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1、一、单项填空。(20分)( )1. Mrs Black eats meat, so she is heavy.A. too much; much too B. much too; too muchC. too much; too much D. much too; much too( )2. Its too cold today. You need lots of warm clothes.A. wearing B. to wear C. wears D.put on( )3. Lily doesnt like apples. I dont like them, .A. also B. too

2、 C. either D. all( )4. Jim two hours cleaning the room on the weekend.A.cost B. spent C.used D. took( )5.-Where he go on last Sunday? -He to the mountains.A. is; go B.does; goes C. has; went D. did; went( )6. -Would you like something to eat? - .A. Yes, Im full B. No, thanksC. No, just a little D. Y

3、es, here you are( )7. -Do you still remember me somewhere in Shanghai? -Yes, of course. Two years ago.A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw( )8. I get a . I am very happy.A. work B. works C.job D. jobs( )9. I dont think hes so great. But my mom .A. do B. does C. did D. doesnt( )10. Everyone in our class

4、 English.A. enjoy studying B. enjoys studyC. enjoy to study D. enjoys studying二、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(10分)1. Wow, roast chicken, it must be d .2. He visited America over his summer v .3. Its i to learn English well.4.The cake tastes delicious. Give me a one, please.5. Our English teacher is s with us in c

5、lass, but sometimes he is funny.6. S found them and gave them back to my sister.7. Its 100 000 dollars. Thats too e .8. They wear school u every Monday.9.L ,I passed that English test.10. I visited my grandparents in the c on the weekend.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Some travelers are taking (photo) of the

6、 pyramids.2. Would you like (have )lunch with us?3As we know,Beethoven(贝多芬)was a great (music).4. I think that book is (interest).5. Do you know the (high)of the building?6. Please wash your hands before (have ) dinner.7. What an (excite) trip.8. Hes (friend)to me. He often gets angry.9. Remember (w

7、rite) to me as soon as you arrive in Beijing.10. Lily with Lucy (have)a big dinner now.四、下列各句中有一处错误,请指出并改正。(10分)1.Some of my classmatesis fromothercities. ( ) A B C D2. Wang Linspent10 yuanina new pen. ( ) A B C D3. Ididnthousework, Iwantedtogo boating. ( ) A B C D4. Ibuya new scarfformy motheron Mo

8、thers Day. ( ) A B C D5. My fatherenjoysspendhisweekendinthe countryside. ( ) A B C D五、完形填空。(20分)Dick is seven years old and begins to go to school this autumn. He1very hard and listens to the teacherHe is polite(有礼貌的),and has2friends.Its Saturday today. Dick, his sister and his mother3at home. His

9、mother is doing some4in the kitchen (厨房)and hes watching TV and the girl is doingher homework. At ten his father5with a bag of apples. The boy likes apples very much and wants to6some. His mother7him four and says, Go to8them. Dick washes the apples and then gives them to his mother. The woman says,

10、9apple do you want, Dick?The biggest(最大的)one,Mummy.What? says Dicks mother“ You should(应该)be polite and choose(选)the10one.Should I tell a lie(撒谎)just to be polite,Mummy?( )1.A.writes B. reads C. studies D.sings( )2.A.few B.many C.no D. little( )3. A. sleep B. watch TV C. stay D. eat( )4. A. homework

11、 B. reading C. shopping D. housework( )5. A. comes back B. gets up C. goes out D. stands up( )6. A. eat B. wash C. pick D.buy( )7. A. buys B. gives C. sells D. eats( )8. A. eat B. sell C.wash D. buy( )9. A. Which B. What C. Who D.What color( )10. A. big B. dirty C.clean D.small六、阅读理解。(20分) A Wuhan Z

12、ooPrice: Adults 20 Children¥10Open:8:00am-5:00pm every dayYellow Crane TowerPrice: Adults 50 Children: 25Open: 8: 00 am -6: 15 pm winter &spring7: 00 am -6: 30 pm autumn &summerMo Mountain of Fast LakePrice: 40Open: 8: 00 am-5: 30 pm every day Jiefang ParkPrice: freeOpen: all day and all night( )1.

13、Sam likes animals very much, he should go to .A. Wuhan Zoo B. Yellow Crane Tower C. Mo Mountain D. Jiefang Park( )2. You are ten. This weekend your parents and you go to the Yellow Crane Tower, you may yuan on tickets (票)together.A.40 B.100 C.125 D.150( )3. You can visit Yellow Crane Tower at on sum

14、mer vacationA.8:00pm B.7:45pm C.7:20am D.6:10am( )4. Which of the following is true according to the reading?A. Only children need no money for tickets when visiting Jiefang ParkB. Children pay the same as the grown-ups(成人) for the tickets at Mo Mountain ofEast Lake.C. Jiefang Park is open only in t

15、he daytime.D. The ticket price (价格)of Yellow Crane Tower is different all the yeararound.( )5. If you have little money, you can go to for fun.A. Wuhan Zoo B. Yellow Crane TowerC. Mo Mountain D. Jiefang Park B Mr. Smith gets a letter from a friend of his and reads it in his study. At this time, the

16、head of his office calls him and he goes to answer. His son Bill goes into the room. He begins to draw a monkey on the letter. When his father comes back, he cant read it any longer. He beats(打)the boy and lets him go out. Bill begins to watch an old man mending a bike at the turning.“ What does you

17、r father do?” asks the old man.Hes a lawyer(律师)”Does he usually put others into prison (监狱)?No,answers the boy, He says he cant do such foolish (傻的)things.Do you hope to be a lawyer, too?No, I hope to be a policeman.For what?He beats me this morning.( )6. Why does Mr. Smith beat Bill?A. Bill makes h

18、is fathers letter dirty.B. Bill doesnt do any houseworkC. Bill doesnt want to go to schoolD. Bill reads something in his study.( )7. The wordstudyin this reading means .A. learning B. office C.room for study D. classroom( )8. Bill goes out and plays .A. at school B. in a building C. at a shop D. at

19、the turning( )9. Bill hopes to be a policeman to .A. help his fatherB. put others into prisonCpunish(惩罚)his fatherD. guard his father( )10. From the reading we know that .Athe boy is very naughty(淘气)B. the boy becomes a lawyer at lastC. the old man is a lawyerD. Bills father is put into prison七、根据文意

20、及首字母提示完成短文填空。(15分) Today is Sunday. Its also a sunny day. Lots of people go out to(1)e the sunshine(阳光). Lisa and her classmates are(2)p in the park now. Linda andJack are listening to (3)m happily. Tom and Bob are boating in the river. They are having a good(4) t .What about Lisa and the others?The

21、y are(5)t about their lives in the future(将来)Jimmy would like to(6)l a policeman (7)b he thinks its very exciting. Jenny likes writing and talking with people, so she wants to be a(8)r and works for a magazine. Lisa wants to be a (9)d and worksin a hospital.She wants to(10) h sick(生病的)people. All of

22、 the students are having a great time.八、书面表达。(15分)根据所给中英文提示写一篇日记,注意时态、格式。昨天是星期天,下雨,你和同学们去参观了一个博物馆,在那里度过了一个偷快的星期天。提示词:rainy,visit, museum, in the centre, were used(被使用), hundreds of years, a little girl, find, cry, in the corner, happy, fun 参考答案一. 1-5 ABCBD 6-10 BCCBD二.1.delicious 2.vacation 3.import

23、ant 4.another 5.strict 6.Someone 7.expensive 8.uniform 9.Luckily 10.country/countryside三. 1.photos 2.to have 3.musician 4.interesting 5.height 6.having 7.exciting 8.friendly 9.to write 10.is having四、1B are from 2Con 3. Adidnt do 4. Abought5B spending五、15 CBCDA 610 ABCAD六、15 ACCBD 610 ACDCA七、1enjoy 2

24、playing 3music 4. time 5. talking 6. become/be 7. because 8. reporter 9. doctor 10. help八、 Sunday Rainy Yesterday was Sunday. It was also a rainy day. My classmates and I went to visit amuseum in the center of the city. We saw many old things. They were used hundreds ofyears ago. When I planned to come back home I saw a little girl crying in the corner.She was lost. I helped her to find her mother.The motherthanked me for it.It was a really happy and fun visit.

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