have fun during the long, boring winter, so the city held a one-day fair in a park. People listened to music and danced. They watched movies and dog races. But some high school students had a great idea and built six large interesting snow sculptures. People really lik

18、ed the sculptures, and the Snow Festival was born.Five years later, soldiers nearby brought tons of snow into the city. They made the snow into large blocks and used ladders to build huge sculptures. These sculptures were amazing, and the small festival turned into an international event.More than 6

19、0 years have passed. Today, the festival is seven days long. Every year, millions of people wear their warmest coats and go outside to celebrate the snow!1Artists go to Sapporo every winter mainly to _.Alisten to music and danceBwatch movies and dog racesChave a one-day fair in a parkDenter the scul

20、pture competition2In 1950, some _ built six large interesting snow sculptures.Aartists Bhigh school studentsCsoldiers Dmovie stars3What is the passage mainly about?AWinter activity.BSapporo, Japan.CThe Snow Festival.DOutdoor sculptures.B14、I live in a big city. I love my house because it is in a ver

21、y good place just outside of the city. It is very quiet here. The houses here are all big and beautiful.There are no houses on the left or behind my house. To the right of my house is a big bungalow. There is a small park across the street. When I want to walk or relax, I usually go there.I am happy

22、 with my neighborhood except for one thing: There is no hospital near my house. That sometimes causes problems for the people living here. I think there should be a hospital in my neighborhood. Two days ago, one of my neighbors had a high fever and we had to travel 30 kilometers to the nearest hospi

23、tal.I like to meet new people and make friends with them. I feel very happy because there is a club in the neighborhood. It is a great place to meet and know new people.1The writers house is in_.Athe south of a cityBthe center of a cityCan old neighborhoodDa quiet place2What the writers house is?Abi

24、gBbeautifulCquiteDbig&beautiful3The Chinese meaning of the words except for in the passage is _.A因而起B除之外C考虑到D意识到4The writer describes his neighbors story to show_.Ahis neighbors worriesBthat he likes his neighborhoodCthe friendship between his neighbors and himDthat there should be a hospital in his

25、 neighborhood5The _in the writers neighborhood helps him to meet and know new people.ArestaurantBmuseumCparkDclubC15、After-school Activities in Johnson Height Reading ClubDo you love reading? You will find your favorite story book easily here. There are books and magazines about sports, music, art,

26、history and geography etc. Joining a reading Club is a great way to share your love of good stories with others. You probably make new friends here.Time: 4:00pm-6:00pmMonday to FridayTel: 8204 375 Football ClubAre you a football boy? Do you enjoy teamwork? We plan to take in 10 members this new term

27、. The coach was one of the students of Mourinho, a well-known football star. Last year we played 8 games and won 5 medals. Playing football can help you cooperate with others.Time: 4:30pm-6:30pmEvery Tuesday & FridayTel: 8204 201 Singing GroupAre you crazy about singing? We are preparing for a singi

28、ng program on TV. We will invite Yi Yangqianxi to our Singing Group. He is very young, 18 years old. He is a singer, actor, and dancer. Join our Singing Group, and you will get a special experience.Time: 5:00pm-6:00pmOn WednesdayTel: 3612 407Art GroupAre you good at drawing? Do you like to draw peop

29、le, animals, or scenery? Take your works when signing up. We need 5 more members. You will meet art lovers here. We hold Art Shows at the end of term. Its a good chance to show your talent.Time: 5:00pm-7:00pmOn ThursdayTel: 0312 5861If you are interested in football, you can phone.A8204 375B8204 201

30、C3612 407D0312 5862Joining, and you will have a chance to meet Yi Yangqianxi.AReading ClubBFootball ClubCSinging GroupDArt Group3In Art Group in Johnson Height you can.Aread booksBplay footballCsing songsDdraw picturesD16、Whatever the situation, you need to understand gestures(手势). Many gestures tha

31、t we use are universal(通用的). Some of them can create wrong meanings to others. Using the wrong gesture could get you into trouble when you communicate with foreigners. Be careful with these gestures:The thumb up signIn Italy, Germany and Greece, this sign simply means the number one. In Russia the m

32、eaning of this expression is good or well done. In Egypt and Iraq, it means perfect or very good. It is widely used between people. But in Iran it is traditionally an obscene(不正经的) gesture.The OK signOften used to mean agreement, but it is considered rude in Brazil, southern Italy, Germany and Greec

33、e. In Japan, this gesture is a sign of money. In southern France it is used to show that something is worthless.The victory signWith the index finger and middle finger rose to form a V. It means victory or peace. Be careful about using it in Britain, however, if the palm is facing toward you, the ge

34、sture is considered obscene.Snapping your fingers(打响指)Some might use this gesture to get someones attention. In France and Belgium it sends a bad message. You would never snap your fingers to get a waiters attention.Hands in the pocketsThis is commonly seen in daily life. In Finland, Sweden, France,

35、 Belgium, Indonesia and Japan, putting your hands in your pockets would be considered impolite in a business meeting. The meaning of gestures is not universal. Use these tips to prevent a cultural misunderstand. When in doubt, the best advice would be to keep your hands to yourself.1In which country

36、 does the Thumb up NOT mean good or well done?AIn Italy. BIn Russia. CIn Egypt. DIn Iran.2When you want to get a waiters attention in France, _.Ayou can use the OK signByou cant put your hands in the pocketsCyou cant snap your fingersDyou can use your fingers to form a V3Which sign means impolite in

37、 a business meeting?AThe OK sign. BThe victory sign.CSnapping your fingers. DHands in the pockets.E17、When I was seven years old, my family made me an ant farm. First, we put clean sand in a thin glass box. Then we waited for the ants to arrive.After the ants were in the glass farm, they started to

38、make tunnels (地道). I was amazed that each one knew exactly what to do. Each had its own job. On the fifth day a tragedy (悲剧) happened. I put my face so close to the glass farm that I knocked it over. All the tunnels fell down. Although the ants remained alive after their earthquake, one by one they

39、began to die. I was scared as I watched them give up building their tunnels to carry the bodies to a corner of the farm.My mother said that the ants were dying of sadness. They simply could not stand that their tunnels were gone.Although much time has passed, I still think of that ant farm. Mom had

40、hoped it would teach me about the natural world, but it taught me much more.Over the years, I came to realize the importance of teamwork. Working together, the ants were able to make an amazing world for themselves. I also learned that they should be admired (钦佩) for their hard work. But there was a

41、n even larger lesson that I did not realize until recently: Adversity(逆境) is a natural part of life, and must be accepted. Unlike the ants, we cannot give up when we are sad. We have to realize that if a tunnel is gone, we must build another.Giving up, I say, is not a good choice.1What did the write

42、rs family do for him when he was seven?AThey built a farm of ants. BThey bought a few ants.CThey caught a lot of ants. DThey found an ant city.2Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?AThe writer broke the glass box because it made his face dirty.BThe ants died one by one because the tunnel

43、s were destroyed.CUnlike people, teamwork is not so important for the ants.DGiving up is a good way when we meet trouble.3Which of the following is the correct order? a. All the tunnels fell down. b. The ants died one by one.c. The ants got into the glass box. d. The ants began making tunnels.Aa-b-c

44、-d Ba-c-d-b Cc-d-a-b Dc-a-d-b4What did the writer come to realize a few years later?AWorking together is useless. BTeamwork is important.CHe cant accept adversity. DWorking alone is amazing.5What is the best title for the passage?AAnts Fear Adversity BMy Family and AntsCGiving Up in Adversity DA Goo

45、d Lesson from AntsF18、Enjoying a better life at school, with shorter class hours, greater privacy(隐私)and more rights is all you dream of, right?For students in Shanghai, they are no longer just dreams. This week experts(行家)and law-makers in Shanghai had a meeting to talk about a new law(法律). It is c

46、alled the “Shanghai Underage Protection Law(上海未成年人保护法)”.The law says students diaries and letters are their secrets and “Nobody can read them if they dont agree.”Do your teachers sometimes say something bad to you? Maybe they send you out of the classroom because you fail to finish doing your homework. If this happens in Shanghai, you can stand up and say “No”.Shanghai students may have less homework because of the law. Class

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