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2、笔译实务真题及答案2005年H月英语三级笔译实务真题及答案2005年5月英语三级笔译实务真题及答案2004年H月英语三级笔译实务真题及答案2004年5月英语三级笔译实务真题及答案第二部分章节题库第1章英译汉时事政治类风土人情类 经济发展类外交管窥类医疗卫生类教育文化类资源环境类旅游观光类科技发展类艺术历史类第2章汉译英社会热点类时事政治类经贸合作类外交活动类文化教育类资源环境类卫生保健类科学技术类经济发展类旅游观光类第三部分模拟试题2016年5月英语三级笔译实务模拟试题及答案(一)2016年5月英语三级笔译实务模拟试题及答案(二)第一部分历年真题2013年5月英语三级笔译实务真题及答案Sect

3、ion 1 English-Ch inese Translation(英译汉)(50 points)Translate th e following passage into Ch inese.It didn t take long for M anuel Garcia M urillo,a b ricklayer wh o took over as mayor h ere last June,to realize th at h is town was in troub le.It was 800,000 euros,a little more th an$1 million,in th e

4、 red.Th ere was no cash on h and to pay for anyth ing 一 and th ere was work th at needed to b e done.But th en an amazing th ing h appened,h e said.Just as th e h ealth department was ab out to close down th e day care center b ecause it didn t h ave a proper kitch en,Bernardo Benitez,a construction

5、 worker,offered to put up th e walls and th e tiles free.Th en,M aria Jose Carmona,an adult education teach er,stepped in to clean th e place up.And someh ow,th e volunteers just kept coming.Every Sunday now,th e residents of th is town in south west Spain 一 young and old 一 do wh at needs to b e don

6、e,wh eth er it is cleaning th e streets,raking th e leaves,unclogging culverts or planting trees in th e park.“It was an initiative from th em,“said M r.Garcia.Day to day we talked to people and we told th em th ere was no money.Of course,th ey could see it.Th e grass in b etween th e sidewalks was

7、up to my th igh.”Higuera de la Serena is in many ways a microcosm of Spain s troub les.Just as Spain s national and regional governments are struggling with th e collapse of th e construction industry,overspending on h uge capital projects and a pileup of unpaid b ills,th e same prob lems afflict ma

8、ny of its small towns.But wh at h as b rough t Higuera de la Serena a measure of fame in Spain is th at th e residents h ave stepped up wh ere th eir government h as failed.M r.Garcia says h is ph one rings regularly from oth er town officials wh o want to know h ow to do th e same th ing.He is serv

9、ing with out pay,as are th e town s two oth er elected officials.Th ey are also forgoing th e cars and ph ones th at usually come with th e job.“We lived b eyond our means,M r.Garcia said.We invested in pub lic works th at weren?t sensib le.We are in tech nical b ankruptcy.Even some money from th e

10、European Union th at was supposed to b e used for routine operating expenses and last until 2013 h as already b een spent,h e said.Higuera de la Serena,a cluster of ab out 900 h ouses surrounded b y farmland,and traditionally dependent on pig farming and olives,got swept up in th e giddy days of th

11、e construction b oom.It b uilt a cultural center and invested in a small nursing h ome.But th e projects were plagued b y delays and cost overruns.Th e cultural center still h as no b ath rooms.Th e nursing h ome,a wh itewash ed b uilding sits on th e edge of town,still unopened.Togeth er,th ey acco

12、unt for some$470,000 of deb t owed to th e b ank.But th e rest of th e deb t is mostly th e unpaid b ills of a town th at was not keeping up with its expenses.It owes for medical supplies,for diesel fuel,for road repair,for electrical work,for musicians wh o played during h olidays.Higuera de la Ser

13、ena is not completely with out workers.It still h as a h alf-time lib rarian,two h alf-time street cleaners,someone part-time for th e sports complex,a secretary and an administrator,all of wh om are paid th rough various financing streams apart from th e town.But th e town once h ad a work force tw

14、ice th e size.And wh en someone is ill,volunteers h ave to step in or th e gym and sports complex 一 open four h ours a day 一 must close.【答案】曼纽尔加西亚穆里洛是一名石专匠出身,去年六月,他接任了这座城市的镇长一职,但是他很快 意识到他的城市正陷入危机。财政赤字达800,000欧元,比100万美元还要多上一点。政府没有现金来支 付任何费用,而摆在面前的却是一堆没有完成的烂摊子。他说,接下来居然发生一件让人意想不到的事情。那时由于没有一个像样儿的厨房,卫生部正

15、准备 关闭托儿所,一名叫做伯纳多贝尼特斯的建筑工人提出为其免费修筑墙壁并贴上瓷石专。一名叫做玛丽 亚何塞卡莫纳的成人教师也站了出来,要帮助打扫托儿所。不知怎么地,志愿者们一个个接踵而至。现在,每逢周日,这座西班牙西南部小镇的居民们,无论 老少,都来帮助完成镇里那些需要被完成的事宜,有人清扫大街,有人清理落叶,有人疏通水道,还有 人在公园里植树。加西亚说道:“他们都是自愿的,我们日复一日地和人民进行交谈,并告诉他们镇里还没有钱,当 然,他们能看得出来,因为人行道两侧的草都长到我大腿那么高了。”从很多方面来看,希格拉德拉塞丽娜镇都像是西班牙危机的一个缩影。由于很多耗资巨大的工程 超支,并欠下大量欠

16、款,很多小镇都面临和西班牙国家和地区政府同样的问题:他们正在为建筑业的衰 败而犯愁。但是由于当地的居民在政府支持不住的时候挺身而出,希格拉德拉塞丽娜镇在西班牙声名大增。加西亚说,经常有其他镇子的官员打来电话向自己讨教是怎么做到这些的。加西亚没有薪水可领,其他 两个选举出来的官员也是一样。他们甚至放弃了工作中配备的公车和电话。加西亚说:“我们入不敷出,在公共事业上的投资并不理智,技术也十分欠缺。欧盟的借款本应用 于正常政府运作,并维持到2013年,可是即使这些钱都已经花光了。”希格拉德拉塞丽娜镇有大约九百户民宅,周围是耕地,一直以来,小镇靠养猪以及种植橄榄维 生。在建筑热潮风靡的日子里,小镇也受

17、到了热潮的席卷。镇上建立了一个文化中心,投资了一家小型 疗养院。但是这些项目却面临搁置以及成本超支的困境。文化中心还没有洗手间。粉刷成白色的疗养院坐落于小镇的边缘,至今还没有开放。这两个项目加 起来共拖欠了银行470,000美元。其他的债务主要是小镇入不敷出造成的,这些开支包括医疗供应、燃 油、公路维护、电力供应以及那些在节假日表演的音乐家们。希格拉德拉塞丽娜镇并不是一名工人也没有。它有一名半工半薪的图书管理员,两名半工半薪的 道路清洁工,一名在体育中心兼职的工作人员,一名秘书和一名管理员。他们的薪水都来自小镇外的其他渠道。但在此之前,镇子里的工人数量是现在的两倍。体育中心每天开放四个小时,现

18、在只要工作人 员生病,志愿者们就必须接手体育中心的工作,否则健身房及体育综合设施就必须关闭。Section 2 Ch inese-English Translation(汉译英)(50 points)Translate th e following passage into English.10年来,中国经济持续快速发展,经济实力、综合国力、人民生活水平迈上新的台阶,国家面貌发 生举世瞩目的历史性变化,为促进亚洲和世界经济增长作出了重要贡献。中国虽然取得了举世瞩目的发展成就,但仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家,经济社会发展面临巨大 的人口、资源、环境压力,发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续问题依然突出

19、。20n年,中国开始实施国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要,提出了今后5年中国经济社会发 展的总体任务。未来5年,中国将着力实施扩大内需特别是消费需求的战略,建立长效机制,释放消费潜力,着力促 进经济增长向依靠消费、投资、出口协调拉动转变。中国将着力实施“走出去”战略,引导各类所有制企业有序到境外投资,积极开展有利于改善当地 基础设施和人民生活的项目合作。中国将着力参与全球经济治理和区域合作,推动国际经济金融体系改 革,推动建立均衡、普惠、共赢的多边贸易体制,反对各种形式的保护主义,促进国际经济秩序朝着更 加公正合理的方向发展。【答案】In th e past ten years,Ch i

20、na s economy h as enjoyed rapid and sustained growth.Ch ina s economic strength,compreh ensive national strength and living standards h ave all reach ed a new h igh.Ch ina h as undergone h istoric ch anges and made important contrib ution to economic growth in Asia and b eyond.Ch ina h as made remar

21、kab le ach ievements in development,b ut it remains th e largest developing country in th e world.P opulation,resources and th e environment h ave put great pressure on our economic and social development,and th ere is lack of adequate b alance,coordination or sustainab ility in our development.In 2

22、011,Ch ina formulated and announced th e outline of its 12th Five-Year P lan for economic and social development,wh ich lists th e main tasks for th e next five years.In th e next five years,Ch ina will make great efforts to implement th e strategy of b oosting domestic demand,especially consumer de

23、mand,and put in place an effective mech anism to unleash consumption potential.We will ensure th at consumption,investment and export contrib ute to economic growth in a coordinated way.Ch ina will make great efforts to pursue th e strategy of going glob al”.We will encourage enterprises of differen

24、t ownersh ip structures to invest overseas in an orderly manner and carry out cooperation on projects th at will improve local infrastructure and people s livelih ood.Ch ina will make great efforts to participate in glob al economic governance and regional cooperation.We will push for th e reform of

25、 th e glob al economic and financial systems and th e b uilding of a b alanced multilateral trade regime th at b enefits all.We oppose all forms of protectionism and will work for a more just and reasonab le glob al economic order.2012年n月英语三级笔译实务真题及答案Section 1 English-Ch inese Translation(英译汉)(50 po

26、ints)Translate th e following passage into Ch inese.FOR M OR E th an 30 years,I h ave b een wondering ab out L.R.Generson.On one of our first Ch ristmases togeth er,my h usb and gave me a complete set of Dickens.Th ere were 20 volumes,b ound in gray cloth with b lack corners,old b ut in good conditi

27、on.Stamped on th e flyleaf of each volume,in faded b lock letters,was th e name of th e previous owner:L.R.Generson,M.D.,Bronx,NY.”Th at Dickens set is one of th e b est presents anyone h as ever given me.A couple of th e b ooks are still pristine,b ut oth ers一 Bleak House,David Copperfield,and espe

28、cially“Great Expectations h ave b een read and re-read almost to pieces.Over th e years,P ip and Estella and M agwitch h ave kept me company.So h ave L ady Dedlock,Steerforth and P eggotty,th e Cratch its and th e P ecksniffs and th e Veneerings.And so,in h is silent enigmatic way,h as L.R.Generson.

29、Did h e love th e b ooks as much as I do?Wh o was h e?On a wh im,I Googled h im.Th ere wasn t much 一 a single mention on a veteransweb site of a World War II captain named L eonard Generson.But I did find a Dr.R ich ard Generson,an oral surgeon living in New Jersey.Since Generson is not a common nam

30、e,I decided to write to h im.Dr.Generson was kind enough to write b ack.He told me th at h is fath er,L eonard R ich ard Generson,was b orn in 1909.He lived in New York City b ut went to medical sch ool in Basel,Switzerland.He spoke 10 languages fluently.As an ob stetrician and gynecologist,h e open

31、ed a practice in th e Bronx sh ortly b efore World War II.His son describ ed h im as”an extremely patriotic individual ;righ t after P earl Harb or h e closed h is practice and enlisted.He served th rough out th e war as a general surgeon with an airb orne special forces unit in Europe,wh ere h e b

32、ecame one of th e war s most h igh ly decorated ph ysicians.Th e list of h is decorations reflects h is ordeals and h is courage:multiple P urple Hearts,th e Bronze Star with V for valor,th e Silver Star,and also th e Cross of War,an extremely h igh h onor from th e government of France.After th e w

33、ar,h e remained in th e Army R eserve and attained th e rank of full colonel,wh ile also continuing h is medical practice in New York.He was a very dedicated ph ysician wh o h ad a large patient following,h is son wrote.L eonard Generson s son didn t rememb er th e Dickens set,th ough h e told me th

34、 at th ere were always a lot of novels in th e h ouse.His moth er prob ab ly“cleaned h ouse“after h is fath er s death in 1977-th e same year my h usb and b ough t th e set in a used b ook store.I found th is letter very moving,with its b rief portrait of an intelligent,b rave man and h is life of s

35、ervice.At th e same time,it made me question my presumption th at someh ow L.R.Generson and I were connected b ecause we d owned th e same set of b ooks.Th e letter b oth told me a little ab out h im,and told me th at I would never really know anyth ing ab out h im 一and wh y sh ould I?His son must h

36、 ave b een startled to h ear from a stranger on such a fragile pretext.Wh at h ad I b een th inking?One possib le,and only somewh at facetious,answer is th at I ve read too much Dickens.In th e world of a Dickens novel,everyth ing is connected to everyth ing else.Orph ans find families.L overs are j

37、oined(or parted and morally strength ened).Ancient mysteries are solved and old scores are settled.Q uestions are answered.Stories end.Dickens s cluttered network of connected lives b rilliantly exaggerates someth ing th at is true of all of us.We want to impose order th rough telling stories,mayb e

38、 b ecause th ere is so much we don t know ab out our own stories and th e stories of th ose around us.L eonard Generson?s life touch ed mine only ligh tly,th rough th e coincidence of a set of b ooks.But th ere are oth er lives h e touch ed more deeply.Th e next time I read a Dickens novel,I will th

39、 ink of h im and h is military service and h is 10 languages.And I will th ink of th e h undreds of b ab ies h e must h ave delivered,wh o are now in th e middle of th eir own lives and th eir own stories.【答案】三十多年来,我一直在思考着L.R.杰内森究竟是何许人。在我和丈夫一起度过的最初的几次圣诞节 中,有一次他送给我了一整套狄更斯的作品。这些书有二十卷,用一块黑色边角的灰布包裹着,这些书

40、 尽管有些旧了但保存完好。每一卷的扉页上,都有模糊的大写字母,显示着它们之前的主人的信 息:“L.R.杰内森,医学博士,布朗克斯,纽约。”这套狄更斯的作品是我收到的最好的礼物之一。有些书现在还很新,但是一些书像荒凉山庄 大卫科波菲尔,尤其是远大前程,由于多次的反复阅读书已几乎变成散页了。多年来书中的人 物一直萦绕在我身边,L.R.杰内森也以沉默而神秘的方式陪伴着我。是否他也像我一样喜爱这些书籍?他是谁呢?有一次心血来潮,我上谷歌搜索关于他的信息。没有 搜到多少结果,只在一个老兵网站上搜到了一个叫莱昂纳多杰内森的二战时期的一个上尉。但是我找到 了莱昂纳多杰内森博士,他是一位新泽西周的口腔医生。由

41、于杰内森不是一个常用的名字,于是我决定 写信给他。杰内森博士很热心的给我回信。他告诉我他的父亲莱昂纳多理查德杰内森1909年生于纽约。后来 在瑞士巴塞尔的一家医学院学习,他能熟练的讲十种语言。作为一名产科医生和妇科医生,他二战前不 久在布朗克斯曾开了一家诊所。他儿子把他描述为一个极端的爱国主义者;日本偷袭珍珠港后,他随即 关闭了诊所参了军。战争期间他以一个医生的身份和一个空军特别飞行队一起在欧洲服役,在当地他成 了一名被赋予极高荣誉的医生。他所获得的种种荣誉反映出他所受到的严峻考验及勇气:多个紫心勋章,带有象征英勇V字母的青铜 星章,银星勋章以及法国政府所颁发的一项享有极高荣誉的战争十字勋章。

42、战争结束后,他仍在陆军预 备役任职,获得了上校军衔,同时,他在纽约继续从医。他儿子说,“他是一名非常敬业的内科医生,很多患者慕名向他求医。”莱昂纳多杰内森的儿子不记得那套狄更斯的书籍,但是他告诉我当时他们家一直有很多小说。他的 妈妈在1977年他父亲去世后“清理过房间”,而恰在那一年,我丈夫在一家二手书店买了那套书。尽管这封信只简单描述了一个智慧、勇敢的人以及他的军旅生活,但我觉得这封信很感人。同时,我不禁产生一个疑问,由于我和L.R.杰内森曾共同拥有一套书,我们之间是否有某种缘分。那封信也告 诉我了一些他的情况,而且信中还说我不会真正地了解他。为什么我要了解他呢?当他的儿子收到一个 陌生人以

43、如此勉强的一个借口给他写来的信时一定会很惊讶。我当时是怎么想的?一种可能的而且是唯一听起来比较可笑的回答就是我读了太多狄更斯的小说。在他的小说里,任何 事物都和其他的事物相关联。他的小说故事结束时,孤儿最终找到了亲人,有情人终成眷属,古老的秘 密终被解开,昔日的宿怨最终化解,疑问终被解答。在一套书的机缘巧合下,莱昂纳多杰内森的人生对我的生活产生了些许的影响。但他深深地影响了 其他人的生活。下次我再阅读狄更斯的小说时,我会想到他,想到他的军旅生涯,和他所讲的10种语 言。我也会想到他所接生的数百名婴儿一他们现在正行走在自己的人生道路上,并且书写着自己的故 事。Section 2 Ch inese

44、-English Translation(汉译英)(50 points)Translate th e following passage into English.总部位于美国印第安纳州的得而达(Delta)水龙头公司是美国一家上市公司M asco集团的核心企 业。M ASCO集团是世界五百强,家居及装饰行业的领导者,在美国乃至世界有70多家子公司,在全球有超 过61,000名雇员,年销售额超过121亿美元。自从得而达的创始人Alex M anoogian先生在1954年发明了具有划时代意义的单柄水龙头之后,得而 达就一直是水龙头制造行业的领导者。德尔达公司是全美水龙头行业中首家成功获得IS0

45、9001质量标准认 证的企业。五十多年来一直行业领先,已经成为品质可靠、精巧耐用、物有所值产品的象征。现在,得而达在美国、加拿大及中国拥有5家大型工厂,年产量超过XXX。在美国乃至全球,美国得 而达公司的产品正被越来越多的家庭使用。目前,在全球已经安装了超过2亿个得而达水龙头,是全球水 暖专家首选品牌。得而达作为水龙头和相关产品的全球专家,能够全方位满足全球顾客对设计、功能、质量、外观方 面的每一个要求。【答案】Delta Water Faucet Company,with its h eadquarters located in Indiana,U.S.,is th e core enter

46、prise of th e U.S.listed M asco Corporation.As one of th e world Top 500 Enterprises,th e Corporation remains th e lead in furnish ing and decorating industry,b oasting over 70 sub sidiaries in th e U.S.and around th e word,with more th an 61,000 employees worldwide and an annual sales volume of ove

47、r 12.1 b illion US dollars.Delta h as all along b een th e leader of water faucet producing industry since its founder,M r.Alex M anoogian,invented th e single-h andle water faucet with epoch-making significance in 1954.It is th e first American water faucet corporation to h ave successfully ob tain

48、ed th e certification of ISO 9001 Q uality Standard Certification.Over th e past more th an five decades,Delta h as b ecome th e symb ol of reliab le quality,delicateness and durab ility,and products deserving th e price.(Th e past more th an five decades h as marked th e leadersh ip of th e corpora

49、tion in its industry and th e product h as b een symb olized b y its reliab le quality,delicate design,durab ility and b etter value for money.)Delta owns five large factories in th e U.S.,Canada and Ch ina,with an annual output of Delta s products are now winning greater popularity among(are winnin

50、g more access to)families in th e U.S.and around th e world.Nowadays,over 200 million Delta water faucets are installed all over th e world,and th e b rand is th e top ch oice for glob al plumb ing experts.As th e glob al expert of water faucets and relevant products,Delta can compreh ensively meet

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