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1、疯狂英语(新悦读)1By most measures,18yearold GregoryWoodson is a success.He works 20 hours aweek as a martial arts instructor in Carson,keeps up his grades and has strong,openminded friendships.Yet as he plans for college,one word often hides in his mind:failure.2“Its horrifying.Its lots of pressure because

2、 I feel like I have to choose now.I have to figure out what I want to do exactly,”Woodson said.Woodson and his fellow classmates have spent their winter months rushinginto researching financial aid,creating pros and cons lists for schools they want to attend,and brainstorming scholarship and admissi

3、ons essays.3In recent years,thats only gotten harder.The pandemic has increased the stress ofcollege applications because distance learning has affected teens mental health.“Ive spoken with young people across our country who feel weighed down by great pressure thats affecting their mental health an

4、d wellbeing.For many of them,one important source of suchstress is the college admissions process,”U.S.Surgeon General Dr Vivek Murthy said in astatement.4Its a laborious and distressing experience for many students,especially thosewhose families never attended higher education or lack the money to

5、pay to improvetheir childrens chances of getting into selective schools.Teens ask for a kindercollege admissions process青少年希望大学录取过程能更友善山东王新运23Crazy English 2023.75“Whether it is the application itself or it is the understanding that were moving fromadolescence truly into young adulthood,where were g

6、oing to be much more independent,all of that weighs on mental health,”said Josh Godinez,a high school counselor.6Godinez said counselors can help provide valuable resources and support for college.It can make a big difference.“We set students up for their postsecondary plans.Schoolcounselors are the

7、 ones that are uniquely positioned to support students through all ofit and we take great pride in making sure that we do,day in and day out for our students.”ReadingCheck1.How does Woodson feel about his future education?A.Confident.B.Unsure.C.Concerned.D.Negative.2.What makes it harder for teens t

8、o apply for colleges recently?A.The declining number of excellent selective schools.B.The lasting pandemic.C.The lack of openminded friendships.D.The popularity of distance learning.3.Who may face the severest pressure in college applications?A.Those whose parents have little education and income.B.

9、Those who feel difficult to get support from universities.C.Those who are suffering from mental health in hospital.D.Those who know much about adulthood.4.Who can help the seniors in high schools greatly according to paragraph 6?A.Doctors.B.Parents.C.Schoolmates.D.School advisors.24疯狂英语(新悦读)语篇解码本文是一

10、篇新闻报道,介绍了当前美国青少年在申请大学时的迷惘和已经产生的问题,他们希望录取过程能更友善一些。SolutionTeens ask for akinder collegeadmissions processSchool counselors should provide resourcesand support.CommonphenomenaExamplePossiblereasonsWoodson is a success but he feels horrifiedtoo.Seniors themelves are trying all means.Some parents cant o

11、ffer powerful support.Moreseniorsaresufferingfrommentalhealth.Most seniors are under pressure.The pandemic has worsened the problem.Financial aid is hard to get.语言学习.语料荟萃语篇单词重要短语financial adj.财政的;财务的;金融的admission n.(机构、组织等的)准许加入stressful adj.有压力的affect vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动source n.来源;出处process n.过程;进程;

12、步骤 vt.处理;加工lack n.缺乏;短缺 vt.没有;缺乏independent adj.独立的;有主见的valuable adj.有价值的uniquely adv.独特地the pros and cons 事物的利与弊;支持与反对by most measures 从大多数方面来看figure out 弄懂;弄清楚;计算make a big difference 有很大影响.语句分析1.Its a laborious and distressing experience for many students,especially thosewhose families never atte

13、nded higher education or lack the money to pay to improve theirchildrens chances of getting into selective schools.对许多学生来说,这是一段艰难而痛苦的经历,尤其是那些从未接受过高等教育或者没有钱提高孩子进入重点学校的机会的家庭的孩子。25Crazy English 2023.7【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句,句中的those是先行词,whose引导定语从句并在句中作定语。2.School counselors are the ones that are uniquely pos

14、itioned to support studentsthrough all of it and we take great pride in making sure that we do,day in and day out forour students.学校辅导员是特意委派来支持学生度过这一切的人,我们为确保我们每天都在为学生做这件事而感到自豪。【点石成金】本句由and连接的两个并列句构成:第一个并列句中含有一个定语从句,先行词是 the ones,that 引导定语从句并在句中作主语;第二个并列句中的making sure是介词in的宾语,而we do,day in and day o

15、ut for our students是宾语从句。语言运用.例句仿写1.这个奖项将颁给作品最具想象力的作家。The prize will go to the writer.2.优质大学是指那些具有高质量教育水平,并且能够充分认识自己的位置和前进的方向,能将学校的潜力不断转化为进步和自身能量的学校。Good schools are,and a good sense of where it is andwhere it is going,and those that are constantlyand its ownenergy.写作实践你校英语俱乐部本月主题月活动为“My ideal unive

16、rsity”,请你写一篇演讲稿参加活动。内容包括:1.描述你理想的大学;2.介绍原因;3.表达愿望。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。My ideal university26Crazy English 2023.7gift with you,but it doesn t have to besomething of great value.It makes sense totake some fruit or a bunch of flowers withyou.And youd better practice using chopsticks in advance

17、 or let them know aheadof time that you need a fork or spoon.Dont worry.I believe you can fit inwith the Chinese family.Yours,Li Hua巧读妙写青少年希望大学录取过程能更友善Reading Check14CBAD语言运用.例句仿写1.whose work shows the most imagination2.the ones that have a high level ofeducation;translating its potential intoprogre

18、ss.写作实践My ideal universityLadies and gentlemen,It is an honor for me to talk about myideal university.My ideal university is Stanford University,which was founded by the Stanfords who lost their son and decided to usethe universty to memorialize their belovedboy.Mr Stanford once said,“The childrenof

19、 California shall be our children.”Theuniversity covers many fields in STEM andhas fostered many talents for the world.I hope I will have the fortune to be admitted to Stanford University.玛克辛的励志人生Reading Check14BCDA语言运用.例句仿写1.which helped her find the meaningof life2.earning a nickname.写作实践Dear Mr S

20、mith,I am Li Hua,an editor of my schoolEnglish paper.I feel honored to invite youto have an interview on how to be positiveabout life and study.Our new column Successful Graduatesis designed to invite some excellent graduates to deliver encouraging speeches andshoot inspiring videos to appeal to all students at school to study hard and achievetheir goals with determination.I hope youcan give me a chance to interview you.Would it be convenient for you this Friday?76

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